Tuesday, 25 May 2021 00:31

Golf With Your Friends: Trickshot Guide For The Forest

Written by Aden Carter
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The Forest is an interesting course with plenty of trickshot opportunities. This guide should cover them all.

Golf With Your Friends can get a little competitive. Let's face it, golf games, while they can be fun, often leave friends bickering about who is in the lead. Trickshots, when done correctly are a good way to get ahead of the crowd and score that necessary hole-in-one.

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Knowing this information should make friends jealous as they try to catch up. Keep in mind though that different results can happen from time to time since the game isn't perfect. Keep at it though and soon everyone will be a minigolf master. Also, keep in mind that not all holes offer trick shots.

11 Hole #1

Instead of just shooting the ball straight ahead, shoot behind. Aim at the barrier behind where the ball spawns. Take a look at the checkered ground and take aim at the dark square to the right. Aim directly for the far right corner of it and give the ball the maximum power. The ball will ricochet off every wall and go right in.

10 Hole #3

When spawning in, players will notice that there is a spinning wheel. They will not be aiming for that, rather they will be aiming next to it. The wall down below the spinning cylinder will be visible, aim for that (it is to the right of the cylinder). Hit the ball with a little under three bars worth of power and it should ricochet off the wall and go down to the hole.

9 Hole #5

Despite being pretty straightforward, the fifth hole of the forest can be hard to get a hole in one on. Instead of shooting straight ahead, aim at the flag itself. Smack the ball with about three bars worth of power and it should ricochet its way down to the hole. Luckily, there is a divot in the ground to help the ball go in just in case the shot messes up a little bit.

8 Hole #7

Players on this hole might be tempted to take aim at the thin line in the center, but this can often lead to flying out of the map. That's because it is hard to gauge how much power is needed to get to the hole. Impress friends by aiming to the left.

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Take aim at the wooden beam to the left. There are two screws in the board, aim for the left one. Hit the ball with about two and a half bars of power and the ball should bounce its way down the hill and into the hole.

7 Hole #8

Hole eight is pretty tricky. There is a rotating bridge that can easily end up tossing a player out of the map or down to the platform below. This will force them to shoot up a big ramp and waste strokes. Take aim at the ramp ahead and aim for the dark square that is second from the left. Wait for the bridge to line up right and hit the ball with just under full power to hopefully get it to launch into the hole.

6 Hole #11

Players will notice that on hole ten there are two large ramps on the left side. That is the key to hopefully getting a hole in one. Aim at the very edge of the wooden beam. Of course, be sure to aim close enough that the ball won't end up hitting it. Hit the ball with full power and watch it soar through the air and land on the other ramp. It should then bounce off the wall and go into the hole.

5 Hole #12

This hole isn't possible to get a hole in one on, but it can be done in two hits. If jump mode is enabled, players can take aim at the wall to the right. There is another platform on the other side of the wall. Smack the ball and keep mashing the shoot button to get the ball to jump the wall and get closer to the hole. It is then easy to aim and shoot the ball straight into the hole.

4 Hole #14

Right away, players should notice all of the targets that are scattered around this hole. There are three sitting right in front of where the ball spawns. Players will start off looking at the center target and be tempted to hit.

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Don't. Instead, aim for the target on the right. Aim for the center of the right target and hit it with full power. This will cause the ball to go flying over to another target, bounce off it, and land either in or around the hole.

3 Hole #16

Hole sixteen looks a lot like a Plinko board and hitting the ball up can cause it to land anywhere. There is also a moving wall that can block players from getting into the sweet spot where the hole is. To get this hole done in one shot, aim directly at the flag and hit the ball with full power. Wait until the moving wall is the closest it can get. The ball will smack off a couple of walls and just barely miss the moving wall before going into the hole.

2 Hole #17

The conveyor belts on this hole make it difficult to maneuver and players can only hope that they will score a hole in one. Notice the surroundings though. There is a target on the far end of the hole. Take aim directly at the end of the target. Hit the ball with three bars of power and it should hit the target, bounce onto the farthest conveyor belt, bounce off the wall, and go in.

1 Hole #18

The last hole of the course can seem a bit scary at first. There are logs getting cut and if a player doesn't land right they will get pushed away. To stop this from happening, while also wowing a few friends, aim at the dark square in the turf in front of the spawn. The square is on the left. Aim for the top left corner of the square and hit the ball with full power. Hit the ball as soon as the log is on the ramp after it's been cut and the ball should fly over to the platform below. It should also land directly in the middle of the course where it can't get touched by the logs. From there it is an easy shot to the hole.

NEXT: The 10 Best Golf Games Of All Time, Ranked

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