Friday, 29 January 2021 04:18

Call of Duty: Warzone Ghillie Suit Bug Turns Players Invisible

Written by Amari Giles
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A bugged ghillie suit skin in Call of Duty: Warzone is turning players partially invisible while they're wearing it in the game.

There have been many bugs, glitches, and other gameplay issues that have appeared in Call of Duty games, and Call of Duty: Warzone has been no exception. Warzone had teleporting bugs, bugs that gave players unlimited revivals, bugs that crashed the game for players, and many more that impacted gameplay.

Players discovered a new Call of Duty: Warzone bug when players wearing a ghillie suit skin started turning invisible in front of each other. The skin is bugged and will make players partly invisible to enemy players the further away they are from each other. Unless seen by scopes or players aiming down sights, players wearing the ghillie suit will be invisible except for the head and weapon they're carrying.

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There have been issues with some skins in the past, such as the Warzone Roze skin being considered pay-to-win. The bugged ghillie suit is the Grinch skin called Forest Spirit that has been available since August 2020 from the purchasable Eloko Bundle. Various players and Warzone streamers also talked about the invisibility bug showing different aspects of the bug from the game.

Warzone streamer PrestigeisKey showed in a recent video that the Forest Spirit skin is still purchasable in the Eloko bundle on the PC platform despite reports that it was removed from the game. A video released three days ago from streamer NOPsledUPSIDEyaHEAD showed the Warzone invisibility bug is also on the PC version where he spotted an invisible player with only a head and weapon before aiming down sights. Warzone streamer Scop3s also showed the Forest Spirit invisibility bug in action that showed similar results.

Both streamers' videos backed up the ghillie suit invisibility bug details and commented that the bug has been in the game at least as long as the skin has been available. However, Scop3s tested the bugged skin's invisibility bug with other players showing the various distances that players would start to disappear. The shortest is 34 meters with no ADS, the second is 55 meters with low ADS, and the farthest the video showed was 125 meters while aiming with a 4x scope on a sniper rifle.

Scop3s comments that the numbers he recorded will likely be different for other players depending on the scopes they use on their weapons. Warzone has had several invisibility bugs before like that made players invisible and invincible, a bug that made Warzone players and objects invisible, or the attack helicopter bug that turned players fully invisible. Until Activision resolves this latest invisibility bug, Warzone players will have to deal with invisible players in ghillie suits.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Warzone: How Skill Based Matchmaking Works

Source: PC Gamer

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