Saturday, 08 May 2021 23:08

Pokemon GO: Promo Codes for Free Stuff (May 2021) | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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A new month in Pokemon GO usually means newly available promotional codes for free items and cosmetics- this is what is currently available.

Throughout Pokemon GO's lifetime, players have been able to redeem a variety of promotional codes that offer free items and cosmetics. These codes have come through a variety of sources such as Verizon and Gucci, but each code is only available for a limited amount of time.

With active promo codes in Pokemon GO, players can enter them by going to the bottom of the in-game store menu. There, players can find the place to enter them, with each code only being able to be entered once per account.

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Now that May has begun, there are many codes that players can no longer redeem in-game. With this in mind, however, some players may be curious what codes they can still enter throughout this month.

Unfortunately for Pokemon GO players at this time, there are no active promotional codes for May 2021. This includes the Verizon cosmetic items for players' in-game Pokemon trainers and the Gucci x Northface cosmetic items.

It is currently unknown when more promo codes will be released for the game and what companies they might be associated with. The possibility remains for more item box promo codes containing helpful consumable items being released again at some point by Niantic, but no announcement on this has been made.

Pokemon GO players are still able to earn free items in-game through the daily free box via the in-game store. This box can be opened daily while offering players items such as berries and Pokeballs. There additionally is an event box in the store that can be redeemed by players once in the in-game store at this time. It contains fifteen Great Balls, fifteen Nanab Berries, and a Remote Raid Pass, but the box cannot be redeemed if players have too many Remote Raid Passes.

In addition to that can be currently obtained in the store, Pokemon GO will have having multiple events throughout May that include research tasks that offer rewards. These upcoming events include the May Community Day that will be starring Swablu and the Luminous Legends Y event. Players can additionally participate in the GO Battle League and earn a variety of rewards by battling up the ranks.

While May doesn't seem to be offering anything via promotional codes, things could always change once June and the rest of the summer months come around. Until then, players will have to get items and cosmetics through other in-game means.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Source: Attack of the Fanboy

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