Monday, 24 May 2021 19:55

Destiny 2: How To Get The Mask Of The Quiet One Titan Exotic (& Tips For Using It)

Written by Payton Lott
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The Mask of the Quiet One is a year-one exotic that Destiny 2 player still search for. Here's your guide to finding and using this piece.

Every now and then, players in the community test out the relics from year one of Destiny 2. Some are still viable, and others are just not worth the effort to unlock. One of the year one Titan exotics that guardians are still trying to get their hands on is the Mask of the Quiet One.

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Those that have been in the community long enough remember the mask as one of Xur's first sets of exotic armor in 2017. This guide will cover a couple of ways to find this exotic piece, how to use it most effectively, and how it stacks up against the other Titan exotics in 2021.

There are only two ways players can get this exotic. The first is through Xur, while the other is through a random drop.

Xur has had the armor rotating in his inventory for over four years now. While he will not usually have the mask available for purchase, guardians can always spend 97 legendary shards for an exotic engram. The chances of the mask dropping from the engram are small given how many exotics are now in the game. However, players that complete the Exotic Cipher quest can turn in their reward for a second exotic engram.

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Given that there are hundreds of exotic weapons and armor, this does not seem like an efficient way to find this piece armor. Thankfully, in a 2019 update, Bungie added duplicate protection for all exotic engrams. This means that accounts will not pull exotics that accounts already own. Players should stay patient and open as many exotic engrams as possible. Statistically, the exotic will appear eventually. If it does not, gamers can hope Xur has the mask as a purchasable item in the near future.

This year-one exotic provides two specific intrinsic traits. These traits were altered by Bungie several years ago, as they were quite overpowered in the first version of the mask. Dreaded Visage grants the player ability energy when they're damaged. Additionally, when critically wounded, players regain maximum health upon making kills. On paper, these buffs seem incredible. Free ability recharge and a 100% health boost should be broken in all modes. However, the description is misleading — read on for more details.

It is true that when a player is initially damaged, all abilities will be given a recharge boost. What the description does not mention is that the percentage of the abilities that receive this recharge is quite small. Additionally, there is a split second delay between the first boost and the second. This means than an opponent can sneak in a few shots before the ability boost kicks in again. Because hand cannons have a three shot kill potential, this buff is not very noticeable in PVP.

Another hidden requirement is that the player must take damage to their shields, and not health, for the buff to work. Guardians need the boost more when they are taking health damage, further reducing the efficacy of the intrinsic trait.

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The term "maximum heath" is not what most people would assume. The base health of every character is 70. The description's "maximum heath" refers to the base value of 70. Whether Bungie intended to update the figure for PVP or in later updates is unclear. The reality is that gamers will only get +70 health when they kill an opponent while critically injured.

Technically, the value of 70 makes sense because shield values via a resistance boost make up the rest of the bar. Unlike other games that incorporate health and shields, Destiny 2 displays both in one bar, with no clear distinction. For that reason, the effects of Dreaded Visage were misunderstood by several players.

Taking into account the obvious downsides to using the mask, there are still noticeable buffs that can help gamers who grow close to death. At this point in Destiny 2, there are dozens of exotics that provide little to no benefits or even hinder performance at times. Mask of the Quiet One at least provides a noticeable ability buff every second and grants a small portion of heal for critical kills.

After reviewing the other options in the Titan class, the mask deserves at least a B Tier rating. It is definitely not one of the exotics that guardians should spend a lot of time and energy to find, but it can be used in PVE and PVP. Most people will want to test this exotic out in PVP instead of PVE, given how many A and S tier options that are available. One of the positives of equipping the exotic is that is will make any Titan look like an Uruk-Hai. There are plenty of armor pieces in the game with worse aesthetics.

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