Friday, 23 April 2021 22:15

Loop Hero: All Basic Road Tiles & What They Do | Game Rant

Written by Reyadh Rahaman
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There are 14 different kinds of tiles that can be placed. Some are genuinely helpful, while others can mean hardships ahead. Here's what they all do.

Tiles are a huge component of the gameplay in the smash indie hit, Loop Hero; a dark, pixelated RPG that can become intoxicatingly addicting. Minutes can turn to hours very easily while going for a loop, therefore adventurers should get familiar with the terrain for a more enjoyable time.

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Upon the Road, the looping path of one's journeys, there are 14 different kinds of tiles that can be placed. Some are straightforward to understand and genuinely helpful, while others can mean difficult battles and hardship. To know them all is to exploit them and attain the brilliant treasure that can be found through the bravest and brainiest means.

14 Campfire

This crucial Tile marks the beginning of all of one's journeys as well as the moment when the Loop counter increases. Passing through it will restore 20% of The Hero's HP and refill potion, both of which are crucial to staying alive. Additionally, while one is on this tile, they can return safely to their camp without losing some valuable resources. Finally, the Campfire also spawns the Boss of whatever Chapter the player is in when the Map Completion Gauge in the top left is filled.

13 Wasteland

While the blandest and least interesting Tile in the game, Wastelands still provide vital gameplay aspects to each Loop. Their primary function is to spawn slimes (a 5% chance every day on each space), however, when accompanied by certain Roadside Tiles, they become something else. When near a Battlefield, they become a Blood Path; when next to a River, they become a Reed; and every time the player places 10 Forests, a Wasteland Tile turns into A Village? Tile.

12 Cemetery

This Road-placeable Tile spawns a skeleton every 3 days, though also grants resources. Every time the player passes through one, they will receive Preserved Pebbles (and possibly Memory Fragments as well). Annoyingly, the skeletons that spawn can sometimes be archers, which will aid other foes in battles on adjacent Tiles.

11 Grove

Wooded Tiles such as these are an excellent source of Stable Branches, however, it spawns a ratwolf every 2 days, which can roam to adjacent tiles.

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The number of Stable Branches one can harvest and the loot dropped by the ratwolves are decent reasons to place a few of these.

10 Blood Path

As mentioned before, Wasteland Tiles near Battlefields can transform into Blood Paths, but only if the area of effect from 2 Battlefields (or Shipwrecks) overlap. They spawn the filthy blood clot enemies, who are relatively weak, though can submerge themselves every few turns, which can make them a bit of an annoyance to defeat.

9 Village

These beneficial Road Tiles heal The Hero every time they pass through by an amount proportionate to the current Loop Level. Upon doing so, the player will also receive a quest, which will give one random monster on the map a crown and additional strength. This special foe can be defeated to get a rare item the next time one passes the same Village Tile.

8 Ransacked Village

When one places a Vampire Mansion next to a Village Tile, it becomes a Ransacked Village. This decrepit space will spawn 4 ghouls every Loop for 3 Loops, though, afterward it will become a Count's Land Tile. While the final effect is great, dealing with the regenerating ghouls can be a huge pain, especially on higher Loop Levels.

7 Count's Land

If The Hero can deal with the ghouls following the 3 turns that a Village Tile gets ransacked, it will turn into a Count's Land, which heals the player every time they pass through it for a much greater amount than a Village.

RELATED: Loop Hero: Traits Tier List

The quest given here is also upgraded for a better reward; another incentive to get one's Village transformed early in every adventure.

6 Wheat Fields

These Road Tiles can be placed adjacent to Villages and Count's Lands in order to buff the amount that they heal The Hero, and their areas of effect can overlap to accommodate multiple Villages and Count's Lands. However, they also spawn a nimble scarecrow enemy every 4 days.

5 Overgrown Fields

When a Wheat Field is placed near to A Village? Tile, it turns into an Overgrown Field. This variation acts similarly, however, in addition to spawning scarecrows, it will now spawn field of blades; a kind of enemy that appears as tufts of sharp grass, which can perform many counterattacks.

4 Ruins

Despite spawning obnoxious scorch worms (every 2 days), who can aid foes in battle from adjacent tiles as well as flee before The Hero can slay them, Ruins provide a constant supply of resources. Each time the player passes through one, they will receive a random basic resource shard.

3 Swamp

The scorch worms are quite a pest, though, mosquitos are arguably worse. These pesky and evasive foes spawn from Swamp Tiles every 3 days, which can get bothersome at the higher levels due to their ability to interrupt attacks.

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Swamps also cause healing to deal damage (except for potions), however, this trait affects enemies as well. This effect can be abused by combining it with that of a Vampire Mansion, which usually grants HP regeneration to enemies.

2 A Village?

With a mysterious name and description, these green towns are a bit spooky at first, however, they are merely the dwellings of tree-loving enemies. A Village? Tile appears on the Road every time 10 Forests are placed and will spawn a wooden warrior every 2 days.

1 Bridge

A River and a Reed Tile (made when a River Tile touches a Wasteland Tile) must be adjacent for a Bridge to spawn on the Road. These structures are unique as they are one of the few kinds of Tiles that no monsters naturally spawn on. If one is tired of dealing will all of those slimes that spawn on the common Wasteland Tiles, be sure to try and create some Bridges for a more pleasant Loop.

NEXT: Loop Hero: All Cards (And How to Unlock Them)

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