The Durice Island Illumina Spot is one of the shortest courses in New Pokemon Snap. It becomes available once players have reached research level 2 in the Outaway Cave course and can be completely explored in just a matter of minutes. As well as the Illumina Pokemon that Professor Mirror asks players to photograph, players will also have a chance to get a few unique photos of some of the Pokemon that showed up in the previous course.
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Including the Illumina Pokemon Steelix, there are six different types of Pokemon scattered throughout the Illumina Spot, some of which can be found near the ancient ruins that players first see after they've completed the course for the first time. Finding them all can be a little tricky though, so those only looking to fill out their Photodex and complete all of New Pokemon Snap's requests may just want to focus their attention on Steelix instead.

- Steelix - At research level 1, the only Pokemon that players will be able to find at the Illumina Spot is Steelix. To photograph it, players will need to throw Fluffruit into the holes and craters that are indicated by Scan and then hit Steelix with Illumina Orbs as it is coming out. At higher research levels, whether or not players wake up any Crobat and how many they wake will have an impact on what Steelix does throughout the course. To fulfill the course's only photo request, players will need to avoid waking any of them so that Steelix takes a breather near the end of the course.
- Noibat - There are Noibat in the course's opening section as well as near its end. Those hoping to complete their research map should be sure to get a picture of the ones near the ancient ruins alternate exit as well. Players can also get an easy four star picture of a Noibat by capturing the moment that Steelix speaks with the one near the end of the course.
- Carbink - There are some Carbink in the opening section. If players pay close attention to the one on the left near the crystal, they'll be able to get a unique photo of it shortly after Steelix fist emerges from its tunnel.
- Joltik - There's a Joltik in the opening area, although it can be difficult to spot due to its small size. Players will likely need to turn around and use Scan to get a picture of it. There's another one sat on a crystal shortly after joining the alternate route.
- Sableye - Like Noibat, there are several Sableye near the beginning and end of the course as well as near the ancient ruins exit which becomes available at research level 2.
- Crobat - There are a number of Crobat hidden throughout the course, the first of which can be found in the opening section. To get it to appear, players will need to throw a Fluffruit into one of the smaller holes on the right so that Steelix sticks its head out of the larger hole nearby. At this point, hitting the nearby Noibat with an Illumina Orb will cause it to use supersonic and wake up a Crobat. In the next area, illuminating the Crystabloom on the left will summon another and this is once again the case as players approach the end of the course.
NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations