Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is an improvement upon the original in every way -if players don't find the change to Peter Parker's face to be an issue- but that doesn't mean it didn't come with its share of problems. Every new release requires some nips and tucks, and a bug that affected the character's air tricks was something that needed addressing. However, with the game's most recent patch, that bug has officially been squashed.
This particular bug may have gone under the radar for those who never played the original, but many noticed a problem associated with the bug while web-swinging in Spider-Man Remastered. Doing air tricks would affect Peter's swinging momentum, disrupting the normally seamless flow of web-swinging the series is known for. It was brought up through social media, posted on sites like Reddit, and some even made developer Insomniac aware of the issue directly. The recent 1.003 patch that released today has remedied the problem.
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The semi-sequel, Spider-Man: Mile Morales, released alongside the remaster and was a fantastic title in its own right. The major downside to the game is how short it is, which leads many to believe protagonist Miles Morales deserves a full Spider-Man sequel of his own. It was so popular that it became the most-downloaded PS5 game of November 2020 and is even getting its own art book. This shows that Miles has become a beloved character that, despite being another Spider-Man, has managed to wall-crawl out of Peter Parker's shadow.
Like its predecessor, however, Spider-Man: Mile Morales also came with its share of issues. Aside from the typical patchwork that needed to be done for stability, the title came with a glitch that would turn Miles into inanimate objects and a particularly annoying bug that crashes the game. Thankfully, it won't do any permanent damage and Insomniac confirms crashes won't hurt consoles. The developer is continuing to iron out the kinks and even improve upon the game, such as the recent addition of a ray-tracing 60fps performance mode.

Now players are wondering what's next for the video game series, and whether the journey will continue with Peter, Miles, or both. Whatever direction Insomniac takes it, as long as more quality games like Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Mile Morales are made, the fanbase will be happy. The series and its characters may go beyond just games, however. A user on Reddit posted a photo that possibly suggests a tie between the PS4 game and the upcoming Spider-Man 3 film. While unconfirmed, it would make sense, as mounting evidence indicates the third movie will deal with the Spider-Verse and multiple dimensions.
Spider-Man Remastered is available on PS5 for owners of Spider-Man: Miles Morales' Ultimate Edition.
MORE: Why Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered May Be Getting An Individual Release on PS5
Source: Twisted Voxel