Thursday, 28 January 2021 01:15

Torchlight III: Everything You Need To Know About The Sharpshooter Class

Written by Linnea Capps
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Those looking for precision will love the Sharpshooter in Torchlight III. Here's all you need to know about the class and how it operates.

Players looking for a unique dungeon crawler to hack and slash their ways through should look no further than Torchlight III. Its unique mechanics, creative character archetypes, and generally goofy nature can be just what players need. The game had a closed alpha but with it now being available to the masses there's no better time to try it out.

For those that like attacking from a distance, the Sharpshooter can be the perfect class to try out. They can shoot everything from guns to bows and arrows and have unique summoning abilities to bring critters out onto the field to do battle for them. With so many skills and potential Relics to choose from it can be daunting to make a new character. With a bit of knowledge, however, it becomes much easier.

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The Sharpshooter has two skill trees, Adventurer and Precision. Each skill can be leveled up to make them more effective, with each skill point invested doing things like increasing damage and reducing cooldown. Precision Skills also have Adventurer Bonuses which help boost Adventurer Skills in ways. Here are the mechanics of how all of the skills work.

Tight Grouping – Fire a slim cluster of arrows dealing 150% Weapon Damage to all targets in the arc (4 ammo). Damage is increased with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – Tight Grouping now Slows enemies for -40% movement speed for 2 sec.
  • Tier 2 – +10% Relic Energy Charge Rate.
  • Tier 3 – Tight Grouping now fires a second burst every third volley.

Onslaught – Rain down a hailstorm of arrows from the sky dealing 60% Weapon Damage and lasting 4 sec (10 ammo). Duration is increased with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – +50% Duration for Onslaught.
  • Tier 2 – +10% Damage to Relic Skills.
  • Tier 3 – Onslaught’s rain of arrows now includes explosive arrows that detonate in a small area for 75% Weapon Damage.

Targeted Strikes – Fire three piercing shots, each dealing 110% Weapon Damage (5 ammo). Damage is increased with each skill point

  • Tier 1 – Each successive hit in a volley now deals +25% more Damage.
  • Tier 2 – +30% Ammo recharge rate.
  • Tier 3 – Every third Targeted Strikes fires larger arrows that deal double Damage.

Reload – Restore all your ammo and reset the cooldowns for all of your Adventurer skills. Cooldown is reduced with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – Reload reduces Ammo costs by -25% for 6 secs.
  • Tier 2 – +30% Damage for Precision Skills.
  • Tier 3 – Reload gains a Charge.

Explosive Arrow – Fire an explosive-tipped arrow that detonates on impact for 280% Weapon Damage (5 ammo). Damage is increased with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – Explosive Arrow makes enemies Burn for 50% Weapon Damage for 3 sec.
  • Tier 2 – 5% Chance for Precision Skills to Stun for 1 sec.
  • Tier 3 – Using Explosive Arrow makes your next three ranged Basic Attacks explode for 50% Weapon Damage.

Heart Seeker – Fire a piercing arrow that knocks enemies back and does 280% Weapon Damage on hit and leaves them Bleeding for 40% Weapon Damage for 6 sec (7 ammo). Bleed damage is increased with each skill point

  • Tier 1 – Heart Seeker Ammo Cost Removed.
  • Tier 2 – 5% chance for Precision Skills to Heal you for 5% of your Total Health on Hit.
  • Tier 3 – Heart Seeker now fires 3 missiles that seek out enemies, dealing Heart Seeker’s Weapon Damage.

Scattershot – Use your ranged weapon and do a short range, wide cone burst of projectiles, each dealing 290% Weapon Damage. Holding it down increases the damage up to 870% (5 ammo). Damage is increased with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – +50% for Scattershot’s Range.
  • Tier 2 – +50% Damage for Ranged Basic Attacks.
  • Tier 3 – Scattershot’s fully charged bonus is increased by +50%.

Scout’s Bones – Summon an ancient rat spirit swarm that moves slowly, piercing targets for 120% Weapon Damage and leaves them Poisoned for another 60% Weapon Damage for 2 sec. Damage is increased with each skill point.

Adventurer Bonus: your next three Precision skills apply Scout’s poison. Duration: 6 sec.

  • Tier 1 – Scout’s Bones now gives an extra stack of its Precision Skill buff.
  • Tier 2 – +10% Critical Hit Chance for Precision Skills.
  • Tier 3 – Scout’s Bones now fires three balls of rats.

Goblin Legion – Summon a pack of goblins to attack your foes. Damage is increased with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – 12 sec. Increased Lifespan for Goblins.
  • Tier 2 – +65% damage for your Pet.
  • Tier 3 – Goblin Legion now summons a Ghostly Goblin Brite who deals 75% of your Weapon Damage

Ghost Visage – Drop into the spirit realm and reappear in a new location, after which you are Intangible, making you unable to be targeted or take damage for 6 sec. or until you attack again. Increased Critical Hit Change after use increased with each skill point.

Adventurer Bonus: your next three Precision skills’ critical hit chance increased by 50%.

  • Tier 1 – Ghost Visage gains an additional Charge.
  • Tier 2 – 25% chance to become Intangible after using a Potion for 3 sec.
  • Tier 3 – Triggering Ghost Visage leaves behind a specter at your starting location that Taunts enemies for 2 sec.

Rizzi’s Fate – Summon a field of hungry demon spirits collectively known as Rizzi, whose grasping hands damage enemies for 70% Weapon Damage and slows them for -50%. The area lasts 6 sec. Increased damage with each skill point.

Adventurer Bonus: your next three Precision skills will immobilize targets for 2 sec.

  • Tier 1 – +50% Duration for Rizzi’s Fate
  • Tier 2 – +10% Damage to Blinded, Slowed, or Stunned enemies.
  • Tier 3 – A ghostly Netherim caster appears in Rizzi’s Fate spell area, attacking enemies for 50% Weapon Damage.

Sacrifice to Goose – Call down the spirit of a great eagle you call ‘Goose’ who deals 60% Weapon Damage, knocks back enemies, and applies a 25% damage vulnerability to them for 6 sec. Increased damage with each skill point.

Adventurer Bonus: your next three Precision skills will fire three ghostly eagle missiles on activation, dealing 40% Weapon Damage on hit.

  • Tier 1 – +20% Damage Vulnerability for Sacrifice to Goose.
  • Tier 2 – -10% for Sharpshooter Skill Cooldowns.
  • Tier 3 – Sacrifice to Goose’s Adventure Bonus fires two additional eagles.

Curse of Pi’pi – Conjure forth the watchful presence of the insanity-inducing god Pi’pi, inflicting 60% weapon damage and reducing their damage by -25% for 6 sec. Increased damage with each skill point.

Adventurer Bonus: your next three precision skills will also apply this curse, stacking it up to two times.

  • Tier 1 – Killing a cursed enemy now return 10% ammo.
  • Tier 2 – 10% chance to return Ammo on kill for Precision skills.
  • Tier 3 – Curse of Pi’pi pulses an additional two times after its initial activation.

Loyal Shasta – Summon a ghostly hound to taunt enemies. Increased damage with each skill point.

  • Tier 1 – 12 sec. increased summon duration for Shasta.
  • Tier 2 – 50% increased Damage to Taunted enemies.
  • Tier 3 – Shasta now has a burning area around her, dealing 50% Weapon Damage.

It is possible to make a workable build with each Relic in the game, but there is a reason certain Relics are used more than others. Bane is particularly popular with the Sharpshooter as they have a lot of summoning abilities. Cold Heart is also popular for its own summons but also its ability to keep enemies at a distance which suits the Sharpshooter well.

It's worth noting that not every ability is worth using with every Relic. There are simply not abilities that are always the best no matter which Relic players choose so they need to build around the abilities Relics offer them. If they don't they will be hampering their own ability to deal damage and advance in the game.

For those that have specific Relics they really want to work with, we have collected some very basic builds for players to work with. These have the Abilities and Relic Skills players should focus on with a basic explanation of what equipment to use. Players can use these building blocks to make the build that suits them best!

Core Skills: Loyal Shasta, Onslaught, Reload, Sacrifice to Goose, and Targeted Strikes.

Relic Skills: Dance of Death and Drain.

Equipment: Full Musketeer Outfit, and a weapon that deals physical damage.

Why This Build Works: The focus is about pouring on the damage. Even the Sharpshooter doesn't need to keep at a distance with the kind of healing Blood Drinker skills have to offer. Players just need to be sure they heal and deal hard as they lack a strong escape option.

Core Skills: Ghost Visage, Goblin Legion, Loyal Shasta, Sacrifice to Goose, Targeted Strikes.

Relic Skills: Arachnid Assault, Miasma, and Spectral Spider.

Equipment: Full Musketeer Outfit. Gear that offers more summons like Boneblocker.

Why This Build Works: So. Many. Summons. Bane works amazingly well whenever there are lots of critters to support and this build offers them in spades. There are usually so many creatures out on the field that enemies are swarmed easily.

Core Skills: Ghost Visage, Goblin Legion, Heart Seeker, Tight Grouping, and Rizzi's Fate.

Relic Skills: Chill Out, Frailty, and Glacier Cooldown.

Equipment: Full Musketeer Outfit. Weapons that deal frost damage and offer ice bonuses.

Why This Build Works: The Sharpshooter needs to keep at a distance from enemies so they don't end up overwhelmed and this build offers massive amounts of ways to slow and stun enemies. If none of the Relic Skills do the trick, players can always escape with Ghost Visage or summon a distraction with Goblin Legion.

Core Skills: Curse of Pipi, Goblin Legion, Loyal Shasta, Reload, Scout’s Bone, Targeted Strikes, and Rizzi’s Fate.

Relic Skills: Deadlier Bolts, Lightning Strike,  and Unleashed Energy.

Equipment: Full Musketeer Outfit. Equipment that increases the chance of Critical Hits.

Why This Build Works: Being able to have lots of different minions out at once through Goblin Legion, Rizzi's Fate, and Curse of Pipi can make it so lighting bolts are flying everywhere on the screen. Targeted Strikes splitting into three separate shots can help do the same.

Core Skills: Explosive Arrow, Ghost Visage, Loyal Shasta, Reload, and Sacrifice to Goose.

Relic Skills: Blazing Pillar, Cloak of Flames, Nimble Flames, and Summoning Smash.

Equipment: Full Musketeer Outfit. Weapons that deal Burn damage.

Why This Build Works: Explosive Arrow makes it very easy to get fire damage stacking quickly. Ghost Visage is simply the best movement option for the Sharpshooter as they won't have as easy of a time keeping enemies far away with this build. The equipment that can add Burn damage will stack well with many of the passive abilities Flaming Destroyer has to offer.

Torchlight III is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

NEXT: Torchlight 3 Releases Winter Update

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