Saturday, 08 May 2021 23:29

Starfield Leaked Image Teases Spaceships, Wristwatch UI

Written by Rory Young
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A new leaked image for Starfield reveals a notebook with sketches depicting spaceships, a space outpost, and a very curious wristwatch.

The gaming industry is abuzz with talk of Bethesda's upcoming sci-fi RPG Starfield. There's back-and-forth reporting regarding whether Starfield is on track to launch in 2021, whether it'll be shown during E3 or saved for later, and what kind of game it will be. For the time being, all fans of Bethesda's games have to go on is a frequent source of leaked Starfield images. Another such new Starfield image has now been discovered.

The image is a piece of concept art, or perhaps multiple pieces of concept art pieced together to appear as if it comes from a notebook. The notebook's pages feature multiple sketches and difficult-to-read notes. On the left page, there's a variety of spaceships, as well as what could be a giant space colony with two different colored suns behind it. On the right page is a sketch of a smartwatch of sorts with different symbols on its face.

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Those who have been following Starfield's image leaks may recognize the symbols on the watch's face as those previously shown to be the game's UI elements. The bar is presumably for stamina, while the semicircle perhaps shows what time of day it is. As for the ship sketches, it's perhaps tied to the rumored Starfield feature that spaceships will be highly customizable. With the colony or space outpost where multiple ships are tethered to a larger base, the implications are interesting.

The latest leaked Starfield image posted to ResetEra is said to be sourced from an official website, the same image hosting service as other images from Bethesda's website. There are no public assets to this site, so there's no recognizable way to have planted a fake image. The quality of the image, as well as the content of it, also implies its veracity. Still, approaching the image with some hesitancy and skepticism is appropriate as Starfield leaks have been faked before.

As with most of the leaks and rumors regarding Starfield so far, there's some hints and interesting details but nothing substantial to latch onto. Customizable ships, as well as outposts with multiple ships, are probably the most interesting aspect of the image. Perhaps the best takeaway is that new material has been found at all.

Bethesda fans will have to keep their eyes on E3 2021 and other digital events. While a Starfield appearance isn't guaranteed, these summer events are still the most likely opportunity for Bethesda to share more information about the game. It's not much to go on, but it's better than nothing.

Starfield is currently in development.

MORE: Every Starfield Rumor and Leak So Far

Source: ResetEra

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