Friday, 30 April 2021 14:11

Third-Party Developer Adds Helicopter DLC to Microsoft Flight Simulator

Written by Andrew Heaton
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Not content with just simulating airplanes, a third-party developer adds a fully-functioning helicopter to Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Something of a staple on PCs, Microsoft Flight Simulator has been bringing the thrill of digital aviation to player's screens since the 1980s. Despite the fact that the game now has its first paid DLC after some licensing issues, that hasn't stopped one third-party developer from creating their own.

FlyInside, a development company that creates its own flight sim content as well as making its own VR simulator, has decided to do something that Microsoft Flight Simulator itself hasn't done, which is to add a helicopter to the game. The DLC adds a Bell 47 to the main game, which some may recognize as the helicopter from M*A*S*H.

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The add-on has been tested by the editor of HeliSimmer, a website devoted to all things helicopter. The test pilot, as it were, remarked on how realistic the model is and the potential for future helicopters to be added to the DICE award-winning simulation game. It is, however, worth noting that this is not free DLC and costs just under $35 US. Whether that price is worth it will depend on how enthusiastic players are to see fully-working helicopters in the game.

There are other, official, updates coming to Flight Simulator as well. Earlier in April, it was announced that Microsoft would be adding new planes to the game shortly after the World Update 4 patch. Such planes include ATR 42-600 and ATR 72-600, among others. No word yet whether they plan to add their own helicopters but if this third-party add-on shows anything, it's that the game is more than capable of sustaining new and different flying machines.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is available now on PC and is planned for release on Xbox Series X|S in 2021, and an Xbox One version is rumored.

MORE: Microsoft Flight Simulator is Better With the Right Peripherals

Source: HeliSimmer

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