Sunday, 16 May 2021 18:08

Far Cry 6's Known Characters, Enemies, Setting, and More

Written by Kieran Hollingsworth
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As the release of Far Cry 6 approaches, the information Ubisoft has made available about the game paints an exciting picture.

Far Cry fans have been very patient in waiting for the release of Far Cry 6. While fans of other Ubisoft properties such as The Division have recently been on the receiving end of mountains of information concerning their favorite series, Far Cry fans have been left in the dark. Without a Far Cry release since early 2019, fans are brimming with excitement for the upcoming release of Far Cry 6, but they may have some time to wait as a release date is, to this point, still unknown. Regardless, fans of the series can take some comfort in the fact that Ubisoft appears to be preparing for Far Cry 6 to be one of this year's major releases.

While information may be limited when it comes to a release date for Far Cry 6, fans have been kept pretty well in the loop when it comes to the rest of the game. A great deal of information about the title can be gleaned from Far Cry 6's announcement trailer, which functioned almost like a short film, introducing the main antagonist and setting up the main conflict of the game.

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In past Far Cry games, the characters were what made the series stand out from the rest. From Far Cry 3's Vaas to Far Cry 4's Pagan Min, the series' main protagonists have always oozed a combination of charisma and eccentricity. While the latter may not be what comes to mind with an actor like Giancarlo Esposito, the former is definitely on the cards, along with his trademark unsettling coldness. With the announcement trailer centering around Giancarlo's character, Anton Castillo, and the grooming of his son, Diego, it looks like Far Cry 6 will heavily revolve around these two characters, indicating a continuation of Far Cry's affinity for building compelling antagonists. Relatively little is known about the protagonist beyond the fact that they are a revolutionary named Dani Rojas, are local, and can be either gender.

The lack of a focus on Dani Rojas seems to suggest the story's focus will be more on the father-son duo of Anton and Diego. Notably, Far Cry 6's reveal focused mainly on Diego, and his father's intentions to convert him to the dark side so to speak. This could be due to Ubisoft noticing a trend in its Far Cry games of the antagonists becoming the fan favorites, or it could signal that for Far Cry 6, Diego will be the story's most important character. The game's website describes the player's objective to be to take down 'a dictator and his son', possibly suggesting that Diego yields to his father's attempts to shape him in the trailer. This adds further credibility to the idea of Diego's story being the focus.

Far Cry 6 is set on a fictional tropical Caribbean island, going by the name of Yara. It is not quite the peaceful paradise its dictator would have would-be tourists believe, though, as it's in the midst of a violent revolution. The island appears to have a retro aesthetic, which the games website describes through the words of the revolutionaries as 'dated and built for him (Anton Castillo)'. Far Cry 6's setting may not be an entirely new direction for the series, with previous Far Cry games having been both set on islands, and in the middle of revolutions, but it is the first game to feature a main city.

RELATED: The Pros and Cons of Far Cry 6 Featuring a Big City

Fans are yet to see any Far Cry 6 gameplay, but that could be set to change very soon. It's likely that Ubisoft will feature Far Cry 6 at E3 this June, with a gameplay demo probably taking a starring role. While fans of the series have never had much to worry about when it comes to the gameplay of Far Cry, a gameplay demo will provide sufficient cause to get the hype train going. What can be assumed about the gameplay of Far Cry 6 is that it will retain its high-tempo action scenes and well-polished gunplay that has seen the series become one of the all-time great shooters.

One notable change from previous games in the series is that fan-favorite, Hurk doesn't seem to be in Far Cry 6, according to Hurk's voice actor, Dylan Taylor. This seems to be due to the fact that he hasn't been contacted. Hurk has been the series' lovable idiot and has proven himself to be quite the fan favorite, which makes the idea of his absence perplexing.

As for the release date of Far Cry 6, this is another factor that is likely to be revealed at E3, although it is known that the game is set to release this year. Ubisoft has also confirmed that the release date will be at some point before September, meaning the game will be released during the summer period, not long after E3. Far Cry 6 would be the first Far Cry game to release during this period, leaving little room for speculation as to when exactly fans can expect a release. Regardless of exact dates, it seems Far Cry 6 will be made available soon, giving fans something to look forward to.

Far Cry 6 is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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