Friday, 07 May 2021 04:22

Mass Effect Fan Reveals Incredible Tali Cosplay | Game Rant

Written by Peter Sitkowski
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Dedicated Mass Effect fan creates a highly detailed cosplay of one of the franchise's most well known and beloved characters, Tali'Zorah.

Mass Effect fan has revealed a stunning cosplay of one of the franchise's most beloved characters, Tali'Zorah. While there are many cosplays for the Mass Effect franchise, this is certainly one of the more detailed ones out there.

As a franchise, Mass Effect has always had huge cosplay potential, having a vast number of different alien races and iconic characters in its cast. Tali is a prominent member of Commander Shepard's squad, spending much of her time in the engine room of the Normandy and eventually becoming a love interest and romanceable character for those playing as a male Shepard. As Quarians have weak immune systems due to spending much of their lives in sterile environments, Tali wears a protective suit and mask to ward off disease.

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This 'envirosuit,' as it is known in-universe, is on full display in the cosplay, posted by Reddit user abisexualwhaleshark. In fact, a huge amount of detail has gone into the Mass Effect cosplay's design, with whaleshark stating that it "took a ton of work," with the entire costume being handmade aside from the Omnitool and a few components purchased from Etsy. Even more impressive is that the signature swirling patterns on the Mass Effect character's headdress were hand-drawn by the cosplayer, made with inspiration from "an Indonesian technique called batik."

Redditor abisexualwhaleshark appears to have been cosplaying for some time, with a cosplay of Midnight from the anime My Hero Academia and another of Sansa Stark from HBO's Game of Thrones under their belt. This isn't surprising, given the quality of the Tali cosplay and the willingness on their part to spend so much time perfecting its components. The costume itself is remarkably similar to the Mass Effect game's character, equipped with the signature purple visor and black jumpsuit, and none of it looking out of place or proportion.

With how popular the Mass Effect series is and the impending release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition this month, it is no surprise that fantastic cosplays are still being made for the franchise. Cosplay has always been a great way for fans of a game to express their love for certain characters, and this Tali cosplay helps to show that it isn't just a simple hobby, but also an artform in its own right. The insane amount of detail that went into bringing this Mass Effect character to life goes to show that the series has some extremely dedicated fans, which is good news for Bioware, as Mass Effect: Legendary Edition drops soon, and the company is no doubt hoping for a strong launch.

MORE: One Major Change in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition May Have Flown Under the Radar

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