New Pokemon Snap is one of the first big exclusive Switch titles to come in 2021 and also kicks off the start of the Pokemon franchise's 25th anniversary. New Pokemon Snap, like its predecessor that released on the Nintendo 64 back in 1999, puts players into the shoes of a Pokemon photographer on a mission to take the best photos of hundreds of adorable (and not so adorable) pocket monsters. The gameplay will also be similar to the original, with the camera sporting a first-person view and the main character in a machine that will carry players through mostly linear tracks in different biomes.
By using the in-game camera, players will have to try to get the Pokemon in various positions in order to get the optimal photo of it. The better the positioning, the higher the score. Various things can affect the score too, such as the size of the Pokemon, whether it's facing the camera or not, and other things of that nature.
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For all of the New Pokemon Snap fans out there excited to get their hands on this Switch title, they might be excited to know that Target has recently announced that it has a pre-order bonus available for the upcoming Pokemon game. If someone pre-orders the title, they will receive a free gift in the form of a snazzy magnetic photo frame themed around New Pokemon Snap. The gift will be available until April 29, which is one day before the release of the game. The frame can, of course, be used for whatever it is that players want to put in there, but it could be a good place to store a favorite photo that was taken in New Pokemon Snap.
Physically printing out photos from a Nintendo Switch console in this day and age could prove to be a hassle for some, especially since printers are not readily available for everyone. In the past, there were machines located in video stores such as Blockbuster, that allowed Pokemon Snap players to print out their favorite snaps, but unfortunately, these machines are long gone, along with nearly every Blockbuster.
As for what else is coming this year for Pokemon fans, The Pokemon Company has been pretty quiet on that front, at least for now. It's been heavily rumored that a Nintendo Switch remake of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are on their way, but nothing is set in stone just yet.
New Pokemon Snap is set to launch on April 30, 2021, for the Nintendo Switch.
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Source: Target, Wario64