Sunday, 25 April 2021 01:00

Star Wars: Finn’s Backstory Could Be the Blueprint to an Awesome Star Wars Movie

Written by Tony La Vella
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Everyone’s favorite evil army is shaping up to be deeper and more nuanced than everyone once thought – make a movie out of it!

The introduction of FN-2187 in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a novel idea for the Star Wars universe. Otherwise known as Finn, he was a deserter from the First Order Stormtrooper army. More than that, he was a child soldier that was purchased and forced into the ranks. As the Star Wars Disney Trilogy continued, and with the release of The Mandalorian on Disney+, fans learned that Finn is not the only child soldier, nor the only one who had a conscience.

If Rogue One could fill in the gaps of what happened with the Rebels and the Death Star flaw, so to should there be a movie solely about Stormtroopers and their lot in the galaxy. If one eagerly dives into the daydream of the idea, Star Wars: Stormtroopers could be filled with awesome action and explore a great deal of new themes for the franchise. Prior to John Boyega’s portrayal of Finn, Stormtroopers were merely considered the grunts of the Galactic Empire. They were faceless, nameless cannon fodder for Luke Skywalker to lightsaber or for Han Solo to laser blast away. Star Wars: The Clone Wars explored the personalities and relationships of the Clone Troopers, but the thread between the Prequel Era and afterward has never fully been weaved.

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There is a chance that Star Wars: The Bad Batch will progress the story of the Clone Troopers and show when the transition from clones to natural-born soldiers occurred, and if there were any struggles or conflicts surrounding that event. Yet it is more likely to focus solely on the Clone Troopers and the change from the Republic to the Empire, rather than the change from clones to humans. There is a twenty-year span that Bad Batch just cannot cover. The topic of Stormtroopers is a well of both entertainment and thoughtful inquiry, as they are essentially the professional enforcers of an oppressive violent regime – whether volunteers or conscripts.

Finn explained that he was taken from his parents (or sold by them) as a child and trained by the First Order. Witnessing the massacre on Jakku and the execution of the defenseless San Tekka (played by the late great Max von Sydow) during his first real mission caused him to hesitate in shock. He felt such revulsion and guilt that he deserted the First Order and eventually joined the Resistance, ultimately becoming one of its Generals.

In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, fans found out that more child soldiers defected from the First Order as Finn meets Jannah on planet Kef Bir. She and her squad refused orders to kill innocent civilians and went into hiding with a small tribe. Then they returned to the fray to join the Resistance and fight in the Battle of Exegol. In The Mandalorian Season 2 Chapter 15, fans hear about the tragic battle of Operation Cinder. Migs Mayfeld (Bill Burr) is so traumatized by the battle that he assassinates Officer Hess in plain sight of the garrison. These characters serve as the precedent for what could come next.

If Finn, Jannah, and Mayfeld can recognize the brutality of the Empire, how many others do as well? How many others feel the same way they do and are harboring desires to revolt against the Empire? Or, more intriguing, have they already formed a secret internal faction of anti-Imperialists in the vein of Galen Erso in Rogue One?

This faction could undermine the exploitation and expansion of the Empire in subtle, devious ways. Perhaps culminating in a major assassination attempt against the Emperor, like in the movie Valkyrie? Or climaxing with an attack on an Imperial fortress full of a wining and dining High Command, like the movie The Dirty Dozen? Perhaps that fortress could be Darth Vader’s own castle on Mustafar? How cool would that be? Fans are already well versed in the deeds of the Rebellion and the Resistance. It would be a new venture to explore the internal dissatisfaction of the Imperials themselves.

The closest thing to a Stormtrooper story expansion is the animated children’s short Stormtroopers vs. Rebels – Soldiers of the Galactic Empire.

Now that Disney owns the Star Wars property, it seems like the franchise is expanding in new and wide directions. In the very near future, they will release shows and movies of all types about spies, about pilots, about droids, and of course about the Jedi and the Sith. No where in that roster of upcoming content is there anything about the rank-and-file Stormtrooper. It is a fertile field that can illuminate a once deliberately ignored sphere of the franchise. No longer are Stormtroopers viewed as minor henchmen. As evident with Finn and the others, there are real people under those ivory helmets. Their story should be told -and it could be the best war movie Star Wars has ever released!

Star Wars: The Bad Batch will release on Disney+ on May 4th, 2021.

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