Sherry Birkin doesn't have the easiest of lives, even for someone in the Resident Evil universe. She's involved in multiple outbreaks, her family life is difficult, and at one point, she gets infected with a deadly virus. Yet, the girl is tough and manages to overcome all of her obstacles. This is particularly impressive as she has to face most of her hardships as a child.
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However, despite this, the character doesn't get the same recognition as others. In fact, she's among the series' most underrated characters. So, to give her some much-deserved attention, these are some of her greatest quotes from both the original Resident Evil 2 and it's 2019 remake.
10 "You Need Help."

During the remake, Claire first meets Sherry down in the machinery room. Naturally, the protagonist's impulse is to try and help the lost child. But instead of accepting Claire's offer of assistance, Sherry replies with a very haunting "you need help."
For players who've never played the original, the line is pretty spooky. In fact, creepy little girls are a classic horror trope. Even those who know that Sherry isn't a monster still find the quote a bit ominous. Sure enough, the young girl isn't trying to freak anyone out, as it's a genuine warning that William Birkin is about to attack.
9 "I Can Take Of Myself."

Protagonists in horror games often have to be brave in the face of danger. Their allies tend to be different, though. These side characters are sometimes deathly afraid of the monstrosities going on around them. Sherry, though, is a different kind of supporting player. She's extremely brave considering the circumstances.
Her courage is particularly evident in the original game when she's separated from Claire. Despite having no real way to defend herself against zombies, she proudly states that she can take care of herself. The line proves that she's a little badass.
8 "We Make A Good Team."

The Resident Evil series is not known for its wholesome moments. So when there is one, it should be cherished. Therefore, this interaction between Sherry and Claire while escaping the lab deserves to be remembered.
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It occurs just after Sherry has opened a door for Claire. The protagonist compliments the little girl on her work, and she replies with, "We make a good team." It's such a sweet little moment between the pair and not what players expect to hear while they're running for their lives.
7 "All I Really Wanted Was For Her To Be Home More."

While Willaim and Annette Birkin are both among the smartest characters in the Resident Evil universe, they're terrible parents. The couple are such workaholics that they rarely spend time with their daughter.
Sherry misses them so much that the only thing she wanted for her birthday was her mother to be home more often. Obviously, it's not what she got. Instead, her parents gave her a locket that serves as a key to the G-Virus vaccine. So even the presents they give their daughter are work-related.
6 "Why Are You Doing This?"

Claire's kind heart is a big reason she's one of the best protagonists in the series. And she shows this kindness through her relationship with Sherry. Redfield does everything in her power to help the poor girl when her own mother won't.
At one point, Sherry questions why the protagonist is caring for her at all. Her query makes sense as the girl is probably not used to being treated so well. That's what makes the line so emotional.
5 "But There’s Something Out There. I Don’t Know What It Is, But I Saw It. Much Larger Than Any Of Those Zombies, And It’s Coming After Me."

Shortly after meeting Claire in the original game, Sherry talks about a monster that's even more threatening than a regular zombie. It's instantly clear that she's speaking about something that players will have to face later on in the adventure. And, of course, the creature ends up being Willaim Birkin.
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The line is significant as it helps build up the destructive power of the eventual foe. Plus, as all horror games should, it unnerves the player a little as they have no idea when this monster will appear.
4 "I Grew Up Alone. But Now That You’re With Me, I Finally Have Someone To Rely Upon."

Sherry's issues with her parents aren't just a plot point in the remake; it's also in the original, as evidenced by this line. The impactful words provoke both sadness and joy as he hurts to hear the lonely nature of her childhood, but it's happy to see she's found a new friend.
Many people regard 2019's Resident Evil as one of the great remakes. It's writing, in particular, is seen as a vast improvement over the original. While, in general, that's true, this quote by Sherry proves that the 1998 version can occasionally deliver powerful lines too.
3 "Daddy…?"

It doesn't always take a lot of words for a character to say something meaningful. In this instance, all Sherry has to say is "Daddy...?" Before she utters those words in the remake, new players have no idea that she's related to the incredibly terrifying monster that's been causing carnage.
It's an uncharacteristically subtle way for the game to reveal a vital bit of information about the plot. After all, Resident Evil is usually known for having long-winded speeches that explain everything.
2 "Thank You For Being So Nice To Me… For Helping Me. I'm Really Glad I Met You."

Throughout the remake, the friendship between Claire and Sherry builds brilliantly. And the pair share plenty of sweet moments during their time together. In one of their late-game interactions, Sherry reveals how much she appreciates Claire. She even says, "I'm really glad I met you."
It's a small moment, but it signifies how much the two have bonded during their terrifying adventure. What makes it even better is that Claire replies with, "I'm really glad I met you too."
1 "Hey, You Guys Can Adopt Me."

The Resident Evil franchise is known for being very weird at times. The ending of the remake is a prime example. Sherry, who has recently lost both of her parents and has her entire life turned upside down, doesn't seem fazed at all. Instead, she spends the end scene joking around.
One of the gags is about Claire and Leon adopting her - the latter of which she just met. It's odd behavior for a recently orphaned child, even one that had problems with her parents. However, the bizarre nature of the adoption line is what makes it so great.
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