Monday, 10 May 2021 03:32

New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Florio Nature Park (Day) & How To Complete Them

Written by Thomas Bowen
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The Florio Nature Park (Day) course in New Pokemon Snap features 13 photo requests, some of which can be a little tricky to complete.

Shortly after beginning their New Pokemon Snap adventure, players will begin to receive photo requests from members of the research team. Many of the requests will grant players with special rewards and research titles upon completion and will also help players to capture some unique and interesting four star photographs for their Photodex in the process.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon in Florio Nature Park (Day) & Where to Find Them

There are 13 requests in New Pokemon Snap's Florio Nature Park (Day) course, although many of them can only be completed once players have reached research level 3. It's also worth noting that players will have to have actually received the request before they can turn it in, so there's no point trying even though some of the pictures can be taken beforehand.

Players will see Pichu in a few different spots throughout the Park (Day) course, but they'll need to wait until the very end before they can complete the Hide-and-Seek in the Flowers request for Rita. Immediately after entering the flowery meadow that contains the course's exit, Pichu can be seen running into some flowers near the Crystabloom on the left and it's here that the photograph must be taken.

To complete the request, all players need to do is throw some Fluffruit into the flowers and then snap a picture of Pichu jumping or climbing out. There's a two or three second window for doing so, meaning that most players should be able to complete the request pretty easily on the first time of asking.

The One-Hand Freeze request can be a little frustrating as there is seemingly no direct way to influence it. Instead, players will just need to keep an eye on Grookey and wait patiently for it to perform the required pose. Thankfully though, there are only a few places that this can happen.

Players will see Grookey right at the beginning of the course as well as sleeping in some bushes by the lake. Perhaps the best spot to capture the pose is in the meadow near the course's exit, however, as there's about a ten second window immediately after arriving there where Grookey will not be distracted by anything and so is more likely to perform the pose.

Once players have reached research level 3, Scorbunny will start showing up with Pichu and Grookey in the Park (Day) course. It has a habit of running on ahead of them, but they'll all still arrive in the flowery meadow at the end of the course at roughly the same time.

To complete the request, players will need to lure Pichu out of the flowers on the left by throwing a Fluffruit near it and then wait until Pichu and Grookey gather around the Crystabloom. Once the three Pokemon are reunited, Scorbunny will wake up and start laughing and this is the moment that players will need to get a shot of in order to fulfill the request.

The Bouffalant needed to complete the Head-to-Head Competition request can actually be found at research level 1, although it's not until a little later on that players will receive the request. They'll need to have unlocked the Melody Player to get the right picture, which is achieved by reaching research level 2 in the Jungle (Night) course.

At this point, players will need to wait until they have passed the sign right at the beginning of Florio Nature Park and then use the Melody Player. This should rile up a couple of the Bouffalant and cause them to butt heads a few times. Players just need to get a picture of this happening and then hand it in to Professor Mirror to complete the request.

Shockingly Well-Done is one of the first requests that players will receive and also one of the easiest to complete. Shortly after crossing the stone bridge at the beginning of the course, players will enter a forested area that's full of Emolga and Wurmple and a scan should reveal a pile of scorched Fluffruit near one of the trees.

Throwing a Fluffruit or two into this pile will cause Emolga to fly down and investigate. Rather than just eating the Fluffruit though, it will instead zap it with electricity to cook it and players will need to capture the moment that it does so in order to complete the Professor's request.

To complete the What's Up with Wurmple? request, players will first need to snap a photo of the flock of Taillow on their right just past the Bidoof Dam. This should cause them to change direction and they'll fly down to the Wurmple on the left of the next bend rather than heading out over the lake as they usually would.

Players will arrive on the scene to find a tense standoff between Taillow and Wurmple and at this point should focus their cameras on the latter. Next, they'll need to hit Wurmple with an Illumina Orb to make it use Poison Sting while being sure to snap a few pictures of the move in action.

There are numerous Ducklett found scattered throughout Florio Nature Park, but it's not until research level 3 that players can see one of them fly. Like a few of the other requests for the course, players don't actually have to do anything to make it happen, although will need to keep their eyes peeled and be ready to take a photo.

After coming over the hill that leads down to the lake area, players should look to their right and try to find the Ducklett flying high above the lake. It will swoop down to the area near the Bidoof Dam before eventually crashing into the water. Any picture of it in the air will do, although the best ones are taken near the dam if players use turbo to get ahead of the Ducklett.

Players will see Bidoof out on the lake from the first time that they enter the course, but their dam won't be completed until research level 3. At this point, a new route opens up in both the day and nighttime versions of the course, although the Dam, Sweet Dam request will need to be completed during the daytime.

To do so, players will need to throw a Fluffruit into the hole on the top of the dam and then photograph the Bidoof that sticks its head out a short while later. It's actually possible to make the shot from the main route in the event that players don't use scan in time, but taking the alternate path definitely makes things a lot easier.

As players enter the open area near the lake, they will see three Taillow being scared away by a Pidgeot. A little later on as they are passing over the stone bridge near the Bidoof Dan, the Taillow will return and start flying in circles around the NEO-ONE. It's here that players will need to ready their cameras if they want to complete the Off to a Flying Startle request.

Occasionally, one of the Taillow will stop in midair and stare at the camera and it's at this point that players will need to snap a picture. It's easily missed, but those who have unlocked it can make life quite a bit easier for themselves by using Burst Mode to increase their chances of capturing the right moment on camera.

Before players can tackle the Flopping by the Water request, they'll first need to reach research level 3 for the course. At this point, Pidgeot starts showing up in the open area near the lake and players will need to hit it with a Fluffruit to make it fly into a tree over on the right. The best time to do this is immediately after it lands and scares away the Tailow, but it can also be done while Pidgeot is on the ledge on the left.

Once Pidgeot has landed in the tree, players will then need to throw a Fluffruit at Magikarp to make it leap into the air. Pidgeot should notice this and will swoop down and grab the fish before flying away through the nearby trees. It's difficult to capture the exact moment even when using Burst Mode, but, thankfully, players only need to get a shot of the Magikarp as Pidgeot is carrying it away to fulfill the request.

Players won't be able to complete the Don't Be Scared! request until they have unlocked Illumina Orbs by taking a photograph of the glowing Crystabloom near the end of the Jungle (Night) course. After doing so, they'll need head to the end of Park (Day) and light up the first Crystabloom on their right as they enter the flowery meadow.

This should cause any nearby Comfey to fly over to the illuminated Crystabloom and it's at this point that players will be able to feed them Fluffruit. They'll need to capture the Pokemon actually eating it to fulfill the request and this will also count as a four star photo. For those who are hoping to completely fill out their Photodex, capturing the moment just after it has finished eating will count as a three star photo.

Players don't actually have to do anything to complete the Livening Up the Flowers request other than snap a picture at the right time, but it can still be a little tricky due to all of the other Pokemon in the flowery meadow. They'll often get in the way of the shot, so turbo can be useful just to get past the Vivillon and Comfey near the meadow's entrance.

The easiest way to get the photo needed for the request is to simply focus the camera on Florges and wait. After a short while, it will begin glowing green and this is the moment that players need to capture on camera. Interacting with Florges in any way may prevent it from using its powers, so it's best to avoid throwing any Illumina Orbs or using the Melody Player just in case.

Once players have completed the game, Shaymin will start showing up in Florio Nature Park as well as the Florio Island Illumina Spot. To complete the Myth of the Nature Park request though, players will need to photograph it with Pichu, Grookey and Scorbunny near the Crystabloom in the flowery meadow at the end of the Park (Day) course.

In order to accomplish this, players will need to hit the Crystabloom near Florges with an Illumina Orb to wake up Shaymin and then throw a Fluffruit into the pile of leaves on the left to bring out Pichu. At this point, all of the Pokemon should start to gather around the Crystabloom on the left and illuminating it will cause them all to start celebrating. Focus on Shaymin and snap a picture and Rita should be satisfied.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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