Genshin Impact's Tartaglia, also known as Childe, is the youngest (and the most recent) member of the eleven Fatui Harbingers. Childe is a loyal devotee of the Tsaritsa, and he considers himself a weapon to achieve the Cryo Archon's vision.
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Childe has had two banners in Genshin Impact. He was released on 1.1 and had a rerun on 1.4. His unique play style and personality successfully cause people to fall in love with him. However, because of his unique playstyle, a lot of players struggle to build him. It is understandable since Childe's kit can easily confuse the players. Here are some examples of mistakes players usually make while playing Childe.
10 Playing Him as The Only Main DPS

Childe is capable of dealing a decent amount of damage. However, his main source of attack is his skill. Childe's normal attack is negligible, so most players won't deal sufficient damage on his normal attack.
When players use Childe's skill, he enters a melee stance. Afterward, Childe will deal Hydro damage instead of Physical damage. Because of this, players can't enhance both his normal attack and skill damage. Other than that, Childe will enter an endless cooldown after deactivating his skill. In this duration, players won't be able to effectively use the character. That's why people should not use Childe as the only main DPS.
9 Not Building Enough Critical on Him

When building Childe, the main aim is to make him deal the most damage and apply Riptide. To achieve that, Critical Rate and Critical Damage should be the top priority. However, this can be pretty hard and players often end up with imbalanced stats.
The reason is, Childe's ascension bonus is not Critical Rate or Critical Damage (like most of the other five stars in the game). His Ascension bonus is Hydro Damage, and it hurts his Critical stats. To sum up, players have to ensure Childe has enough Critical stat to maximize his damage and ensure Riptide application to his enemies.
8 Playing Him Without Vaporize

Elemental reactions are important for any DPS damage. Because Childe mostly deals Elemental damage, Elemental reactions are trivial for him to trigger. The best reaction for this character is Vaporize, which occurs when Pyro and Hydro meet.
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When Hydro is the trigger for Vaporize reaction, it will deal double the damage. This amplifying reaction can increase Childe's damage by a significant amount. It is most apparent when Childe is dealing damage on his burst. With the assistance of Bennett and Sucrose, Childe can easily one-shot a lot of enemies.
7 Misusing his Riptide

Riptide is a status effect Tartaglia puts on his enemies in various ways. It helps him deal more damage, especially when he uses his Elemental burst. Some players might not notice this detail in Childe and use his burst mindlessly.
As long as the opponent has Riptide status on them, anything Childe does to the enemy will cause an AOE Hydro explosion. This feature should not be underestimated as it plays an important role in Childe's damage-dealing capabilities. After unlocking his second passive, players can automatically apply Riptide by dealing Critical hits in the melee stance.
6 Not Managing His Skill Cooldown

Childe's melee stance starts when players activate his skill. A blue mark will appear on his head, and his bow is converted into a Hydro weapon. In this duration, Childe will obtain a whole new damage multiplier. This skill may be fun to use, but it's crucial to remember that it suffers from an endless cooldown. This cooldown scales with the duration of the skill.
The best way to fully benefit from Tartaglia's skill is to stay in his melee stance for around 28 seconds. A blinking pink mark will appear once this skill is close to its maximum duration. The maximum duration of his skill is 30 seconds. However, players must take into consideration that if his skill switches automatically, then it will have an even longer Cooldown. So they need to make sure to end it manually.
5 Not Using a Healer or a Shielder With Him

Tartaglia is a selfish character. After his skill is activated, he can't leave the field. Characters like Razor and Klee also suffer from this issue, where they can't be swapped out during the duration of their burst. In this duration, players will not be able to swap characters to protect these units.
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That's why players must match Tartaglia with a shielder or a healer. Casting supportive skills before entering the melee stance will ensure Childe's safety on the battlefield. Xingqiu, Zhongli, and Bennett are examples of characters that work well with Childe.
4 Building him as a physical DPS

Physical damage and Childe does not go well together. Childe's ascension bonus is Hydro damage, which means players can't optimally play Childe using physical build. Not only that, this Harbinger's source of damage comes from his Hydro melee stance. So building Childe on Physical means he will lose a lot of damage in this stance.
Instead of Physical, players should focus on Hydro damage. This way, Childe can live up to his maximum potential. Not only that, but building Childe on Hydro damage also means enhancing his burst damage.
3 Not building him with Heart of Depths

Genshin Impact artifacts can be tricky, especially for characters such as Childe that can do so much. He works well with Retracting Bolide, 2-Gladiator's Finale, and many more Artifacts.
However, building him with Heart of Depths is the best option for this character. After he activates the melee stance, he obtains 30% more damage on his Normal Attacks for 15 seconds, plus 15% hydro damage from the 2-piece. Tartaglia's Melee stance's damage will be increased by 45% for 15 seconds for practically no condition.
2 Using Stringless for Main DPS

Since Childe's damage comes from his skill and burst, it's easy to see why players would equip Stringless Bow on him. Unfortunately, Stringless doesn't affect his melee normal attacks. Instead, it only affects Riptide and his burst. Rust is a much better choice to fully utilize Childe's kit.
Rust affects his melee stance attacks where he'll be doing most of his damage. On Refinement Rank 1, Rust increase Childe's normal attack by 40%, and on maximum refinement, this number is bumped to a massive 80% addition.
1 Upgrading His Basic Attack

One of the common mistakes people make when leveling up Childe's talents is upgrading his normal attack first. The thing is, he doesn't benefit from his normal and charged attack. This is mainly because Childe should be built on Hydro damage, while normal attacks will scale with Physical damage.
The only benefit from leveling up his normal attack is boosting the damage dealt from Riptide when the enemies are defeated. That's why players should prioritize Childe's skill and burst over his normal attack. His normal attack can be upgraded after the rest of the talents are leveled.
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