Thursday, 20 May 2021 07:01

Call of Duty: Warzone - How To Find Rambo POW Dog Tags

Written by Joshua Goodpastor
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Call of Duty: Warzone's new hero Rambo has hidden survival camps across the map, and he stashed dog tags at each location for players to find.

In Call of Duty: Warzone's Season 3 Reloaded updated, '80s Action Heroes have finally arrived in the game. Rambo and John McClane debuted along with special event, referencing their famous films. While John McClane got an entire building, Rambo's update is scattered across Call of Duty: Warzone's Verdansk.

Call of Duty: Warzone has several Rambo-themed locations scattered around the map known as Survival Camps. These camps hold dog tags which, if collected, can be traded in for a unique item. In addition, collecting these tags unlocks progress in the Call of Duty: Warzone event allowing for more free items to be rewarded.

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These camps are a homage to Rambo: First Blood Part 2, where Rambo was a prisoner of war. To complete the challenge, players need only collect three tags in a game from one of many Survival Camp locations. These tags are restricted, so only one player can pick up the tag, meaning fans need to be fast if they want to progress through the challenge. Call of Duty: Warzone's camps have great loot too, making trips to these locations worth players effort even after the tag challenge has been collected.

There are 10 tag locations in total, and the camps are fairly recognizable from a distance. Call of Duty: Warzone players can find these event locations by the small structures set up that look like impromptu shelters. These structures are designed to mimic the same base Rambo built in the movies, and the tag should be floating around the campfire section at each one.

Keep in mind that the chests from these camps have a high chance to drop the brand new Call of Duty: Warzone Season 3 Reloaded Combat Bow Killstreak. This bow is required for another challenge, so keep that in mind while looting. Also, it is important to note that the Fallen Soldier Tags have additional uses outside their core event. Players can turn the tags in at the hidden CIA base for additional in-game rewards.

Players can find the CIA base hidden at the Airport in the northern section of Verdansk. While this Call of Duty: Warzone event features Rambo-themed rewards, players can complete additional challenges at the Nakatomi Tower. From completing themed missions to opening the tower's hidden vault, players can perform their own action adventures within the battle royale environment.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone Nakatomi Plaza Location

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