Maricopia Reef (Evening) is the final course that players will unlock in New Pokemon Snap and becomes available once players have completed the game's main story. When it comes to routes and layout, it is identical to its daytime counterpart in just about every way. Where it differs, however, are the Pokemon that are available to be photographed and some of the special events that can take place.
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There are only 15 different types of Pokemon found throughout the course, which is a little light when compared to some of the other courses. That said, there are quite a few good ones. As well as the likes of Blastoise and Alolan Raichu, the reef is home to Vaporeon and the Legendary Pokemon, Manaphy. It's the only place that the pair can be photographed too, so those hoping to complete their New Pokemon Snap Photodex will need to pay the course a few visits at the very least.

- Inkay - There'll be some Inkay directly in front of the player as soon as they start the course. A pair can also be found out by the second Wailord if players illuminate the nearby Crystabloom to make it move.
- Wingull - Wingull show up throughout the early parts of the course. If players hit the Squirtle on the pillar with a Fluffruit, one will swoop down and knock it in which allows players to take a four star photo as well as turn in a photo request.
- Alolan Raichu - There are a few surfing Raichu scattered around the opening section of the course. Interacting with the one immediately after the whirlpool will lead to it doing a cool flip; a photo of which is required for the Practice Makes Perfect request.
- Squirtle - Two Squirtle show up on pillars in the opening section of the course. If players knock the second one into the whirlpool it will show up on the right side of the area containing the alternate exit by default. If players also summon Blastoise, however, it will instead show up on a rock near the point where the two routes branch off.
- Blastoise - In order for Blastoise to show up, players will need to throw a bunch of Illumina Orbs into the center of the whirlpool. If successful, it will shoot out of the water and blast off to the end of the course. It will also rescue Squirtle if players caused it to fall in.
- Drifblim - There is a group of Drifblim near the whirlpool, some of which are carrying Clamperl at research level 2. They also show up later on both the default and alternate routes.
- Mantine - There are a few Mantine swimming around in the section between the whirlpool and the two Wailord. Performing a scan will lead to them jumping out of the water for a four star photo, although players will need to be sure to focus their camera on them and not the Wailord behind them for it to register.
- Wailord - Two Wailord float around in the same section of water as they do in the Reef Day (Course). Lighting up the Crystabloom near the whirlpool will cause the second one to move and slightly alter the player's course which can be useful later on.
- Primarina - Primarina can be found blowing bubbles on a rock once players have passed the two Wailord. As players get closer, it will jump into the water and swim alongside them for a while allowing for some nice photo opportunities.
- Vaporeon - There's a dark patch of water a little further on from where players see Primarina and using the Melody Player will cause Vaporeon to jump out. At research level 2, there'll also be another Vaporeon near the start of the course. Hitting it with an Illumina Orb will cause it to show up again on a rock near the whirlpool where players can feed it Fluffruit if they want to. It also shows up on a rock on the default route and in some shallow water near the alternate exit. The second spot is by far the best place to photograph it though.
- Clamperl - Players will be able to find Clamperl on the rocks near the course's default exit. At research level 2, they can also be seen being carried by Drifblim and on the left hand side of the pool on the alternate route.
- Mareanie - Mareanie show up on the rocks and in the water near both of the course's exits.
- Lapras - If players take the alternate route, they'll find some Lapras in a large body of water.
- Vivillon - Vivillon will show up in a few places over on the left side of the starting area as well as off in the distance near the alternate exit. The best place to photograph one, however, is over near the Wailord if players get the second Wailord to move by illuminating the Crystabloom near the whirlpool.
- Manaphy - There are two places where players can find Manaphy, although triggering the first will prevent it from showing up in the second. The first spot requires players to hit the Crytabloom near the beginning of the course just before the two Inkay swim past it; causing them both to leap out of the water. This is enough to make Manaphy show up, but to get a decent shot of it, players will also need to move the second Wailord by illuminating the Crystabloom to the left of the whirlpool as well. If they'd rather, players can instead head to the Lapras pool and hit the Lapras that's closest to where players enter with an Illumina Orb so that it swims closer to the other Lapras that's nearby. Once they're close enough, using the Melody Player will cause them to sing and this will summon Manaphy from the spot directly between them. Players should be careful when trying to photograph the moment it emerges though as the camera has a habit of focusing on Lapras instead of Manaphy. If this does happen though, it will at least meet the requirements for one of the course's photo requests.
NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations