Pokemon Masters (officially titled Pokemon Masters EX) is a free-to-play mobile game that came out in August 2019. This spin-off Pokemon game allows players to use actual trainers from the game series as well as their genuine partner Pokemon to battle others. These sync pairs duke it out on the island of Pasio.
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There are different types of sync pairs: Support, Tech, Special Attack Strike, and Physical Attack Strike. The Physical Strikers are the ones that dish out the damage, focusing on physical-based attacks. Typically, they concentrate on one opponent at a time too.
10 Grimsley (Sygna Suit) And Sharpedo

Grimsley (Sygna Suit) and Sharpedo have an ATK of 354. Their effects are Defense Down (Opponent), Attack Up (Self), Stat Condition Clear, Evasion Up (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), Recoil, Speed Up, and High Move Gauge Damage Up. The typing is Water, and the weakness is Fairy.
This pairing is all about speed. When entering battle, Sharpedo comes in like a wrecking ball. Unfortunately, he is only able to keep it up a few turns due to Recoil.
9 Korrina And Mega Lucario

Korrina and Mega Lucario have an ATK of 390. Their effects are Attack Up (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), Defense Down (Self), Sp. Def Down (Self), Speed Up (Self), and Flinch Immunity. The typing is Fighting and the weakness is Fire.
With an already awesome damage output, this paring takes things a step further with critical hits. While fine alone, the team goes above and beyond with support from others. Just focus on raising critical chance rates as much as possible.
8 Noland And Mega Pinsir

Noland and Mega Pinsir have an ATK of 427. Their effects are Repeat Use Damage Bonus, Attack Up (Self), Speed Up (Self), HP Up (Self), Stat Decrease Immunity, and Attacks Ignore Damage Reduction. The typing is Bug and the weakness is Flying.
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Of course, the attack value here is insane. That is a no-brainer. But Mega Pinsir's speed ain't that bad too (which may be increased) and the move Fury Cutter works wonders.
7 Iris And Haxorus

Iris and Haxorus have an ATK of 253. Their effects are Attack Up (Self), Confusion, Speed Up (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), and Low HP Power Up. The typing is Dragon and the weakness is Ice.
Her stats are nothing to sneeze at but everything else makes it better. This pairing has the potential to take on teams by itself. This is thanks to a fantastic pool of moves and awesome buffs.
6 Wally And Mega Gallade

Wally and Mega Gallade have an ATK of 435. Their effects are Defense Down (Self), Sp. Def Down (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), Attack Up (Self), Sp. Atk Up (Self), Accuracy Up (Self), Speed When Taking Damage Up, and Speed Up. The typing is Fighting and the weakness is Ghost.
Although this pairing's attack value is crazy good, the real power lies within their ability to debuff opponents. Concentrate on weakening the opponent. Then strike.
5 Olivia And Lycanroc (Midnight)

Olivia and Lycanroc (Midnight) have an ATK of 401. Their effects are Attack Up (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), Accuracy Up (Self), Sp. Def Down (Self), and Speed Up. The typing is Rock and the weakness is Grass.
There is only one thing to worry about with Lycanroc and that is his poor accuracy. So, buff it! Once that is taken care of, the attacking power (and critical hits, and speed boosts) is nasty.
4 Steven And Sandslash (Alolan)

Steven and Sandslash (Alolan) have an ATK of 380. Their effects are Attack Up (Self) and Hailstorm Immunity. The typing is Ice and the weakness is Fighting.
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Sure, this pairing only excels when the weather is bad. But Hail (and Invigorating Hail) is worth investing in anyways. So, as long as the whole team is centered around this effect, the potential is high.
3 Brendan And Sceptile

Brendan and Sceptile have an ATK of 376. Their effects are Crit Chance Up (Self), Sp. Atk. Up (Self), Attack Up (Self), Speed Decrease Immunity, and Paralysis Immunity. The typing is Grass and the weakness is Poison.
On the surface, Sceptile is good already. Then buff it just once or twice and he hits like a truck. However, be careful as this pairing will not stay powerful for long.
2 Cynthia And Mega Garchomp

Cynthia and Mega Garchomp have an ATK of 397. Their effects are Attack Up (Self), Crit Chance Up (Self), Speed Up (Self), and Sandstorm Damage Up. The typing is Ground and the weakness is Ice.
Yes, this pairing needs Sandstorm up to reach true potential. But the move Earthquake is that good while this weather effect is active. Teams centered around Cynthia and Mega Garchomp are scary.
1 Steven And Mega Metagross

Steven and Mega Metagross have an ATK of 460. Their effects are Flinch, Attack Up (Self), Defense Up (Self), Next 100% Critical Hit, Endure, Unity Bonus Damage Up, and Stat Decrease Immunity. The typing is Steel and the weakness is Ghost.
Beyond the fact that this pairing has the highest attack value in the game, they also bring solid healing and worthy mana restoration. Seriously, Steven and Mega Metagross are unfairly powerful compared to other Physical Strikers. In fact, they have more potential than basically every other Pokemon pair out there.
NEXT: 10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Pokémon: Masters