Friday, 07 May 2021 14:00

Dragon Quest Builders 2: 10 Best Weapons & How To Obtain Them

Written by Matthew D'Onofrio
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These weapons are some of the most powerful in the game! Every player will want to know how to to get their hands on them.

The action role-playing sandbox video game Dragon Quest Builders 2 came out across the world on the Nintendo Switch and PS4 in July 2019. In December 2019, it released on PC, and on May 4, 2021, dropped on Xbox One via Xbox Play Anywhere. The game was developed and published by Square Enix.

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In Dragon Quest Builders 2, just like all the other entries in the Dragon Quest series, the player wields various weapons. These tools are used for attacking enemies, of course. Each of them boost the player's attack stat by a specific amount and some even have additional effects for battling.

10 The War Hammer

The War Hammer increases the player's Attack by 23 and breaks extremely hard blocks. It is crafted with 3 Steel Ingots via the Anvil. The recipe for this weapon is learned once they make their way to Moonbrooke.

Characteristically, the War Hammer is like an axe but a hammer with spikes. It is metallic and wielded with one hand. The head is grooved and the handled is decorated with yellow and purple.

9 The Dragonsbane

The Dragonsbane increases the player's Attack by 52. It deals additional damage to dragons in the game (150 percent more, in fact). This weapon is crafted with 1 Dragon Scale, 2 Gold Ingots, and 4 Iron Ingots via the Anvil.

Characteristically, the Dragonsbane looks like a longsword but curved like a scimitar. The blade is green and there is a red grip as well as the fang of a dragon on the pommel. There is a crossguard with the head of a dragon, using red and gold.

8 The Iron Axe

The Iron Axe increases the player's Attack by 56 but has no additional effects. It is crafted with 3 Iron Ingots and 1 Wood via the Anvil. The recipe for this weapon is learned after reaching Level 16.

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Characteristically, the Iron Axe is a tool used for woodcutting. The iron head is attached to a wooden handle and wrapped in cloth. Although heavy and used with two hands, it is not that slow when swinging.

7 The Steel Broadsword

The Steel Broadsword increases the player's Attack by 64 but has no additional effects. It is crafted with 3 Steel Ingots via the Anvil. The recipe for this weapon is learned after reaching Level 21.

Characteristically, the Steel Broadsword is a fairly standard kind of sword with a long blade. It has a crossguard too. Also, a yellow hilt.

6 The Battle Axe

The Battle Axe increases the player's Attack by 74 but has no additional effects. This weapon is crafted with 3 Steel Ingots and 3 Iron Ingots via the Anvil. The recipe for this weapon is learned after reaching Level 22.

Regarding appearances, the Battle Axe has shown up in every single game in the Dragon Quest series since Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

5 The Mountaincleaver

The Mountaincleaver increases the player's Attack by 82 but has no additional effects. It is crafted with 4 Steel Ingots and 1 Gold Ingot via the Anvil. The recipe for this weapon is given as a reward after they defeat the blue dragon by the docks in Chapter 3.

What is uncommon about the Mountaincleaver is that aside from Dragon Quest Builders 2, it only appears in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

4 The Thunderbolt Blade

The Thunderbolt Blade increases the player's Attack by 96. It also has the power to cast Woosh, which makes a whirlwind, and Boom, which creates an explosion. This weapon is crafted from a Steel Broadsword using 3 Magic Crystals and 1 Zapphire via the Wizard's Workbench. Or, they may find it in a pot inside Lulu's old cell on Whitebone's Ship in Mahlhalla.

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Characteristically, the Thunderbolt Blade has an orange blade that is curved like a scimitar. It looks like a bolt of lightning, naturally. When swung, thunder appears!

3 The Aurora Blade

The Aurora Blade increases the player's Attack by 80. It also has the power to cast Dazzle, which reduces enemies' accuracy using illusions, and Sizzle, which hurls a fireball. This weapon is crafted from a Steel Broadsword using 1 Ruby and 3 Mythril Ingots via the Wizard's Workbench.

Characteristically, the Aurora Blade is a longsword made out of green and gold metal. The crossguard has the sun symbol on it. There are also crescent moon designs on this weapon.

2 The Hela's Hammer

The Hela's Hammer increases the player's Attack by 120. It guarantees a Critical Hit each and every time contact is made with an enemy. Malroth earns this weapon after they complete the story in the game.

In other Dragon Quest games, the Hela's Hammer is really heavy and therefore has terrible accuracy. Like an almost 38 percent chance to hit kind of bad. (It was used for Metal Slimes!)

1 The Falcon Blade

The Falcon Blade increases the player's Attack by 126, but only while it is at three stars. (When at just one star, it increases their Attack by 42.) Regarding effect, the Falcon Blade attacks twice as fast as the other swords. This weapon (the one-start one) is crafted with 3 Steel Ingots, 1 Silvery Sludge, and 1 Gold Ingot. Its recipe is learned from the Hunter Mech in Rimey Reef.

However, to upgrade, the player needs to combine the Sword of Ruin (of which the recipe is learned from the Boss Troll in the Defiled Isle) with the one-start Falcon Blade. To achieve the three-star Falcon Blade, they must equip the Sword of Ruin and change the weapon's appearance to the Falcon Blade at a Dressing Table. The Sword of Ruin transforms into the three-start Falcon Blade.

NEXT: Dragon Quest 11: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The World Map

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