Saturday, 01 May 2021 14:58

Destiny 2: Season 14 - What's the Power Cap? | Game Rant

Written by Steven Marinelli
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Destiny 2 Guardians may be familiar with the traditional Power level grind each season, however, that is changing with Season 14's new Power cap.

Destiny 2 and its Guardians are less than two weeks away from exploring a new season, and the new content that comes with it. One of the quieter changes in Destiny 2 for Season 14 deals with Guardians and their Power cap. While Guardians have been jumping up by 50 levels for each season for the past few seasons, this is changing with Season 14.

A Guardian’s Power level is directly tied to how much damage they can do and the content they can take part in. The past few seasons have given Guardians a Power level increase of 50 points, forcing Guardians to grind to reach max Power level before starting any endgame content.

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In the Destiny 2021 update, Road to the Witch Queen, Bungie outlined the changes to the Power cap. Starting in Season 14, Guardians will only have a Power cap increase of 10 points. This reduces the grind to max Power level for many players. The Season of the Chosen Power cap is 1300 with a Pinnacle cap of 1310. Increasing this by 10 makes the Season 14 Power cap 1310, which should put the Pinnacle cap at 1320.

The Difference between the Power cap and the Pinnacle cap is the Engrams that players need. Prime Engrams and Powerful gear drops will take a Guardian to the Power cap of 1310. To reach the Pinnacle cap of 1320 in Destiny 2, Guardians will need to grind for Pinnacle Gear drops found in endgame activities such as the raid.

Guardians who reached 1310 Power level by the end of Season of the Chosen will begin their Power grind towards the Pinnacle cap and will need Pinnacle Gear to increase their Power level. For the Guardians who start Destiny 2 Season 14 under 1310, they can use Powerful Gear and Prime Engrams to reach 1310 and then start their Pinnacle cap grind.

This change to the Power cap will make it much easier for more Guardians to reach the Power level cap and take part in endgame activities such as the Grandmaster difficulty of Nightfall: The Ordeal. Many Guardians enjoyed the Power level grind and may be sad to see it reduced in its scale. Others may appreciate the lessened time requirement for reaching Power level cap.

Guardians should keep in mind that these Power level caps do not use the bonus Power level granted from the Seasonal Artifact. The Power level caps only go off of the base Power level of Guardians. While Guardians can use the Seasonal Artifact to increase their Power level for Endgame content, it will not have any effect on the base Power level, which is what dictates the engrams needed to reach each Power and Pinnacle cap.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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