Wednesday, 12 May 2021 05:53

New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Sweltering Sands (Night) & How To Complete Them

Written by Tom Bowen
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There are only five photo requests in Sweltering Sands (Night), making it one of the easiest courses to complete in New Pokemon Snap.

There are only five photo requests in New Pokemon Snap's Sweltering Sands (Night) course. None of them are particularly difficult either, although one or two might take some players a couple of attempts to get right. By understanding the requirements for each one and having a decent strategy in mind though, players should be able to get everything completed fairly quickly.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon In Sweltering Sands (Night) & Where To Find Them

None of the requests require players to go any further than the oasis in the center of the course and although the alternate route can make a few of them far easier, it's technically possible to complete all five requests without deviating from the course's default route. The only one that might cause players trouble is the Rainbow Meteor Shower request, although this too should become fairly simple once they've gotten used to finding buried Minior in New Pokemon Snap.

There are numerous spots where players can complete the requirements for the Roll and Stop request, but the best place is arguably right at the beginning of the course. They'll encounter three rolling Sandshrew very early on and can therefore quickly restart their run in the event that their aim lets them down. That said, it shouldn't take more than a few attempts to get the picture that they need anyway.

The aim is to hit one of the rolling Sandshrew with a Fluffruit and then quickly take a photo of the moment it stops rolling. The first of the three Sandshrew in the opening area is definitely the easiest to hit as its course is fairly predictable. The two that follow it veer off to the left and right at the last minute to avoid colliding with the NEO-ONE, but if players are able to account for this, they should be able to hit one of them easily enough.

Hide-and-Seek in the Desert is not only the easiest request in the Sands (Night) course, but it's also one of the simplest requests in the entire game. Players don't need to do anything other than take a picture and they're given a near limitless amount of time to do so. In fact, the only way to mess this request up is to actually do something.

As players make their way around the oasis on the default route, they'll see a Trapinch half buried in the ground to their left near the water. On the off chance that they can't see it, using scan will reveal its precise location. While some players may be tempted to hit it with an Illumina Orb or Fluffruit, those hoping to fulfill the Professor's request should avoid doing so for the moment. Instead, they simply need to snap a picture of the Pokemon while it is still buried and then turn it in at the end of the run.

To complete the Kangaskhan's Parenting request, players will need to unearth a colored core Minior in the opening section. The easiest ones to find are the orange core Minior that crashes into Skorupi or the red core variant that crashes into the ground after players illuminate the three Crystablooms. As soon as they land, players should use scan and then hit the points of impact with an Illumina Orb. The red core will get to its destination a little faster, so players planning to use the NEO-ONE's Turbo function to speed things up a little should probably choose that one.

With their Minior uncovered from the sand, players should next make their way over the big sand dune and into the oasis area. They'll want to take the alternate route to get as close to Kangaskhan as possible and then wait for the Minior to start floating above the water. When this happens, Kangaskhan will start playing with its child, but although this counts as a four star photo, players should hold fire on taking a picture for now. Instead, they'll need to throw a Fluffruit as close to Kangaskhan as possible while being sure not to hit it and then use the Melody Player as soon as the Kangaskhan stops playing to get its attention. If timed correctly, it will feed the nearby Fluffruit to its child rather than eating it itself and players can snap a picture of the baby snacking to complete the request.

There are 10 Minior buried in the sand at the very beginning of the course and players will need to find them all to complete the Rainbow Meteor Shower request. To do so, they'll need to repeatedly use scan to identify their locations and then throw Illumina Orbs at the right spots until they pop out. One also crashes into the ground near a Skorupi and two more will need to be summoned by illuminating the three Crystablooms that are used to reveal Flygon in the daytime version of the course. There are also one or two buried directly behind the player's starting position which can be very easy to miss.

Assuming players find them all, they'll be greeted by the titular rainbow meteor shower after they pass over the big sand dune. It floats around in the sky above the oasis for quite some time, so players will have plenty of time to get a decent shot of it. They'll just to ensure that all seven colors are visible and that they're not too far away for the research camera to identify the Pokemon. This will also count as a four star photo of Minior which should be useful for those hoping to complete their Photodex.

Once players reach research level 2 for the Sands (Night) course, they'll be able to find a sleeping Silicobra over to their right shortly after they spawn in. They'll need to hit it with a Fluffruit to wake it up and then once more so that it dives into the sand. Almost immediately after it does so, players should turn to their left and start using scan until they see Silicobra's tongue sticking out of the sand and then hit it with another Fluffruit. Assuming both interactions are completed, players will next see Silicobra sticking out of the sand once more over to their left as they pass over the big sand dune into the oasis area.

Taking the alternate route isn't strictly necessary here, although it does make completing the Revenge of Silicobra request a lot easier and so players should probably use scan and change routes. Hitting the Silicobra once more will cause it to jump out of the sand one final time and it will soon get into a fight with the nearby Lycanroc after doing so. Players will need to capture the conflict on camera to complete the request, while also making sure that both Pokemon are in the shot and that Silicobra is the focus. It can help to use the NEO-ONE's turbo function to boost ahead a little here, as Lycanroc has a habit of blocking the player's view when they’re traveling at normal speeds.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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