Although more news regarding Final Fantasy 16 is expected to drop this year, fans still don't know too much about the next entry in the franchise. A website detailing Final Fantasy 16's settings and characters, as well as its debut trailer, are all that have been shown off. There may be more about the game at E3 2021, but regardless, it seems safe to say that fans are excited to see what's next for it.
There's even some inklings that Final Fantasy 16 may release sooner than expected, and if so, that's even better for a forthcoming marketing/news cycle. However, in diving through all of the lore made available so far, there's one small detail that has been seemingly overlooked, and it likely has some big implications for the game's story.
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First off, there are a few small details regarding the story. It seems something happens to Joshua, a blight is affecting the land of Valisthea, Eikons are likely a big deal, and the world seems to be on the verge of war, if not at it already. The two depictions of Clive seemingly imply a time-skip, which would make sense given the age change and war escalation seen in the trailer. But in this war between several countries, several of them have a Mothercrystal. Crystals to Final Fantasy are nothing new, but notably, each of these crystals has a name.
That's a bit peculiar itself, but perhaps more importantly, the names follow a particular pattern of sorts. The Grand Duchy of Rosaria, from where FF16's Joshua and Clive hail, has a Mothercrystal situated in an off-shore volcano, and its name is Drake's Breath. The Holy Empire of Sanbreque's capital Oriflamme is built around its Mothercrystal, the Drake's Head. The Dhalmekian Republic controls the Drake's Fang, which is located in the heart of a mountain range.
The Kingdom of Waloed has the Drake's Spine, which has been instrumental in the King's quashing of rebellions and assembly of armies. The dark Iron Kingdom of Final Fantasy 16 controls the Drake's Breath, a mothercrystal that lies "at the heart of one of their islands." At the center of Valisthea is the Crystalline Dominion, not so much a country as a dominion of representatives from surrounding nations, and it is built around the "tallest" of all Mothercrystals, Drake's Tail.

Notably, while they haven't really been shown off, it seems these crystals may not look like a traditional Final Fantasy crystal, at least in size. Drake's Tail is regarded as the tallest, a couple are big enough for cities to be built around, and others are hidden in a mountain. This varying size and naming convention could imply these to be some sort of gift from a "drake." Now, this could refer to a specific creature, but sometimes it is used interchangeably with dragon. And if these mothercrystals are somehow directly related to a dragon, it's hard to not imagine that either A.) there's an abundances of Dragons/dragon-like creatures in Final Fantasy 16, or B.) the more likely answer is that these mothercrystals are related to Bahamut.
Final Fantasy 16's similarities with FF15 are compounded even more if this is in allusion to Bahamut as well. In FF15, Bahamut plays a role in the One True King and ending the Starscourge that Adryn accelerates. With the blight drawing similarities to Starscourge (if not with the same effect), it could be that Bahamut's role becomes similar in ending the blight. Story structure has to be considered as well, as it seems likely that Clive comes into contact with these Mothercrystals somehow. This could perhaps explain his varied combat in FF16, but of course, this is just speculation.
What stands is that Final Fantasy 16 crystals are always important, and as such, this naming convention is likely important as well. How these crystals relate to a drake or a dragon, especially regarding their size, remains to be seen, but overall, it's an interesting set-up with a ton of potential.
Final Fantasy 16 is in development for PS5.
MORE: How Final Fantasy 16's Apparent Time Skip Affects Clive