Friday, 29 January 2021 01:05

Cyber Shadow Has Plenty of Written Lore for a Sequel | Game Rant

Written by Greysun Morales
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It turns out that the developer of Cyber Shadow, Aarne Hunziker, only managed to fit in 25% of the lore and story that he created.


Yacht Club Games has just released Cyber Shadow on all major platforms and the 2D action side-scroller draws inspiration from old-school titles like Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, and Metroid, and successfully mashes it all up into one thrilling yet challenging experience. While the game was published by Yacht Club, it was actually developed by one person named Aarne Hunziker, who makes up Mechanical Head Studios.

While a majority of the 10-hour or so adventure revolves around gameplay, there are some story moments throw in there occasionally to really draw in players into Cyber Shadow's universe and characters. And according to a recent podcast interview with Yacht Club Games’ Marketing Manager Celia Schilling, it turns out that the game initially had tons of more lore, enough that could potentially end up in a sequel to Cyber Shadow one day.

RELATED: Cyber Shadow Review Roundup

In the interview with Goombastomp, Schilling stated: "What you guys get in Cyber Shadow currently is only 25% of the story that Aarne had written for it. Aarne has so much backstory for Cyber Shadow. I remember we were working on the character profiles for it and I was like, ‘Okay Aarne, tell me more about Shadow, like what does he like to do for fun?’ And he was like, ‘Shadow, obviously, he has a sensitivity to essence. But before he went to the dojo, where he met Master, he went on a journey of solitude to make sure he wasn’t being corrupted."

Considering that Cyber Shadow just launched and was mostly developed by only one person, there's no news yet on whether the game will be getting a sequel or not. It'll all depend on whether the game meets sales expectations (if fans even want a sequel) and, of course, if Mechanical Head Studios is interested in a follow-up.

Game Rant's review for Cyber Shadow was published earlier this week and was scored a 4.5/5.

"The chiptune soundtrack mixes superbly well with the fast-paced gameplay, it runs perfectly on the PS5 via backward compatibility, and it's a memorable experience of hardships and rage, but also satisfaction and accomplishment. One second, players will be smacking their controllers after dying on the same section for the 30th time, but then once they figure it out and make their way through, the incredible feeling of surpassing that obstacle is a delight."

Cyber Shadow is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox One. The title is also part of the Xbox Game Pass library.

MORE: 10 Indie Games That Became Major Success Stories

Source: Goombstomp

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