New Pokemon Snap is finally here with plenty of places and Pokemon to see as players take various photos. As a way to incentivize players to search for new poses and new Pokemon, players are able to complete requests given out by the game's NPCs.
One of the earlier requests players can get in New Pokemon Snap is from Professor Mirror. This request is named "For Whose Sake?" and requires players to both have access to Florio Nature Park's night stage as well as the ability to use Illumina Orbs on Florio Island.
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The goal of this request is to find out what Pokemon the Combee are working for in the flower field at the end of the Florio Nature Park night course. Those familiar with the bee-like Pokemon would know that this Pokemon is Vespiquen, the evolution of female Combee.

In order to get Vespiquen to appear and complete this request, players will need to wait until they reach the flower field. They are still free to take whatever pictures of Pokemon they want before this point as only actions in the flower field determine whether or not Vespiquen will show up.
Once players get to the flower field, they should look toward the right in order to see a blue Crystabloom. If it isn't lit, players will need to throw an Illumina Orb at it in order to activate it. Then a little further in is another Crystabloom. If this one also isn't lit, players again need to throw an Illumina Orb at it. After they are both lit, Vespiquen will fly in and allow players to take photos of it.
There are a variety of valuable photos that players can take with Vespiquen as the subject. It responds to both music and Fluffruits, as well as occasionally doing aerial flips. The Combee in the area will additionally hover around Vespiquen, adding on to the points gotten from the photographs. Players however need to be mindful of how close they are getting to the end of the course, so it's best to take as many photos as possible before running out of time.
Vespiquen is just one of many Pokemon that players can find hidden throughout Florio Nature Park. With how many different behaviors and actions it can take, it is recommended for players to photograph Vespiquen throughout multiple trips in this course in order to fill out the Photodex.
New Pokemon Snap is out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.