Saturday, 01 May 2021 20:30

New Pokemon Snap: Whats Up With Wurmple Request Guide | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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A late-game request in New Pokemon Snap requires players to photograph a strange behavior performed by Wurmple at Florio Nature Park.

There are many different optional requests that players can fulfill throughout New Pokemon Snap. While some of these requests award players with new stickers to use in photo editing, others help players fill out their Photodex with new Pokemon behaviors.

As players make more and more progress in New Pokemon Snap, more Pokemon and Pokemon behaviors will become available to them. This also means that more requests also become available that can help lead players to find this new content.

RELATED: How To Unlock Every Course In New Pokemon Snap

After making it to level three of Florio Nature Park at daytime, players will be able to complete the What's Up With Wumple request. For it, players need to capture a photo of Wurmple performing a specific strange behavior. The photo can only be taken when the course level is at least three.

While there are multiple Wurmple that players can find throughout Florio Nature Park, the one players need for this request can be found shortly after crossing the stone bridge near the Swanna in the water. It however isn't what players should be looking out for at first.

After crossing the bridge, players should look slightly up in the sky for a group of Taillow. They will suddenly fly out of a tree on the left with players needing to take a photo of them. Some may even want to take multiple photos just to be on the safer side. Once the Taillow realize that they've been photographed, they will suddenly turn around and go further on the course's path.

With this step done, players should zoom in on their camera and look slightly to the left to find where the Taillow have moved to. If the photos were done correctly, they should be harassing a lone Wurmple on the left side of the path. Once players have the Wurmple in frame, they should throw an Illumina Orb at it. This will cause it to use some kind of Poison-type move on the Taillow, causing them to scatter. This is the moment players will need to catch on camera for the request.

The photos from this moment are valuable for both Taillow and Wurmple, making it highly recommended for players to take multiple so there can be different photo subjects. For the request, however, only one with Wurmple as the subject will count toward the request's completion. What makes this moment especially interesting however is that the only Poison-type move Wurmple can learn is Poison Sting, with this move clearly not being that.

New Pokemon Snap is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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