Monday, 24 May 2021 23:00

10 Pro Tips For Miitopia You Need To Know | Game Rant

Written by Ryan Woodrow
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Miitopia is a quirkily little JRPG that most gamers initially slept on. Now that it has a Switch port, players might want to know the ins and outs.

A charming, quirky, cult-hit of a game, Miitopia offers a unique JRPG experience, allowing player-created Miis to go on a great adventure and defeat an evil dark lord in an experience perfect for newcomers to the genre. Initially released on the 3DS and later re-released for Switch, this game has had far more of a shelf life than what many may have anticipated on its release.

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Its cute and kid-friendly nature may put off fans of traditional JRPGs, thinking the game would be too simplistic, but that is not the case. While Miitopia isn't as complex as a game like Chrono Trigger, it still comes together with engaging systems that make it a worthy addition to the genre, leaving players in need of some pro-tips for guidance.

10 Heal With Sprinkles As Often As Possible - Manual Healing Is Better

During the standard turn-based JRPG combat of Miitopia, players will only directly control one Mii, their main character. All other Miis in the party are controlled by AI, which means players will often have to control scenarios to get them to behave desirably.

A key example of this is healing. If an AI Mii is below half health, it will likely prioritise healing on its turn rather than attacking. This is useful for self-preservation, but when facing a boss, every turn spent healing is a turn not dealing damage. Thankfully, the game offers an alternative with the Sprinkles for both HP and MP. These can be used at any time during battle and become plentiful as the game progresses, so using them to heal is a far better option than letting the Miis do it themselves.

9 Ration Your Food Wiseley - Not To Everyone's Taste

If players want to micro-manage their stats in Miitopia, food is the easiest and most effective way to do so. Every food item boosts different stats by a variable amount depending on their quality and how much a Mii likes it.

This is a crucial tool to making your Miis as powerful as possible. Using food to boost a Mii's most powerful stats will quickly make them almost unstoppable in battle. Sometimes this means feeding Miis food they don't like, but this is a small price to pay for battlefield destruction.

8 Pick A Variety Of Jobs - We Can't All Be Pop Stars

One of the joys of Miitopia is the fun jobs it offers players. The starting set of jobs offer Miis the chance to become Pop Stars and Chefs alongside the standard JRPG jobs and adds more fun ones as the game goes on.

With that said, it's important that players still pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each job and assign them to characters to cover each other's weaknesses. For example, it may be a lot of fun to bring four Pop Stars on your adventure, but players will quickly regret it when their fragile nature lets a strong foe wipe the floor with them.

7 Raise Relationships Evenly - Strong Bonds For Strong Abilities

Miitopia's relationship mechanic is more than just a fun way to ship OCs with fictional characters; it is also a mechanic vital to in-game success. As relationships grow between Miis, they unlock some very powerful abilities. These include boosting damage, granting an extra attack, and giving extra chances to dodge attacks.

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To get the most optimum uses out of these abilities, players will need to spread the relationships out amongst the group so everyone is on a similar level. While boosting one pairing up as high as possible will unlock a few powerful abilities, several pairings on a medium relationship level will give these abilities more chances to trigger in battle and be more beneficial in the long run.

6 The Rock, Paper, Scissors Minigame Is Useless - Always Do Roulette

When players get their first Game Tickets, the options available are to spin a Roulette Wheel to win various prizes or play Rock, Paper, Scissors for cash. The cash seems tempting at the start of the game, but it is a trap. Never do it.

For one thing, cash is plentiful in Miitopia as long as players are exploring as much as possible. For another, players will more often than not come away with nothing, which is just a waste of a Game Ticket. Even getting a bad prize on the Roulette Wheel still means players come away with something they can use. On top of that, the gear, EXP and Outings the Roulette Wheel can offer is worth far more cash - and is far more useful - than what Rock, Paper, Scissors offers its winners.

5 Hold Nothing Back In Battle - Go All Out All The Time

In many JRPGs, when venturing through an area, it is a wise practice to save MP and hold back on powerful abilities because you never know when a boss is going to show up. However, in Miitopia, this is not something players need to worry about.

Most areas in the game are short enough that it's unlikely players will run out of healing/restoring items before they reach an Inn and have it replenished for free. On top of that, it is usually very obvious when players are about to enter a boss fight, and the game sometimes even points it out, so conservation is not a worry.

4 Explore Everywhere - Travel The World

Many areas in Miitopia will offer the player multiple paths they must choose between. At first, players may see little value in backtracking to go over the paths they didn't travel, but it is definitely worth their time.

Firstly, it gives players more battles, which is a huge benefit in terms of cash, EXP and people saved (which offers other bonuses). Secondly, the chests and items plays can find along alternate routes can be invaluable to getting better gear and abilities.

3 Save Tickets & Food Towards The End Of An Area - Boost The Newbies

The main story of Miitopia is split over several main sections of the world (along with some secret ones), each separated by its own screen & story arch, at least, for the opening half. At the end of three of these four screens, players will have their entire party (except for their protagonist) taken away from them, as well as their current job, forcing them to start in the new area from square one.

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However, other resources the player can gather don't get taken away. Cash, Tickets & Food all stick around between areas. As such, when players notice they're about to reach the end of the current area, it's wise not to use the resources they gather on their current party and instead wait until they can be used to give the new party an early boost.

2 Buy Gear As Soon As Miis Ask For It - Flash Sale

At each Inn, between each area, Miis may have a desire to buy some new gear. Be it an outfit or a weapon, these pieces of gear and vital to making Miis stronger in battle and getting the most out of their abilities.

However, what they ask for, and how often they ask for it is randomised. This means that when a Mii asks for something, and they don't get it, it could be a while until they ask for it again. As such, there is little reason to save the cash for a rainy day and instead buy any gear the Miis ask for as soon as they ask. Otherwise, players risk them no asking again for ages and being stuck with bad gear.

1 The Horse Is The Most Powerful Character - Animals Are Better Than People

While your party members come and go throughout the adventure, the one companion who never leaves the players' side is the horse. Like party members, players can have any Mii build their relationship level with the horse to unlock new abilities.

These abilities the horse grants are far and away the most powerful in the game, and having as many Miis as possible with a good relationship with the horse will make fights much easier. The horse can deal massive damage, restore HP & MP, allow quicker traversal through areas, and so much more. Getting the relationship with the horse as high as possible not only unlocks these abilities but makes them more likely to trigger, so it's something absolutely worth investing time into.

NEXT: The 10 Best Anime Based on JRPGs

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