Sunday, 18 April 2021 22:00

Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Micah Bell

Written by Mark Hospodar
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Micha fills in the role of villain perfectly throughout Red Dead Redemption 2. These are some things about him you probably never caught on to.

Great video game narratives often contain memorable villains, the kind that players love to hate. Micah Bell, from Red Dead Redemption 2, certainly fits that description. Once a comrade of Arthur Morgan, Micah gradually develops into one of the architects behind the Van der Linde gang's destruction.

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Micah isn't just a violent brute. He proves himself to be a highly intelligent manipulator, especially when it comes to Dutch. Like most characters in the game the details of Micah's backstory are revealed piecemeal through conversations and textual documents. Since Red Dead Redemption 2 is massive when it comes to content it's easy to miss a few details concerning this notorious outlaw along the way.

10 The Ferry Heist Was His Idea

The infamous "ferry heist" is an event that's often referenced in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. Although never directly witnessed it's implied through dialogue that the plan went horribly wrong. Several members of the gang were killed as well as an innocent woman whom Dutch reportedly murdered in cold blood.

The whole fiasco is attributed to Micah considering both Arthur and Hosea argued against the plan from the beginning. The police presence turned out to be unexpected and unusually strong. The gang's efforts to recover the ferry heist money, which they had hidden, plays a central role in the final segments of the game.

9 The Color Of His Hat Is Ironic

There's an interesting tidbit about the color of Micah's hat that most players may have missed. In film, the classic formula for Western movies usually revolves around a "good guy" coming into conflict with one or more "bad guys." A very common motif in these films involves the hat color of the participants. The hero typically wears a white hat, while the villain wears a black one. In fact, a popular expression was borne from this same motif: "The man in the white hat," which denotes someone very honorable.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, this trope is actually reversed. Micah, the villain, wears a white hat. Meanwhile, Arthur Morgan, the nominal hero of the story, wears a black hat. It's an interesting switch that illustrates the moral ambiguity that permeates the story and its characters.

8 Possesses A Violent Backstory

One of the more interesting activities a player can do is explore the backstories of their fellow gang members. Players have the opportunity to learn a few details about Micah's life before the events of the game. He supposedly grew up in the outlaw gang of his father, a vicious criminal in his own right. For a time, bother father and son were also wanted for a brutal double murder of a rancher and his wife.

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In addition, players learn that Micah used to run with his brother Amos in a gang as well. The two eventually experienced a falling-out. In a letter, Amos has seemingly repented his wicked ways and wants nothing to do with his violent and amoral brother.

7 Saved Dutch's Life

It's abundantly clear that most members of the gang dislike Micah, especially Arthur. Only one person seems to take a liking to him, and that's Dutch himself. Dutch values loyalty, a trait he (mistakenly) sees in Micah. To some extent, the leader of the Van der Linde gang feels indebted to him for something that occurred shortly before the game's events.

In 1898, Micah actually saved Dutch's life. The latter had been attempting to sell a load of stolen gold. Evidently, the deal went bad with the locals and things took a violent turn. Micah, who wasn't involved in the deal, intervened on Dutch's behalf. For his role in the altercation, Micah was asked to join the Van der Linde gang, an action that would lead to disastrous consequences down the road.

6 Involved In Multiple Endings In Arthur's Story

The player has a lot of freedom when it comes to how they want Arthur to act. Honor plays a large role in how other characters perceive him. The sum of Arthur's actions throughout the story culminate in one of four different endings. The decision to either retrieve the money or help John Marston's family also affects the ending.

A confrontation with Micah is present in all the endings. If Arthur possesses high Honor, he ultimately bests Micah in their fight. Arthur then goes on to die peacefully on his own terms. Conversely, low Honor Arthur is always murdered by Micah in the end. Interestingly, the latter's injuries can be slightly different. For example, when going back for the money, high Honor Arthur will slash Micah's eye with a knife. He will still bear the scar when encountered again in "American Venom."

5 He Rarely Sleeps

The player inevitably spends a lot of time in camp throughout the course of Red Dead Redemption 2. The game goes to great lengths to make it feel like a living community where its members can be observed partaking in a variety of activities. Naturally, sleeping is a part of the daily routine in which most gang members participate.

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Micah is one conspicuous exception. Outside of a handful of scripted events Micah very rarely sleeps. Arthur actually notices this rather odd behavior and even comments on it. When asked, Micah will respond that sleep is "overrated." It's a disconcerting habit that's easy to overlook on the first playthrough.

4 Multiple Methods To Break Him Out Of Jail

The main objective for Arthur in "Blessed Are The Meek?" is to spring Micah from the jail in Strawberry. The game provides a pretty obvious hint in regards to accomplishing this task. It suggests using a nearby winch to pry the bars off the side of the jail. Because of this hint, many players may have failed to realize that there are other methods available to complete this task.

In addition to the winch, Arthur can also plant dynamite outside the walls of the jailhouse to achieve the same effect. An even more direct approach involves storming through the front door and gunning down the lawmen inside. A different cutscene will trigger where Arthur frees Micah by unlocking the door to his cell.

3 Kills Jack's Dog

By the time the gang settles in Clemens Point the player may witness one of many unique events. John's young son, Jack, adopts a stray dog that wanders into camp. He's given the name Cain and becomes Jack's new companion. Micah, however, dislikes the dog and even kicks him at one point.

Once the gang reaches Beaver Hollow, Cain disappears. The player can observe Jack looking for him. Micah will coldly tell the boy that the dog is gone and won't be coming back. If Arthur broaches the subject with Micah the latter will coyly imply that he killed Cain. Arthur will then impart some choice expletives.

2 Rides A Familiar Horse

This neat little detail was only just recently discovered. Many of the central characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 ride uniquely-named horses. The one belonging to Micah is a Missouri Fox Trotter named Baylock. It has a dark, black coat with a white face.

In the original Red Dead Redemption, John is able to unlock a unique horse if his Honor drops to the "Road Agent" rank. The mount, called Dark Horse, bears a striking resemblance to Baylock in the prequel. It's a subtle nod that serves to further highlight Micah's villainy in the second entry.

1 Secret Ending

In "American Venom" Micah finally receives his comeuppance at the hands of Dutch and John. After Dutch shoots Micah in the chest the player must direct John to land the killing blow. Normally, John pumps the villain full of lead and rescues Sadie Adler in the process.

Nevertheless, there exists a "secret" ending to this finale, although it's by no means canon. To be seen, the player needs to activate the invincibility cheat code. When the player is given control to shoot Micah, do nothing instead. What results are some unique animations where Micah kills both Sadie and Dutch before limping back into the cabin. The full clip can be seen here, courtesy of D3ADSHOT.

NEXT: 10 Most Breathtaking Locations In Red Dead Redemption 2

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