Wednesday, 05 May 2021 10:00

10 Mistakes Everyone Makes Playing Total War: Rome Remastered

Written by Mark Hospodar
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Total War: Rome Remastered can be daunting for new players, many of which are likely to commit some common but avoidable mistakes.

Total War: Rome Remastered brings the celebrated franchise back to the battlefields of the ancient world. Even with a slew of new updates and features neither old nor new players should have much trouble getting into the swing of things. New players, however, would do well to try to avoid making these rookie mistakes during their first playthrough.

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Games in the Total War series often vary in their difficulty. Total War: Rome Remastered can be a challenging experience right out of the gate. There is no perfect way to play, of course, but there are certain actions that should always be avoided whenever possible.

10 Neglecting The Economy

The economy plays a huge role in Total War: Rome Remastered. It's what keeps the denarii flowing into those faction coffers. By far, the most common mistake players make in any Total War game is neglecting to give the economy the attention it deserves. Going into long-term bankruptcy can easily spell the end of a campaign.

A robust economy is absolutely essential for fielding large armies. Players really need to strike the "golden middle" when it comes to income. The player needs to have enough money not only for unit upkeep but for upgrading and constructing new buildings. Always have a little denarius left over at the end of the turn to spend on farms, markets, and ports.

9 Failing To Incorporate Unit Variance

The player can't conquer new territory without armies. Frequently, enemy stacks will need to be dispatched out in the open field. To have a high chance of success of winning a battle the player needs to incorporate some unit variance in their armies. This is another stumbling block that often vexes new players.

Having only one type of unit in an army significantly handicaps the player on the field. Armies should always have a mix of various troops so that enemy threats can be countered effectively. Infantry, archers, and cavalry represent an army's core. When applicable, siege units can be thrown in for good measure to provide helpful artillery support.

8 Forgetting About The Agents

Agents provide a (sometimes) non-violent method of furthering the player's goals, often through subterfuge. It's tempting for new players to focus solely on the military aspect of their faction. Nevertheless, neglecting agents is like trying to win the campaign with one arm tied behind your back. Why ignore a helpful resource?

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Spies are perhaps the most useful of all the agent types. Knowing where and when a threat is coming is invariably helpful information. Realizing the composition of enemy armies is also worth knowing so that the player's own forces can be tweaked if necessary. A handful of diplomats scattered throughout the map guarantees quick communication among all parties. Merchants can squeeze extra income from valuable trade nodes. Lastly, an experienced assassin or two can get rid of a pesky enemy agent or general when required.

7 Listening To The Senate Too Much

Playing as the Romans adds a unique wrinkle to the otherwise formulaic Total War equation. The Senate of Rome will regularly issue missions to the player, offering a variety of potential rewards if they are completed. Ignoring the decrees of the Senate repeatedly will invoke the ire of this powerful political body.

However, it should be noted that trying to please the Senate too much can upset the player's own plans for the campaign. The Senate is notorious for asking the player to declare war on factions they may not be ready to fight, potentially leading to defeat. It's fine to ignore these requests every so often to avoid becoming too overstretched.

6 Neglecting The Navy

Another trap many first-time players fall into involves the navy. Much of the conquering on the campaign map will be done on land. Nevertheless, many factions, particularly in the Mediterranean, can't afford to ignore their naval forces. Traveling by sea can be dangerous and land armies can be obliterated instantly if the player isn't careful.

Different factions approach navel buildups in their own particular way. Carthage and the Roman families, for example, definitely need navies in the early game. They're imperative not only for the defense of one's own shores but are also vital for offensive amphibious landings. Don't allow those battle-hardened troops to be drowned by a superior enemy navy.

5 Forgetting About Upgrades

It's easy to crank out a steady supply of troops and send them into the field. Besides gaining experience, there's another way to increase a unit's deadliness. Upgrades make troops more formidable on the battlefield by granting them better weapons and armor. It's a detail that's very simple to overlook amidst so many other management concerns.

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Upgrading the player's main army is certainly worth the effort. Any extra edge in battle is always welcome, after all. Be sure to build structures like blacksmiths in cities where recruitment is primarily done. Units with no upgrades need to be retrained in a settlement with the requisite buildings present to receive the benefits.

4 An Absence Of Tactics On The Battlefield

Unsurprisingly, winning battles is the key to success in Total War: Rome Remastered. Possessing the greater numbers in a fight is fine, but it doesn't guarantee victory. Players new to the Total War franchise may be inclined to simply use brute force on the field of battle. Using simple strategy techniques consistently yields better results.

One of the simplest basic strategies involves pinning an enemy force down utilizing a solid collection of infantry. In this situation, it's often favorable to flank the enemy as much as possible with cavalry or any other reserves the player may possess. Eliminate the opposing general to damage morale and mop up any stragglers. Try not to leave an enemy force intact to haunt you later!

3 Mismanaging Settlements & Garrisons

Conquering new lands is one thing, but maintaining those gains is another problem entirely. This can be especially difficult for inexperienced players. Enemy incursions, agent actions, and rebellions often plague the player's border regions. With the right remedies in place, however, keeping control of new territories becomes easier.

First and foremost, try to place competent governors in important settlements. They will help a great deal with public order and tax collection. Don't garrison settlements with troops from your primary army unless you are expecting an imminent attack. Garrison cities with Town Watch or Peasants so that unit upkeep costs don't skyrocket. Lastly, construct buildings that increase public order to help prevent rebellions.

2 Ignoring The Building Chains

Studying the building chains is something that should be done on the very first turn. Not knowing which building unlocks what unit for recruitment can really cheat the player down the road. It may seem tedious, but planning out what to build in advance makes the late game less of a headache.

Luckily, the game is teeming with information. Unlocking the best units as quickly and efficiently as possible keeps the edge in the player's favor. It's also beneficial to plan which cities are going to be the primary sources of income and which ones will be used for recruitment. Examining the building chains will be a factor in that process.

1 Overlooking Followers & Retinues

Characters in Total War possess personality traits along with a collection of followers, known as a retinue. These individuals help boost that character's stats by a small amount. In one of its quality-of-life improvements, Total War: Rome Remastered adds a nifty feature that allows the player to easily trade members of a retinue among several characters.

With so many things already occupying a player's attention, it's simple to overlook a particular character's retinue. However, many of these benefits can come in handy in the right situations. It's worthwhile to take some time to sift through the retinue pool and decide who would benefit the most from each follower.

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