Astrological signs are always linked to certain types of personalities, like the spontaneous Sagittarius or the analytical Virgo. In the world of Genshin Impact, Teyvat is filled with all kinds of intricate characters. The complex layers to their personalities are part of what makes the game feel vast and immersive.
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From fiery characters to ice-cold ones, Genshin Impact has it all. Whether it be friend or foe, each character has their own unique and special feel, making some of them perfect examples of each astrological sign. Here are all twelve Zodiac signs, as the Genshin Impact characters that they suit best.
12 Aries: Bennett

Bennett perfectly embodies the spirit of the ever-adventurous and energetic Aries. Those under the sign of the ram are full of youthful strength and are passionate, honest people. Bennett, although cursed with the worst luck, is always ready to set out for whatever adventure is in store and will always give it his all.
Regardless of the downfalls Bennett encounters on his journeys, he stays optimistic. Not only does Bennett keep a positive outlook on life just like an Aries, but he also shares many dislikes Aries have, such as inactivity or not utilizing one's true potential.
11 Taurus: Zhongli

When it comes to the the sign of the bull, no one is more fitting than the sophisticated Geo Archon, Zhongli. Tauruses are practical, responsible, patient, and devoted people; it's clear that Zhongli fits the bill. Tauruses enjoy surrounding themselves with love and beauty, and Liyue provides both beautiful scenery and also great love for Rex Lapis.
Despite being so well-grounded, Zhongli, like the Taurus, does give into materialistic things once in a while. Players can see this in his exuberant spending sprees with the Traveler (courtesy of Childe, of course).
10 Gemini: Childe (Tartaglia)

Geminis are notorious for embodying two very different personalities, just as Childe does. On one hand, there is the fun-loving, gentle, and charming side of him when around his younger brother Teucer. On the other, there is a blood-thirsty, cruel Harbinger that vows his loyalty to the Fatui.
When it comes to both the Gemini and Mr. Tartaglia, one never knows which side they're going to get. One second, Childe can be his "innocent" self, trying to get on the Traveler's good side, and in a quick shift, he's back to his serious self. He truly is the best of both worlds.
9 Cancer: Jean

The acting Grand Master of the Knights Of Favonius, Jean Gunnhildr, is a kind and sympathetic leader. Much like a Cancer, Jean is loyal strongly sentimental. Cancers are very emotional people who care deeply about those around them, and vow to always help them when they're in need.
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Cancers often trust their hearts to guide them. As the Grand Master, Jean constantly follows her intuition to protect the people of Mondstadt. When it comes to taking care of her nation, a Cancer like Jean is a perfect fit: a compassionate leader with a heart of gold.
8 Leo: Beidou

Leos oftentimes are natural leaders, and Beidou is most definitely a great captain. However, though she cares about her crew, Beidou can't escape the signature stubborn, inflexible demeanor Leos often possess.
Beidou is a generous, caring person, always putting her crew and their needs first. Unfortunately, this passionate attitude often leads to Beidou's run-ins with the law in Liyue, due to her blatant disregard for rules. With all her strengths and weaknesses, it's clear that no one fits the sign of the lion's fiery attitude better than Captain Beidou herself.
7 Virgo: Ganyu

Virgos are cautious individuals; they're very observant when it comes to their surroundings. As the secretary for the Liyue Qixing, Ganyu is naturally a loyal, hardworking, yet shy person. Ganyu and Virgos are both very timid and often worrisome. Always busy with their work, Virgos are very practical and organized individuals.
Due to her half-Adepti heritage, Ganyu, like a Virgo, is a misunderstood soul due to difficulties in expressing herself to those around her. When it comes to the diligent yet shy Virgo, no one could be more fitting than the soft-spoken Ganyu herself.
6 Libra: Sucrose

It's no secret that Sucrose looks up to Chief Alchemist, Albedo. She respects him both from a personal standpoint and an academic one as well. To the Libra, partnership is incredibly important, and finding someone they admire and hold dear is crucial when evaluating themselves, their goals, and their aspirations.
Libras are of keen intellect and are very diplomatic, much like Sucrose herself. Additionally, each also has a tendency to always try their best to avoid any kind of confrontation.
5 Scorpio: Traveler (Lumine/Aether)

Although much of the protagonist's personality is dictated by the player themselves, the Traveler surprisingly has a lot in common with the sign of the scorpion. Scorpios are determined souls with a dedication to always pursue the truth. They are brave yet stubborn, fierce yet secretive.
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Scorpios, much like the Traveler, are mysterious people and express their emotions differently from others. The Traveler is an often silent protagonist that players themselves don't know too much about. However, Aether and Lumine are so dynamic that somehow, even their silence is filled with personality.
4 Sagittarius: Venti

Venti is a free spirit that loves to travel wherever life takes him. He and the Sagittarius sign have that in common. Both Venti and this fire sign are idealistic, open-minded people with the need to wander the outdoors and take in the fresh air.
Like this sign, Venti also has a great sense of humor, but can sometimes be a bit too blunt with his comments. These two share a common dislike as well. Sagittarians hate being constrained, and value their freedom as their most precious treasure in life.
3 Capricorn: Ningguang

Business mogul Ningguang is a master when it comes to exercising self-discipline. She's determined to reach her goals, no matter what the circumstances. Additionally, the sign of the goat is easily moved by material things. It's no secret that one of Ningguang's main interests is in expanding her business practices to generate more mora.
Ningguang is a perfect example of a textbook Capricorn not only because of this, but also due to her serious nature. Her immense focus on progressing both her professional and personal life encapsulates this sign.
2 Aquarius: Xiao

Xiao is an initially cold character. However, after some digging, the player discovers that he simply avoids emotional expression, thinking it to be a trivial human matter. Surprisingly, the Aquarius has this in common with this Adepti. On top of this aversion to emotional sentiment, Xiao also shares the need to have time away from others in order to heal and restore power.
Xiao is a very intellectual individual who enjoys his own personal time. This makes him incredibly similar to Aquarians, unique people who love to exercise their minds.
1 Pisces: Albedo

Pisces are compassionate and gentle souls with a love for art and music. Albedo easily fits the bill when it comes to the sign of the fish. Both enjoy their alone time, but are very compassionate people when it comes down to it.
Albedo truly treasures time he has on his own. He typically spends his alone time painting and taking in the scenery, enjoying and taking in both his love of arts and nature. The calm, soft-spoken Chief Alchemist perfectly embodies the gentle, artistic nature of a Pisces.
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