Saturday, 01 May 2021 21:37

5 Long Games You Can Probably Beat Before More Dead Island 2 News Releases

Written by Megan Gingerich
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Dead Island 2 is still in development, but fans could probably beat some of the longest games out there before there's anything new about it.

Dead Island 2 was announced at E3 in 2014, but seven years later, it doesn't seem to be any closer. Since before its announcement, the project has suffered due to constantly changing hands. After announcing the game, Techland decided to focus on its new Dying Light franchise instead. Yager Development took on the project early on and intended to release it in 2015, but that obviously didn't happen. Sumo Digital took over next, but two years ago, the development of Dead Island 2 was handed over to Dambuster. The game is still happening, but who knows when.

The biggest problem with Dead Island 2 is that even if it does come out in the near future, the expectations will be far higher than they would have been a few years ago. The longer Dead Island 2 spends in development, the better it will have to be to keep up with next-gen expectations. A lot has changed since 2014, and the sequel won't be able to get away with staying stuck in the past. Unfortunately for fans, that might mean development takes even longer. There's no telling how long it will be before Dead Island 2 finally sees the light of day, but it won't be anytime soon, so here are some of the longest games that should help fill the waiting period.

RELATED: Dead Island 2 & Other Games Stuck In Development Limbo

Skyrim was released a decade ago, but gamers are still enjoying it today and constantly finding new quests and things to do. It can take 30-50 hours to complete the main story, but between three lengthy DLCs, endless caves and dungeons to explore, and a seemingly infinite amount of side quests and favors, the game can feel never-ending. Players could easily spend over a hundred hours in Skyrim without ever touching the main story, and the depth of the RPG mechanics adds huge replayability value.

For many gamers, Skyrim is their desert island video game. The map is incredibly vast, and although dungeon crawls can feel a little bit repetitive after a while, it's addictive and easy to sink hours into the game. Many players have logged hundreds of hours on Skyrim and are still discovering new secrets.

Up until very recently, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was the most awarded video game of all time. Players who haven't had the pleasure of playing CD Projekt Red's most popular game ever can be assured they'll have a great experience, but Witcher 3 is also one of the longer games out there. Focusing on the main story and playing just enough side quests to level up along the way can easily take 70 hours, but that's only half of it.

Witcher 3's complete edition comes with two massive DLCs, "Hearts of Stone" and "Blood and Wine." Each one feels like its own game rather than a DLC, especially "Blood and Wine," which opens up a completely new region of the map. The two DLCs can double the playtime, and when the main stories are complete, there are still a ton of side quests to complete and armors to collect. The titular character, Geralt of Rivia, is a professional monster hunter; he always needs coin, and civilians always have monsters that need killing.

Persona 5 is one of the most popular JRPGs out there, filled with vibrant characters and fast-paced action gameplay. However, Persona 5 is also famous for balancing high school life and everything that comes with it. Part-time jobs, hanging out with friends, and studying for tests are all important aspects of being a teenager, and they can take up a lot of time.

Players can spend over a hundred hours on just the main story of Persona 5, and even longer depending on how many extra tasks they decide to do. For many, the extra activities are the best part of the game, so it's not uncommon to sink hours upon hours into the high school simulator part of the game. For completionists, Persona 5 can take almost 200 hours, making it one of the best games to kill time with. That's not even including the other entries in the subfranchise.

RELATED: How Long It Takes To Beat Every Persona Game vs. Elder Scrolls Game

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is another huge game that can essentially take however long the player wants to spend on it. Just sticking to the main quests can take anywhere from 35-50 hours, but beyond that, there is a huge map to explore with tons of extra activities. Exploring the world can take hours, and players who like to focus on collecting loot and upgrading their gear can burn a lot of daylight. There is so much do to in Odyssey that it can get overwhelming. For context, it can take six hours alone just to reach the title screen.

In addition to the base game, players can also complete the DLC, "The Fate of Atlantis." Most fans will spend about 15 hours completing the DLC story, but completionists can spend almost 30 hours. Like the Witcher 3 DLCs, it's basically a game within a game. There is also another DLC called "Legacy of the First Blade," which is significantly shorter, but it will still add a good several hours of playtime to the enormous game.

When looking up some of the longest games, Dragon Age: Inquisition is always on the list. The main quests will only take up about 40 hours max, which is still a long time, but finishing everything the game has to offer will take a lot of players up to 200 hours. A lot of the games on this list can take up to that long, so the number starts to lose its significance after a while. However, considering that the average gaming session is around 2 hours for most players, that means Dragon Age: Inquisition could take almost 100 days to complete.

In addition to the main game, Dragon Age has eight DLCs to pad out the runtime. The numerous DLCs vary in length, but on average seem to take between 6-9 hours. Multiply that by eight, and that's an extra 50-70 hours easily. Players can hope there's more news on Dead Island 2 soon, but in the meantime, consider becoming a Dragon Age completionist to pass the time.

Playing any one of these games won't make Dead Island 2 come out any faster, but they're all great games that have a lot to offer for players who have some extra time on their hands. For players who like to enjoy shorter gaming sessions, these games could very well hold over until Dead Island 2 actually releases...or maybe that's just wishful thinking. Hopefully, it will be worth the wait.

Dead Island 2 doesn't have a release date but will launch for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: How Much is Known About Dying Light 2 and Dead Island 2

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