Friday, 07 May 2021 13:00

Jack Black Plays Obi-Wan And General Grievous In A 'Star Wars' Tribute

Written by Dan Conlin
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Jack Black brought his own special brand of energy to the Star Wars Day festivities with some delightful lightsaber-centric videos.

If there's one person who always seems to be having the time of their life, it's Jack Black. Whether he's knocking it out of the park in Jumanji or giving his own spin on Thor: Ragnarok, there's something truly special about how he always seems to turn goofing off into a high-energy sporting event. On Star Wars Day 2021, which has come and gone, he brought that energy to the plate once again, this time with the telltale hum of a lightsaber. Or 6.

On both May 4th (Star Wars Day) and May 5th (Revenge of the Fifth), the newly cast Borderlands movie actor put out a respective Instagram video to commemorate these important days in the world of nerdy stuff. Clad in a bathrobe and some comfy summer wear out by the pool, he began the festivities by acting out a scene from Revenge of the Sith that has become rather meme-worthy in the years since its original premiere. Of course, since this is Black, he naturally played both parts in the scene, including the 4-armed alien robot general with a smoker's cough. The things people do for art.

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"Hello there!" he exclaimed as Obi-Wan, jumping down to face the fearsome fan-favorite General Grievous in a lightsaber duel. "General Kenobi!" he responded as Grievous, complete with another version of himself on his own shoulders to properly wield 4 lightsabers (obviously). TIE fighters screamed by overhead as the second Death Star loomed up in the sky in a wonderful little anachronistic stew, framing the scene as the shoulder version of Black happily shouted "May the Force be with you, always!" while continuing to wave his many lightsabers all about. That must be a safety hazard. Grievous would be a nightmare for OSHA.

Then, the next day, he uploaded a wordless video in honor of the slightly less official but more evil-focused May 5th. Sporting a black overcoat and red lightsaber, he yanked the camera closer with a Force pull and slashed it with his blade, cutting the screen in 2 to reveal a repetition of the same footage. It was a rather well-done loop, which could have kept going on forever if it wasn't an Instagram video. Oh well, somebody is bound to turn it into a gif eventually.

Black isn't new to viral internet videos, as proven by his own TikTok dance post themed around Five Nights At Freddy's last year. In fact, one could even argue that he's more of an internet figure nowadays than a movie star. Though that isn't to say his acting career has slowed down. Aside from the aforementioned Borderlands movie, where he signed on in February to play Claptrap, he's also enjoyed relatively recent success with his roles in the Jumanji films, proving that he's rather adept at playing a teenage girl, among other characters.

That's the magic of Star Wars Day. Even as it passes, there will always be something memorable that sticks around. This year, that something is Black, and any day where people get to watch him do something is a good day indeed.

The Star Wars saga is now available on Disney Plus.

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Source: Jack Black/Instagram (Video 1, Video 2)

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