Friday, 07 May 2021 17:15

Resident Evil Village: Where To Shoot The 5 Bells In The Atelier

Written by Russ Boswell
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If you want to escape Castle Dimitrescu, you'll need to find and ring 5 bells in the Atelier. Here's where you can find all five.

Escaping the first area in Castle Dimitrescu is a pretty involved process. There are items to find, switches to activate, and puzzles to solve. You'll find yourself skulking through the old halls and wading through pits of blood-red wine to snag four elusive Angel Masks. Placing these masks on special statues near the main door in the Hall of the Four will unlock the massive metal doors. But finding these masks is easier said than done and you'll also need to be light on your feet to avoid Lady Dimitrescu and her malicious trio of daughters. It's all pretty stressful, and on top of it you'll need to keep your brain sharp to solve a series of riddles.

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One of these peculiar puzzles takes place in the Atelier, and it's vitally important to gaining access to the Mask of Rage. The massive painting in the ornate room hides a secret pathway that will give Ethan access to the rooftops and the valuable key item. But unlocking the mechanism behind the artwork takes a keen eye and a bit of sharpshooting.

Upon entering the room you'll find a note attached to a nearby easel. The paper contains the following riddle: "Let the five bells of this chamber ring out." I order to progress, you'll need to ring five bells (in no particular order) to open a secret passageway. Here's where you can find and activate all five bells:

The first bell is, thankfully, hiding right in plain sight to the left of the easel. It's pretty large and stands out. You'll be able to tap it with your knife if you're keen on saving ammo. Striking it will reward you with a distinct bell chime and the small cauldron-like bowl above the bell will ignite. Once the flame is lit, you're good to proceed to the next one.

You don't have to do these in any particular order but it's easy to spot the second bell (from the first) if you have a keen eye. You'll notice an assortment of squares cut into the wall behind the easel and a massive clock mechanism moving. One part of the mechanism contains a large pendulum, which can be seen swinging back and forth inside the walls. The bell is perched on the upper-mid area of the pendulum and can be spotted (thanks to its silver sheen) when the rod swings to a particular side. You'll need to shoot it (through one of the open squares) to ignite it.

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The easiest way to do this is to wait until the pendulum swings far left. You'll be able to spot the bell in the upper-left-most square and that will help you judge where exactly it's going to be (to help you time your shot correctly) when it starts swinging back towards the right.

The Third Bell can be found perched inside the large ornate chandelier that hangs from the ceiling above the easel. You can reach it and get a better angle by ascending the staircase to the left of the easel. In order to get a glimpse of the bell, you must first shoot the side of the chandelier, which will cause it to swing slightly, giving you a quick view of the bell tucked inside it. It is possible to see the top of the bell when the chandelier is sitting still but keep in mind that you will have to shoot twice, once to swing the chandelier, and a second time to hit the bell and ignite it.

The Fourth Bell is pretty easy to spot, as you'll likely notice it when you ascend the staircase to locate the Third Bell. It's just to the left of the chandelier, outside of the windows and off in the distance. It should be easy enough to tag with your pistol but keep in mind that, like the chandelier, you'll also need to use two bullets to activate it. The first shot will shatter the glass windows, allowing you an easy angle towards the bell.

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The Fifth and final bell can be found on top of the cabinet across from the easel. It's possible to spot it from the ground but you can see it easily from your perch atop the staircase. It's an easy shot and the flame should ignite instantly as soon as the bell is struck.

You're in no danger once you enter the Atelier so don't fret over being interrupted by Lady Dimitrescu or her ravenous daughters. Take the time to line up your shots so you don't waste too much ammo proceeding through the puzzle. You should also be aware that you will need at least six bullets total to ignite all five bells, with bells Three and Four both taking two shots each. That said, it's only six shots if you have perfect aim and timing. To avoid having to backtrack for supplies and ammo, make sure you have enough bullets to spare or that you at least have the materials to craft some.

Once all five of the bells are rung (and the fires ignited above them), the door mechanism behind the towering picture of Lady Dimitrescu will activate. It can take a few moments for everything to start working (and even longer for the door itself to open). Be patient and wait a few moments before shooting at any potential missed bells, to make sure you don't accidentally waste ammo.

NEXT: Resident Evil Village: Treasure Map Solution (How to Light Torches in Basement)

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