Thursday, 29 April 2021 20:30

Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Things The Game Doesn't Tell You About The Voodoo Boys

Written by Rhett Roxl
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CD Projekt Red's Cyperunk 2077 only scratches the surface when it comes to the Voodoo Boys. What doesn't the game reveal about the gang?

Cyberpunk 2077's Night City is an exciting place for those who thrive amidst corruption and crime. This free city is far from safe, but mercenaries, corrupt CEOs, and gang members have made it their own little paradise. One of the most prominent gangs in Night City goes by the name of the Voodoo Boys.

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Players of Cyberpunk 2077 are surely familiar with this gang as they played a minor role in the game's main campaign. Those who got the chance to meet the Voodoo Boys will immediately realize just how interesting and dangerous they can be. Like many of the gangs in Night City, the Voodoo Boys have a long and fascinating history, many of which players won't learn just from the main campaign alone.

10 How The Voodoo Boys Came To Be

The Pacifica District was meant to be a massive vacation resort. However, the Unification War caused the district to financially fall. Investors abandoned a redevelopment project which was constructed by mostly Haitian workers.

The Haitian workers refused to leave the district after the projects were abandoned. They made the abandoned and half-built buildings their new home. Several eviction attempts were made, but the resilience of the Haitian workers ultimately allowed them to prevail. These workers called themselves the Voodoo Boys.

9 Small In Number

A lot of the gangs in Night City are feared for a lot of reasons. Some of the most feared gangs are incredibly powerful because of their influence, brute force, and numbers. The Voodoo Boys may have influence and force, but their numbers are surprisingly small given the amount of fear they instill.

It is estimated that there are only about 50 to 250 Voodoo Boys members. The gang is led by Brigitte and her right-hand man, Placide.

8 Mystical Practices

One of the reasons why the Voodoo Boys are so feared is because of their eerie practices. Back when the gang was established, it mainly consisted of voodoo priests and priestesses. In 2077, it is known that the Voodoo Boys continue to engage in magic rituals, but what exactly those rituals entail is not clear.

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Members of the gang will often leave chicken blood and feathers on the doorstep of their victims. They are also known to dissect body parts for rituals, if not mainly to inspire terror.

7 Guardians Of The Haitians

In the Cyberpunk universe, the country of Haiti got wiped off the face of the planet after succumbing to global warming. A lot of Haitians perished while those who survived were left off to fend for themselves. This event is highly predominant in the history of the Voodoo Boys, often considered as the mark of a new chapter in their lives.

After this consequential event, the Voodoo Boys essentially appointed themselves as the guardians of the Haitian refugees. They were welcomed and taken care of by the gang in Pacifica.

6 The Naive Youthful

One of the Voodoo Boys' business ventures is drug dealing. One of their most common places to gather customers is by the University. The non-synthetic drugs dealt by the Voodoo Boys are apparently very appealing to the students. The gang's nihilistic nature and use of drugs are attractive to a lot of them as well. For these very reasons, a lot of students have opted to join the Voodoo Boys.

The gang has often allowed some students to join their ranks, but they are not considered to be real members. Instead, the Voodoo Boys exploit their naive nature and use them as foot soldiers, baits, and milk them for profit from their families.

5 Secretive Nature

The Voodoo Boys are very secretive in nature. Although it is known that the Pacifica District is the Voodoo Boys' territory, the gang has no official, singular headquarters, crash pads, and they rotate meeting places. The location and date of each meeting are revealed to the gang members at the end of every meeting.

Media coverages of the Voodoo Boys are often attempted, much to their demise. These attempts always result in failures, and in two extreme cases, death.

4 Rivalry With The Animals

The Voodoo Boys and the Animals only have one thing in common: they are both very feared groups. Other than that, these two groups couldn't be further apart from one another. The Voodoo Boys are very cultural and mystical, while the Animals are very physical and raw. It's almost fated that these two gangs would end up as rivals as they cross paths.

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The Animals also made Pacifica their home and have been in territorial dispute and gang wars with the Voodoo Boys ever since. The Animals also often work with Netwatch, an organization that often clashes with the Voodoo Boys in cyberspace.

3 The Hababas

Although the Hababas bar is nowhere to be found in Cyberpunk 2077, this location is known by those who have played the Cyberpunk tabletop games. The Hababas is a place frequented by the members of the Voodoo Boys. It is where they used to do most of their drug dealings, among other things.

The Hababas is located in Night City's University sector. This is why a lot of the Voodoo Boys' customers in the Hababas consist of students. A lot of recruitments also happen here. Before the bar became the gang's hangout spot, it was a very respectable biker bar.

2 Threat On The Net

The numbers of the Voodoo Boys may be low, but their threat level is still considerably high. The zenith reason for this is their presence on the net. The Voodoo Boys are skilled and talented netrunners and edgerunners. They dedicate a lot of their time improving cyberwares, breaching the Blackwall, uncovering the secrets of the Old Net, and programming viruses.

The Voodoo Boys remain sustainable because of their successful efforts in hacking the databanks and accounts of powerful and wealthy megacorporations. For this reason, the Voodoo Boys are often targeted by NetWatch.

1 Brigitte

Brigitte is the leader of the Voodoo Boys. She is affectionately referred to by the members as "Mama" and she is more respected and loved than she is feared inside the organization. Interestingly, Brigette's name and title are very fitting for her as the leader of a Haitian gang.

In Haitian Vodou, the spirit of death goes by the name of Maman Brigitte.

NEXT: Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Things The Game Doesn't Tell You About The Valentinos

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