Sunday, 09 May 2021 00:00

Resident Evil Village: How To Get The Crank For The Drawbridge

Written by Hodey Johns
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One particular drawbridge in Resident Evil: Village takes a specialized crank. Here's where you can find it.

For a game that has mutant zombies, conniving special forces, pitch-black rooms, and warped monsters, Resident Evil Village still manages to squeeze the most screams out of players who find a potential secret area and yet can't progress because they haven't located the requisite item. It's a nightmare to be missing a key, jar, or handle and then backtracking for hours to find where it could be.

RELATED: Resident Evil Village: Where to Find Luthier's Key

Early on, players can find a drawbridge in the village, but it can't be utilized yet. They'll pass other drawbridges and gates with the same crank-shaped hole in them during the journey. Completionists can feel their anxiety rise as they pass up potentially secret areas due to not having the crank. Not to worry, the crank is coming, but it takes a while before it can be found.

  • Take the flask from Moreau.
  • Run toward the entrance of the mine.
  • Grab the Boat Key in a shack before exiting.
  • Get on the boat by the docks.
  • Arrive at the second stage of the boss fight with the big fish.

Moreau is the third of the four Lords, but the crank is inaccessible before taking him on. The crank will have to be attained in the middle of this boss fight during his second sequence. The second sequence officially begins when Chris and Ethan are attacked and separated by the giant fish.

Make sure to find the Boat Key after getting ambushed within the mine. It can be easily passed up. The Boat Key is a mission-critical item, so it not missable, but those who pass it will have to backtrack into the mine and waste valuable time. After that, head to the only exit and there is a boat by the docks. Hop in and head to the next dock.

RELATED: Resident Evil Village: Where to Get Meat?

After a cutscene with Chris and the special forces, the big fish will attack and trigger the second part of the boss fight. This is when the crank can be acquired.

  • Attempt to power on the sluice gate at the Gatehouse.
  • Break the crank at the first windmill.
  • Platform over to the second windmill.

RELATED: Resident Evil Village: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

Gamers may want to grab some expert advice for defeating Moreau during this stage. The giant fish will attack when Ethan is on precarious footing, so players will want to be patient, wait for an attack, then dash to the next solid foothold. This plays out much like a platformer minus the jumping.

There is a puzzle with levers of different colors in the middle of this stage. Each lever corresponds to a bridge with like-colored tape. Each lever will raise a segment of the bridge for a few moments, then sink back down. Being on a part of the bridge that sinks is instant death, so make sure to constantly reactivate the levers before crossing the bridge or else become fish bait.

  • Activate the power to the second windmill with the crank.
  • Get to the top of the windmill.
  • Zipline out.

The crank is already in position on the second windmill and ready to be utilized. Use it to power up the windmill like with the first crank (don't worry, this one does not break).

Now it's just a matter of getting out of there alive. Hop on the zipline and sail down back to the Gatehouse. The fight with Moreau is getting warmed up, but the crank is in custody and ready for use in all of those previously discovered locations.

NEXT: Resident Evil Village Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help

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