Friday, 30 April 2021 14:59

New Pokemon Snap: How Many Pokemon Are There? | Game Rant

Written by Jonathan Ammerman
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The original Pokemon Snap on the Nintendo 64 featured over sixty Pokemon, but New Pokemon Snap on the Switch blows that number away.

New Pokemon Snap has arrived on the Nintendo Switch, and with it comes the opportunity to shoot countless photos of Pokemon in their natural habitat. The follow-up to the 1999 cult classic brings plenty of new features, but it also brings nearly three and had times more Pokemon to the mix. But exactly how many more Pokemon are in New Pokemon Snap is a great question.

So far the reviews are favorable for New Pokemon Snap, and part of the reason for this is the idea that the game has provided quite a nice upgrade from its counterpart from over two decades ago. The game is a modernized version of the original, but also one that feels genuinely improved on. One big upgrade is simply the multiplication of Pokemon themselves.

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The 1999 version of the Nintendo 64 Pokemon Snap featured 63 Pokemon. New Pokemon Snap has a total of 214 Pokemon, an impressive 340% increase. While the original Pokemon Snap has fewer games to go off of as a reference, New Pokemon Snap "borrows" from all of the eight generations of Pokemon games.

The 214 Pokemon in New Pokemon Snap are scattered across the various regions and biomes. For example, in Voluca in the Sweltering Sands is where players will find Torchic. Meanwhile, in Maricopia while visiting Maricopia Reef, players may find Lapras. Filling up the Photodex in New Pokemon Snap takes time and patience, especially if going for 100% completion. But knowing that the total count is 214 is helpful.

Some Pokemon appear quite frequently. Others, like Sylveon, can be very elusive. For the sake of side quests, or to complete the Photodex, it is important to know when, where, and how to find each Pokemon. Finding Vespiquen in New Pokemon Snap can be tricky, for example, but with the right plan or understanding of how it is done, the task becomes a lot easier.

There are rumors that New Pokemon Snap could receive DLC at some point in the future. So on top of the 214 confirmed Pokemon, the DLC could theoretically add more. These new Pokemon could come from any of the regions and generations of the past, but it would only add to the "gotta catch 'em all" idea of the game. Nintendo could easily handle the additional Pokemon like Niantic does with Pokemon GO; bringing in new creatures over time and in waves but for now, the total is set at 214.

New Pokemon Snap is out now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: New Pokemon Snap is Missing Popular Feature from First Game

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