Wednesday, 12 May 2021 23:35

New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Fireflow Volcano & How To Complete Them

Written by Tom Bowen
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Fireflow Volcano may be one of the smaller courses in New Pokemon Snap, but it sure does have a lot of photo requests for players to complete.

Fireflow Volcano may be one of the shorter courses in New Pokemon Snap, but that doesn't mean that there aren't still a lot of things for players to see and do. Not only are there 17 different types of Pokemon to track down, but there are also 16 photo requests that players will need to fulfill for Professor Mirror and the rest of the research team in order to truly complete the game.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon In Fireflow Volcano & Where To Find Them

Much like the ones found in New Pokemon Snap's Founja Jungle (Night) course, many of these requests can only be completed at lower research levels, meaning some players will need to press the X button on the course select screen to choose the appropriate level before attempting to take them on. Thankfully though, the majority of the requests in Fireflow Volcano are fairly straightforward, with only one or two of them likely to cause players any real trouble.

Players will only be able to complete the The Singing Dragon request at research level 2, so those who have already gone past this point will need to hit the X button on the course select screen before tackling it. After doing so, they should start the course as usual and make their way to the point where the angry Tyrantrum is chasing the Archeops just before the entrance to the volcano.

Upon reaching this point, players will start to hear Altaria singing and will need to activate the Melody Player to reply. A few moments later, a flock of Altaria will start flying overhead and snapping a picture of them in the sky will be enough to complete Rita's request. It's only a three star photo though, so anybody looking for a four star shot of Altaria will instead need to throw some Fluffruit into the hotsprings near the start of the course to make the Pokemon happy.

The Little Lost Shinx request can only be completed at research level 3, although it's surprisingly simple compared to some of the other requests found in Fireflow Volcano. Right at the start of the course, a Talonflame will swoop down and scare a nearby Shinx which will cause the latter to run into a corner to the player's right. All they'll need to do is lure it round to the left using Fluffruit so that it can be reunited with Luxray.

As soon as it gets close enough, it will start to run over by itself and players should capture the moment when it gets happy and starts standing on its hind legs. After this, Shinx will show up in a few additional parts of the course, including in the area with the angry Tyrantrum if players throw a Fluffruit at the rampaging T-Rex. This will provide another four star photo opportunity as well as a chance to get a shot of Luxray using Discharge.

The Luxray Vision request must also be completed at research level 3, but there are at least a few different locations where players can get the shot that they need. By far the easiest, however, it in the first big cavern that players enter after making their way inside the volcano and sticking to the default route.

The NEO-ONE will travel around a huge rock in the center of the cavern and shortly after players pass the sleeping Tyrantrum on their left, they'll find a Luxray sitting on the big rock to their right. Hitting it with an Illumina Orb will cause its eyes to glow yellow for a second or two and players will need to capture this moment on camera to fulfill Todd's request.

The A Skilled Hunter Request is another that can only be completed at research level 2. Players will need to make their way down the steep hill at the start of the course and then look for a Talonflame perched on a pillar directly in front of them. It can help to slow the NEO-ONE down a little here by zooming the camera in as this will allow the Archeops time to get out of the way a bit. It's not essential, but players may struggle to get the picture they need if they don't.

Once things have calmed down a little, players should start throwing Fluffruit directly in front of Talonflame, although should try not to throw it so close that it's no longer in the Pokemon's line of sight. It can also help to throw a few Fluffruit over to the left to distract the Archeops and prevent them getting in the way. After a few moments, Talonflame will swoop down and pick up a Fluffruit and players will need to quickly snap a photo when it does.

While visiting the course on research level 1, a rampaging Tyrantrum will be chasing a pair of mischievous Monferno when players first arrive in the area between the start of the course and the entrance to the volcano. One of the monkeys will run away, but the other will instead climb up onto a stone pillar to the player's right and begin taunting the Tyrantrum.

The exact shot that players need to fulfill the A Goofy Pose request is Monferno turning around and scratching its rear, which should happen naturally after a few moments. If not, hitting the Pokemon with an Illumina Orb can sometimes speed up the process, so it's not a bad idea to just throw one anyway just to make sure.

Players will only be able to complete the Rest Your Wings request once they have unlocked the alternate route by reaching research level 2. They'll need to make their way to the chamber where the course ends when following the alternate route and then start throwing Fluffruit at the Typhlosion until it runs away. At research level 3, there'll instead be two of them and both will need to leave the area before players can get the shot that they need.

Once the chamber has been cleared of all other Pokemon, one of the Aerodactyl that had been circling above will swoop down and land on the ground. At this point, players will be able to toss it a Fluffruit to feed it. To fulfill Todd's request, they'll just need to get a shot of the Pokemon snacking on the Fluffruit and then turn it in to Professor Mirror at the end of the run.

Before players can attempt the A Quaking Volcano request, they'll first need to reach research level 3. After doing so, they'll need to make their way down the steep incline at the start of the course and then throw an Illumina Orb at one or both of the two Monferno that are standing on stone pillars so that the pair head inside the volcano.

From here, players will need to continue on as usual and stick to the default route, although it won't be long until they see the two Monferno again. When they do, hitting the Monferno on the left will cause it to jump on the sleeping Tyrantrum which will quickly wake up and angrily charge at the pesky primate. It misses its target, however, and players can snap a picture of the moment it cannons into the wall to complete Phil's photo request.

The Graveler needed for the When Graveler Shows Its Hand Request only shows up at research level 1 and, usually, only if players do a little bit of leg work first. They'll need to make their way inside the volcano and knock down five Graveler that are hanging from the walls of the first cavern by hitting them with Fluffruit. It sometimes shows up anyway, although knocking the other Graveler into the lava seems to greatly increase the chances for whatever reason.

There are three of them immediately to the player's left as they enter the volcano, although only two of these will fall into the lava when struck. As the path circles round, there'll be another Graveler directly in front of players, then one over to their right and, finally, one to the left of the entrance to the final chamber. Upon entering the next area, players should see Graveler on a platform in the center and throwing it a Fluffruit will cause the Pokemon to pick it up and eat it with its inner arms. Snapping a photo of the Pokemon eating is all that's needed for the request.

Players can complete the Archeops at Ease request at either research level 1 or research level 2 and may well find themselves doing so accidentally while trying to fulfill the A Skilled Hunter request for Phil. Both must be completed in the exact same area and both require players to snap a picture of a Pokemon eating Fluffruit.

To get Archeops to eat, players will need to wait until after the Tyrantrum has calmed down a little which will in turn put the Archeops at ease. After they have stopped running around, throwing a Fluffruit near one of them will cause the Pokemon to pick it up and start eating and players can take a picture of the moment to fulfill the Professor's request.

Players can take on the Climbing the Lavafall request at either research level 1 or research level 3, although it's a lot easier to do so at the lower of the two. They'll need to make their way to the final cavern on the default route and then look for a Slugma swimming around near any of the giant columns of falling lava. They only show up for a few seconds and can be quite hard to spot, so players will have to be quick.

As soon as players see one, they'll need to hit it with an Illumina Orb or two and then be ready to get a picture of it climbing up the lavafall. There are more Slugma at research level 1, including one immediately down and to the player's left as they enter the cavern, which is by far the easiest one to use for the request. Again though, players will have to be quick as they really don't hang around for very long.

Although the Torkoal needed for the So Excited! request can be found at research level 1, players will have to wait until research level 3 before they can complete the request. That's because nothing that players do will be enough to wake the sleeping Pokemon, but, thankfully, there's a Monferno on hand to help out at the highest level.

Upon entering the final chamber on the default route, players should locate the sleeping Torkoal over towards the exit and then wait for Monferno to run over and slap it. As soon as it does, hitting the Torkoal with an Illumina Orb will cause it to fully wake up. Hitting it with another one will now cause the Pokemon to stand up on its hind legs and this is the photo that Rita is looking for.

Once players reach research level 3, the Charmander that once filled the final chamber on the default route are nowhere to be seen, but that doesn't mean they're not still there. Before players can find them though, they will first need to illuminate the Crystabloom that's directly above the angry Tyrantrum and then start rapidly throwing Fluffruit over the ridge in front of them so that they land in the area over by the far wall.

The more Fluffruit players throw, the more Charmander will appear, but players will only need 5 of them to get the photo they need. Once 5 or more have emerged from their hiding place, players should trigger the Melody Player until they all line up and then cancel it by hitting the button again. After a few moments, Charizard will land in front of them, they'll all start celebrating and players can get a shot of the happy Charmander for Rita.

Players will need to unlock the course's alternate route by reaching level 2 before they can complete the Red-Hot Energy request for Professor Mirror. Next, they'll need to head to the hot magma just before the blue lava cavern and then look for two Charmander down beneath them. Hitting the pair of them with Illumina Orbs will cause them to walk over to the center of the magma and begin peering down, although this can take a few moments and so players should wait a little before moving onto the next step.

Once both Charmander are in position, players will need to illuminate them both again and then throw a Fluffruit at the Graveler above the magma so that it falls in. If all goes to plan, the three Pokemon will move in to investigate the impact site and, a few seconds later, a Charizard will fly out. It happens very quickly and so Burst Mode can be useful here if players have already unlocked it.

After players reach research level 3, they'll be able to find Typhlosion on a ledge above them right at the beginning of the course. Hitting it with a Fluffruit will cause it to run away, but it will reappear on the other side of the rocks in the area with the angry Tyrantrum. Typhlosion won't be too happy either after the Fluffruit incident and will soon get into a fight with a passing Aerodactyl as a result.

After the conflict begins, players will need to quickly throw an Illumina Orb at Typhlosion which will cause it to release a huge burst of fire. Capturing the moment on camera will reward players with a four star photo and will also fulfill the requirements for the Typhlosion Explosion request from Todd in the process.

To complete the 3,000-Degree Flames request, players will need to reach research level 3 for the course and then make their way to the blue lava room on the alternate route. As soon as they're able, they should illuminate the Crystabloom so that a second Flareon appears and then start feeding the pair Fluffruit.

After one of them has eaten a Fluffruit, tossing it another will cause it to let out a burst of flames to toast it. Players will need to be ready with their cameras for this though, as the moment is over fairly quickly. Not only will a photo of the flames fulfill Todd's request, but it will also count as a four star photo of Flareon for the player's Photodex.

Ho-Oh will start showing up in the Fireflow Volcano course after players have completed the game and they'll need to snap a photo of it to complete the A Slice of Rainbow request. The easiest way to do this is on research level 3, as Ho-Oh will show up almost immediately in a gap in the rocks to the player's right. It's also possible to get a photo at research level 2, although the process is a bit more complicated.

Rather than looking to their right, players will instead need to travel down the steep hill at the start of the course and then illuminate the Crystabloom near the Charmander on their right. At this point, using the Melody Player will summon Ho-Oh from somewhere behind the Charmander and players will also be able to submit a photo of the Legendary Pokemon from this location to Professor Mirror to complete Todd's request.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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