Thursday, 28 January 2021 13:00

The Medium & Blair Witch: All Of Bloober Team's Games, Ranked By Metacritic

Written by Linnea Capps
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Bloober Team might not be the most well known developer out there, but they have quite a few games under their belt. Here's how they rank.

There is no denying that Bloober Team makes some fascinating horror games. Their most recent release, The Medium, is by far their most ambitious project to date. The game has received many reviews and so far most look quite promising for fans of the genre.

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Most gaming fans would be surprised by some of the games Bloober Team has produced considering their current reputation for making horror games. With their recent release and DARQ: Complete Edition on the horizon for the Nintendo Switch, there's no better time to see how all their games have fared with reviewers over the years.

NOTE: Not all games hit the minimum review threshold to get a Metacritic score. Unfortunately, this means games created by Bloober Team like Deathmatch Village, Double BloobMusic Master: ChopinHospital Havoc, and History Egypt: Engineering an Empire cannot be ranked for this list.

11 Basement Crawl - Metacritic Rank: 27

Basement Crawl is by far one of the most critically panned games Bloober Team has ever created. The concept of a grindhouse styled Bomberman game sounds fascinating on the surface but the execution left tons to be desired. Players said it was so broken and the netcode was so shotty that Bloober Team promised to completely rebuild the game and give it to free for anyone that purchased the original.

10 Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder - Metacritic Rank: 48

While Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder has a unique aesthetic, the gameplay was panned for being repetitive and dull. Considering it was based Crap of Defense, a game that literally saught to be given an award for the worst game ever made, it might not be a surprise this game never took off. As a time-waster, it's a solid enough tower defense game, but nothing more.

9 A-Men 2 - Metacritic Rank: 58

The Playstation Vita version of A-Men 2 received middling reviews from critics. The sequel to the original A-Men, it featured four new worlds of enemies and puzzles for players to make their way through. The game is considered to be mind-bogglingly difficult as a puzzle game, so players beware if they pick this one up.

8 BRAWL - Metacritic Rank: 62

When Basement Crawl turned out to be a dumpster fire, Bloober Team began work to rerelease it as BRAWL. The game was offered for free to anyone who bought the original title

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The game added new game modes and several other quality of life features. While the game was certainly improved past being a critical failure, it never became anything more than a middling success.

7 A-Men - Metacritic Rank: 67

Many people forgot that Bloober Team created this Playstation 3 launch title. Rounding up all the A-Droid Soldiers in A-Men was a serious challenge and most reviewers consider the game to be frustratingly difficult. The game was also criticized for having floaty and strange physics.

6 Bloons - Metacritic Rank: 68

No one looking at Bloons would ever expect Bloober Team to be making the horror games it makes today. This balloon popping puzzle game is a cute and light production. Reviewers said the game was overly simple and quite as compelling as other light games, but it's certainly a fun distraction for those that try it.

5 Blair Witch - Metacritic Rank: 69

Based on one of the most famous horror movies of all time, Blair Witch was unable to capture the same magic as the film. While many horror fans adored the game, especially the Oculus Quest Edition, critics didn't receive the game as warmly. Many critics claimed the game didn't manage to keep the haunting atmosphere through the entire game and had issues with repetitive gameplay.

4 Layers Of Fear 2 - Metacritic Rank: 70

Layers Of Fear 2 didn't quite capture the magic of its predecessor but is still a fantastic horror game. It builds upon the mechanics found in the previous game while allowing players to explore an ocean liner as they play the lead role of a movie being filmed on it.

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Most reviewers said the game was heavy on jump scares but still praised it for its impressive use of symbolism. It's a fascinating look at the horror genre for any gaming fans that choose to enjoy it.

3 Layers Of Fear - Metacritic Rank: 74

Via Bloober Team SA

Finishing the magnum opus of an insane painter is the perfect premise for a horror game. Layers of Fear is quite obviously inspired by PT and this is a serious compliment for the game. It may have a few technical issues, but it's absolutely worth sitting down to play the game regardless.

2 The Medium - Metacritic Rank: 76

Bloober Team's most recent outing is one of the best games they've made according to critics. The game features music from legendary Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka that sets the perfect atmosphere as players travel between the real world and the spirit world to solve the mystery of a child's murder.

As the game is so new, we don't want to accidentally spoil it. We'll just say that Bloober Team has once again created an innovative and frightening horror experience worth checking out.

1 Observer - Metacritic Rank: 86

Observer is by far Bloober Team's most critical success. Delvings deep into suspect's minds to exploit their greatest fear is a surreal horror experience — what other game has players creating the very horror they are about to experience? With Observer: System Redux adding even more content for players to explore, this is one horror game that will keep players captivated and horrified for many years to come.

NEXT: The 10 Best Survival Horror Games Of All Time, Ranked According To Metacritic

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