Friday, 14 May 2021 01:21

New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Maricopia Reef (Day) & How To Complete Them

Written by Tom Bowen
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The Maricopia Reef (Day) course in New Pokemon Snap is home to one or two feisty water-type Pokemon as well as a few tricky LenTalk photo requests.

Players will be able to explore New Pokemon Snap's Maricopia Reef (Day) course after they have reached research level 2 in Beach (Day). It's not a particularly large course compared to some of the others in the game and this is reflected in both the amount of Pokemon that are found there and the number of LenTalk requests that players will be expected to complete in and around the reef's waters. There are just 15 different types of Pokemon on offer, which is way below average, and only five photo requests for players to tackle.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon In Maricopia Reef (Day) & Where To Find Them

Although most of these requests are fairly simple to complete, a few of them won't unlock until after players have reached research level 3 for the course. What's more, players will also need to have gained access to pink Illumina Orbs, which means at least one or two visits to the Lental Seafloor Undersea course are going to be required. Once that's out of the way though, players should be able to wrap up all five requests fairly quickly and can also pick up some unique four star photos for their New Pokemon Snap Photodex while they're at it.

Completing the Returning to the Sea request for Todd is fairly straightforward, although getting the timing of the photo right may prove tricky for some. Players will need to make their way to the end of the course and take the alternate route that leads through the center of the large body of open water and then look for a Pelipper with a Pyukumuku in its beak. There should be plenty of them to choose from, although if for whatever reason there aren't, hitting one of the many Pelipper that are floating on the water's surface will cause it to scoop a Pyukumuku out of the water and hold it in its beak.

Once players have found what they need, hitting the Pelipper with a Fluffruit will cause it to spit the Pyukumuku out and they'll need to snap a shot of the Pyukumuku while it's in the air. It's also important that the Pyukumuku is the subject of the photo rather than the Pelipper, so it's a good idea to take a few photos just to make sure. This shouldn't be too difficult, as players can simply hit the Pelipper with an Illumina Orb after each photo attempt to make it scoop up another Pyukumuku and then repeat the process over and over again until reaching the exit.

Almost immediately after beginning the course, players will see a Crystabloom directly in front of them. This is the one that is usually used to summon a Pikachu riding on the back of a Mantine, but will also cause the two Sharpedo who are swimming around nearby at research level 3 to enter a fury state of sorts. To complete the A Bite for the Bully request, it's important that players do not throw an Illumina Orb at this Crystabloom, as they will need one of the Sharpedo to be completely calm in order to be able to complete the request.

There are two Sharpedo in the area; one resting at the base of the pillar on which the Crystabloom stands and another one swimming around in the water behind it. Players will need to turn their attention to the one at the back and, after passing the Crystabloom, should throw a Fluffruit into the water directly in front of it. It may take a few attempts to get the Pokemon to notice, but, once it does, it will leap out of the water and swallow the Fluffruit whole. It all happens pretty quickly, so players should have their camera at the ready and may want to consider turning on Burst Mode if they've unlocked it just to ensure that they get the shot they need. Given how close to the start of the course this is though, it's not particularly big deal if they don't as they can simply restart their run and try again.

The Bobbing for Fluffruit request can be completed in a number of places, but the best spot is out near the Wailord at research level 2 and above. Players should turn their camera to the left after the first Wailord has surfaced and then look for a low-flying Pelipper over by the rocks to their left. After locating one, they'll then need to toss a Fluffruit into the water in front of it and prepare to take a photo of the Pokemon eating.

To complete the Bobbing for Fluffruit request, players will need to snap a picture of the moment that the Pelipper scoops the Fluffruit out of the water. As with some of the other shots of Pokemon eating, this can happen pretty quickly, so Burst Mode can really help to capture the perfect moment if players are having trouble completing the request. It's possible to get a decent photo without it though, providing players already have their shot lined up at the moment when the Pelipper begins its dive.

After players reach research level 2 for the course, a second Wailord will start appearing shortly after the section with the whirlpool. When the first one surfaces, players will need to turn their camera to the right in order to manipulate the NEO-ONE's path and then throw Illumina Orbs at the second Wailord that appears in the distance until it opens its mouth. Once it does so, they'll then need to throw a Fluffruit in there before it closes it again.

Depending on how far away the player is at the time, this can be a fairly tricky shot to make, although the NEO-ONE's turbo function can make things a lot easier by getting players a little closer to the Pokemon. If successful, the Wailord will close its mouth and then completely spin its body around in the water and capturing the moment on camera will be enough to fulfill the If You're Happy and You Know It request for Phil.

Upon reaching research level 3 in Maricopia Reef (Day), players will be treated to an epic race between a Machamp and a nearby Sharpedo. It starts from the rock that the Machamp is usually flexing its muscles on and ends around the point in the course where the alternate route kicks in. The Machamp will emerge victorious if players do nothing, although hitting the Sharpedo with an Illumina Orb or two will give it the extra energy that it needs to steal the win.

To complete the Adorable Water Spray request, players will need to stay behind the racing pair and wait for events to run their course. Once the winner has been decided, players will need to turn around and look for a Wailmer behind them and then hit it with an Illumina Orb so that it shoots water out of its blowhole. It lasts for a good few seconds and can be triggered from distance, so getting the photo that Phil has requested shouldn't be too difficult. That said, using the NEO-ONE's Turbo function here can sometimes stop the Wailmer from showing up and so it's best to stick to the default speed from the moment the race begins until it does.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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