Friday, 07 May 2021 18:15

Resident Evil Village: How To Beat Dimitrescu's Daughters

Written by Russ Boswell
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Lady Dimitrescu's daughters will do everything in their power to stop Ethan from escaping the castle. Here's how to beat them.

Life doesn't get any easier for Ethan in Resident Evil Village. It doesn't take long before the battered and bruised protagonist is thrust back into action, finding himself surrounded by lycanthropes, vampires, and other horrific enemies. He may have escaped the Bakers, but a new family (and one with a much bigger appetite) is clawing at the chance to sink their fangs into the hero. It doesn't make it any easier that Ethan finds himself trapped in a massive castle, forced to roam the hallways in a desperate search for a way out. It's easy to feel trapped like a rat in a maze, with intricate door locks and strange puzzle-laced mechanisms holding all the doors shut.

RELATED: Resident Evil Village: Piano Puzzle Solution (How to Get Iron Insignia Key)

To make matters even worse, Ethan is pursued by three bloodthirsty enemies, capable of shape-shifting into a ravenous cloud of stinging bugs. If you plan on leading poor Ethan out of this mess, you're going to have to take each of Lady Dimitrescu's daughters down, one by one. Unfortunately, they're a lot stronger than they look and you'll have to be pretty crafty to take them down. Here's a look at how you can find all three of Dimitrescu's daughters, and how to put them down for good.

The first of Dimitrescu's daughters is Bela, and you'll encounter her on your way to finding and securing all of the Angel Masks necessary to escape the Hall of the Four. Random daughters (and Dimitrescu herself) may chase you throughout the castle's halls but the main encounter with Bela takes place in a small room before the kitchen at the end of the Chamber of Solace. To get there, you'll need to head upstairs in the Main Hall and take a right at the top step. Following the hallway will take you to a strange door, adorned with the face of a Prioress.

In order to unlock this door, you'll need to socket its missing eye. The eye can be found by closely examining the Maroon Ring that you plucked from the statue after escaping the hanging hooks in the Bedchamber. For a refresher, after exiting the Bechamber room you will come across a fireplace with metal doors that you can open and crawl through. The Maroon Ring is sitting in the hands of a statue which you will see as soon as you exit the fireplace.

Once you have plucked the ring from the eye and slotted it in the door, you'll find yourself in a long hallway. Taking a left at the end of the hall and following it as it wraps around will put you in the Dressing Room. In the back right corner of the room is a breakable wall and from there you can plunge down into the dungeon-like area below.

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It's important to note that you'll be pursued the first time this happens as unlocking the Prioress Door puts you in an encounter with Bela. You won't be able to eliminate her now so simply run to the Dressing Room and through the floor as fast as possible. The dungeon-style basement seems maze-like but it's actually pretty linear. Feel free to explore the cells and snag any loose items lying around. Once you push through the enemies and into the Chamber of Solace, you'll enter another encounter with Bela. You'll want to run away this time too, navigating the cells and making your way along a staircase before coming to a small room right before the kitchen. This is where the actual boss encounter with Bela takes place.

Bela introduces you to the mechanic for defeating the sisters automatically, through a pretty alarming cut-scene. It turns out that the sisters can't handle cold temperatures and when the window in the small room shatters (letting cold air into the room), Bela starts to waiver a bit. This is where the real fight starts and Bela will progress towards you, intent on taking Ethan's life. The room you're in is small but pretty open, allowing you to kite around her in a wide circle. You can also run back and forth to opposite ends of the room and open fire on her while she walks towards you. The best tool for this fight is the shotgun. With repeated slugs to the head, Bela will eventually start turning white and crystalize soon after. Once her form shatters, you'll find a Crystal Torso for a reward and be able to progress through the Kitchen.

You won't be able to bring the fight to Daniela until you gain access to the Courtyard Key and make your way to the Castle Annex. Once there, you'll head up the nearby staircase and hook a left, making your way through the door and into the Opera Hall. Navigating through this area and downstairs will bring Ethan to a beautiful grand piano, with a small puzzle you'll need to solve. Interacting with the piano will let you play a variety of keys and tapping on the keys will show a red note on the sheet music above the keyboard. The key is to place the red dot on top of the black notes.

Thankfully, you won't need to play the song in order, and once all the notes are red, a tray will open and present you with the Iron Insignia Key. Once you snag this key, you can head over to the nearby locked door and back into the entrance to the Castle Annex. Go right back up the staircase and this time take a right to enter the door with the Iron Insignia on it. Once on the other side, you'll find yourself in the castle's Library. This is where your showdown with Daniela will take place.

The mechanics for fighting against Daniela are very similar to the fight against Bela, but with a new and annoying hurdle to overcome. There are no windows to break in the Library but there is a large roof that will retract open, flooding the room with cold air. The lever to open this roof is located on one of the four pillars in the center of the room and is quickly activated when you interact with it. Keeping this roof open is paramount to winning the fight against Daniela and it's important to note that it will close shortly after it's been opened. You'll need to keep running to the lever and activating it to keep the room cold enough to defeat the sister.

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The Library is a lot bigger than the room you fought Bela in, but the extra space actually makes this encounter more difficult. Opening the roof will cause Daniela to flee, hiding behind the nearby bookcases. You'll want to try to coax her towards the center of the room where there are less obstacles to obstruct your shots. Chasing her into the corners of the room can be risky, as she will jump at Ethan quickly and you don't want to find yourself cornered by her when the roof seals itself. Kiting her towards the center of the room and blasting her with the Shotgun is the safest and quickest way to put her down. Doing so will reward you with another Crystal Torso and give you access to the Hall of Joy.

To take down Cassandra and put an end to the daughters, you'll need to make your way to the Armory. To get there, go back up the stairs in the Main Hall, swing a right at the top step again, and head back through the Prioress Door that you slotted the Maroon Eye into earlier. Your goal this time is the door straight ahead of you at the end of the hallway. After unlocking it with your Dimitrescu’s Key, you'll find yourself in the Hall of Pleasure. Making your way through a hole in the nearby fireplace will take you through a hallway to the Armory. This small room is where you'll fight Cassandra.

Taking down Cassandra is frustrating if you're unaware of the small puzzle within the room. As soon as you step into the Armory, you'll spot an array of items to pick up, including two Pipe Bombs on a nearby table. Opposite the table, you'll notice a moveable shelf. The key here is to move the shelf to expose a large, vulnerable wall with a crack in it. Tossing a Pipe Bomb (make sure you're far enough back so you don't take damage from the explosion) at the wall will cause it to blast open, filling the small room with arctic air. Knowing what you're supposed to do going in makes the fight against Cassandra much easier.

The main issue with the room is that Cassandra will spawn as soon as you take a step towards the Pipe Bombs. You'll have a short window of time while she's spawning to move the shelf. Failing to do so can be a bit punishing, as there isn't a ton of room to kite the sister around. There are a few obstacles to help you keep distance between you and Cassandra but the size of the room puts you in constant danger. Cassandra will lunge at Ethan with every opportunity she gets.

The best way to handle this fight is to immediately blast open the wall with a bomb and then pelt Cassandra with the shotgun as quickly as possible. A damage upgrade for the shotgun can really help with this claustrophobic fight. Downing Cassandra will reward you with a Crystal Torso and finally keep the sisters from pestering you anymore as you make your way throughout the castle.

NEXT: Resident Evil Village: Film Puzzle Solution

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