Friday, 14 May 2021 03:23

New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Maricopia Reef (Evening) & How To Complete Them

Written by Tom Bowen
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Maricopia Reef (Evening) is the final course that players will unlock in New Pokemon Snap and features ten challenging LenTalk photo requests.

Players won't be able to explore New Pokemon Snap's Maricopia Reef (Evening) course until after they've paid a visit to the Aurus Island Illimina Spot and photographed their sixth and final Illumina Pokemon. It's arguably well worth the wait though. The course doesn't feature too many Pokemon for players to photograph, but those that do turn up are some of the series' most popular. As well as these 15 popular Pokemon, there are also ten challenging LenTalk requests which allow players to demonstrate their photographic prowess.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon In Maricopia Reef (Evening) & Where To Find Them

Around half of these requests can be tackled straight away, although the rest will require players to reach research level 2, which is the maximum for the course. Thanks to all of the great photo opportunities, however, this can be achieved fairly quickly and so it shouldn't be too long before players are able to try their hands at some of the course's more difficult requests.

Players can tackle the Drifting Drifblim request from research level 1 onward and should receive it immediately after visiting the course for the first time. To complete the request, they'll need to make their way to the section of the course where the two Wailord pop out of the water and point their camera to the left so that they travel around them on the left hand side. In this area, they should see two Drifblim floating near the rocks and will need to hit the one on the left with an Illumina Orb so that the two Drifblim float together.

Once they are near enough to each other, the illuminated Drifblim will slightly inflate its head and players will need to snap a photo of the moment it does so to fulfill Rita's request. The change can be quite subtle, so it can help to take a few pictures of the exchange and then turn in one that is considered four star at the end of the run. At research level 2 there'll also be a larger pack of Drifblim carrying Clamperl in the same area, but players won't be able to complete the request with these ones for whatever reason.

After passing the two Wailord, players will encounter a Primarina that is blowing bubbles while sitting on a rock. As they get closer, however, it will dive into the water and begin swimming towards the end of the course. To complete the The Dancing Songstress request, players will need to hit it with an Illumina Orb once it's in the water and then capture the moment that it leaps out.

Some players may be tempted to use the NEO-ONE's Turbo function to try and get ahead of Primarina for a better shot here, but this isn't really possible due to how fast it swims and the strange trajectory it takes when preparing for its jump. As such, it's better stay behind the Pokemon at all times to avoid having to whip the camera around at the last second. There are also quite a lot of other Pokemon in the area where Primarina leaps, so players should make sure that she is the focus of the shot and not one of the nearby Drifblim or Mantine.

There are a few Alolan Raichu surfing in the waters or Maricopia Reef (Evening), but the one that players need to find for the Practice Makes Perfect request is hanging out in the section of the course between the whirlpool and the two Wailord. It shows up on the player's left and will travel alongside the NEO-ONE right up to the point where the Wailord start to surface.

Upon reaching this area, the Alolalan Raichu will spin around on its tail and players will need to get a shot of this happening to fulfill the Professor's request. They don't need to interact with the Pokemon in any way to make the trick happen, which makes this a fairly simple request, although it may be worth turning on Burst Mode to avoid missing the moment. It's not essential, but can definitely help.

Shortly before arriving at the whirlpool, players will see a Squirtle standing on a rock slightly to their right. As soon as they are in range, they'll want to start throwing Fluffruit at the little guy with a view to hitting it and knocking it backwards a little. After this happens, a Wingull will fly down and push the Squirtle into the water which causes it to get sucked into the nearby whirlpool.

It will spin around the whirlpool multiple times before finally sinking into the center, so players will have at least five seconds to get the photo that they need for the Round and Round request. It's best to focus the camera on one spot, wait for the Squirtle to come round and then use Burst Mode to get a shot of it as it passes. Players needn't feel too bad about indirectly pushing the Squirtle in either, as it will show up safely at the end of the course or can be saved by another Pokemon if players complete one of the course's other requests.

In the daytime version of the course, throwing Fluffruit into the center of the whirlpool will cause a Magikarp to leap out. In the evening, however, a different Pokemon can be found there. Rather than Fluffruit though, players will instead need to throw multiple Illumina Orbs into the center of the spinning water which will eventually cause a Blastoise to fly out.

It will hover above the whirlpool for a few seconds before using its water canons to propel itself to a rock near the end of the course. To complete the Whirlpool Blast Off request, players will need to capture it while it is moving, so Burst Mode can be useful due to the speed at which this happens. If players also knocked the Squirtle into the whirlpool on the same run, the little guy will be sat on Blastoise's shell, although this isn't a requirement for the request.

After visiting the course for the first time, players will receive the Take One, Please request from Rita. It's a fairly simple one to fulfill, requiring only that players feed a Fluffruit to a Lapras and photograph it eating. This means taking the alternate route to the large body of open water near the end of the course and then identifying which of the four Lapras is needed for the request.

The two that are closest to the player as they enter the area are used for another request and will not take the player's Fluffruit, nor will the one by the Crystabloom in the distance off to the player's right. Instead, players will need to aim their Fluffruit at the one behind the two that are in front of them when they arrive and then wait until it picks one up and starts eating.

After reaching research level 2, players will find two Mantine in the area between the whirlpool and the two Wailord. They'll be slightly to the right of the NEO-ONE's path and are initially in front of it too, so players should use Turbo to get ahead of them. Once they're behind the NEO-ONE, players will then need to quickly turn around and hit the pair with a scan.

As soon as the player uses scan, both Mantine will leap out of the water, although one will jump much higher than the other and it's this one that players need to photograph to complete the A Mighty Rolling Leap request. Despite the leap itself happening quite quickly, there's actually quite a bit of hang time, meaning that players have a good second or two to position their cameras and take the shot. Providing the photo they hand in at the end of the run is considered four star, the request should be marked off as complete.

Although it is technically possible to complete the Mareanie's a Meanie request from the alternate route, it's far more easily accomplished from the course's default path. As they're approaching the exit, players will see a rock with two Clamperl and a Crystabloom on it and a Drifblim floating just above to their left. As soon as they do, they'll want to start throwing Fluffruit at it with a view to landing one or two of them somewhere on the rock near the Clamperl.

A few moments later, a Mareanie will jump onto the rock and attack one of the Clamperl; latching on to the defenseless Pokemon with its tentacles. Players just need to get a photo of the conflict in which Mareanie is the subject to complete Todd's request, although should also grab a four star photo of Clamperl while they are at it. It's worth noting that Mareanie can sometimes take quite a bit of time to show up, but providing there's a Fluffruit somewhere near the Clamperl, it should appear at some point.

Feeding Vaporeon a Fluffruit for the Voracious Vaporeon request may seem impossible at first due to it never getting out of the water, but it's actually fairly simple if players know where to look. After photographing Vaporeon for the first time, it will start showing up in front of players at the very beginning of the course and hitting it with an Illumina Orb at this point will cause it to quickly swim away. This isn't the last that players will see of it though.

As they make their way around the whirlpool, Players wi ll see a rock with with a Crystabloom on it to their left. On the other side of this rock is a large, flat area of stone on which Vaporeon should now be sitting. At this point, players simply need to land a Fluffruit somewhere nearby and then snap a photo of the Pokemon eating it to complete Phil's request.

To complete the Myth of the Sea request for Todd, players will need to reach research level 2 and then make their way towards the end of the course. Upon reaching the rocky area just past the point where Vaporeon leaps out of the water, they'll then need to use scan to take the alternate route to the area with the four Lapras.

To get Manaphy to show up, players will first need to hit the Lapras that's closest to them with an Illumina Orb so that it swims over to the larger Lapras nearby. Next, they should use the Melody Player so that the pair start singing and, after a few moments, a Manaphy will leap out of the water between them. Although it's possible to complete the request by capturing the exact moment that Manaphy shows up, doing so can be incredibly tricky due to the Lapras' large hitboxes. As such, it's actually better to wait until the Legendary Pokemon has fully emerged and then get a picture of it swimming with one of the Lapras somewhere in the shot.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations

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