Tuesday, 25 May 2021 21:12

15 Toughest Dungeon Bosses In Remnant From The Ashes & How To Beat Them

Written by Ben Baker
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Remnant: From The Ashes is one of the most difficult games on the market. To make matters worse, it's full of tough bosses players need to beat.

In Remnant From The Ashesthe player is tasked with taking down the nightmarish Root by traveling to different realms to learn about their origins and how to defeat them once and for all. Along the way, players will want to obtain powerful items to help them in their quest.

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Unfortunately, many of these items are in the possession of horrific monsters located in dungeons. They present some of the toughest challenges the player will face, and will require lots of skill and strong weapons to bring them down. Among these bosses, the ones below are the most intimidating of the lot.

Updated May 26th, 2021 by Ben Baker: Gunfire Games has unveiled a number of new DLCs that have made Remnant From The Ashes a more challenging and terrifying place to explore. New realms, new items, and more important new bosses have been unleashed upon the player. Given these changes, it seemed appropriate to update this article with some new contenders for the toughest Dungeon Bosses in the game.

15 Scourge

The Scourge isn’t all that tough compared to other dungeon bosses. His attacks don’t deal absurd amounts of damage, and they’re relatively easy to avoid. The reason Scourge makes the list is because his deep health pool makes this a battle of endurance.

Take a weapon that can do the most damage per hit, as each hit will spawn annoying hives. Use the structure in the middle to avoid attacks, but keep in mind that Scourge can still hit the player through the structure. Dive into the tunnel or lure it in there to minimize the amount of hives. Keep at it, it'll go down eventually.

14 The Mangler

Phase one of this fight isn’t terribly difficult, as The Mangler will be small and rather docile. Dodge its roll attacks and when it burrows underground take down its adds quickly before it digs itself out. Where players need to watch out is phase two, when it gets bigger and much more aggressive.

At 50% health, the Mangler will grow and start engaging in melee. Players must keep on their toes and dodge the attacks. Another thing to keep in mind is that this boss sometimes gets the Enchanter affix, which will cause explosions around the arena. Have some Oilskin Tonic on hand to mitigate this.

13 Raze

If the Raze was alone it wouldn’t be too hard of a boss to take down, just a little annoying as it zips around the room. The problem is that every time it screams, it summons a swarm of flying adds to attack the player.

When it starts screaming, start pumping rounds into its core. As the adds start coming in, prioritize them first. Be wary of the Raze's fire attack as it will deal a ton of damage and cause burns, so have some Hydro Coolant on hand just in case.

12 Ancient Construct

This hulking mass of metal deals a ton of damage and has a variety of attacks that can trip up players and cause problems. Most of the fight is a matter of dodging its spear strikes and underhanded attacks.

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It gets complicated when the Ancient Construct starts summoning automated turrets that can chip away at the player's health. Dispatch these quickly but don’t get too distracted, or the player will catch the business end of the Construct’s spear. Those who fight from a distance should also be wary of the radiation projectile. Having some Heavy Water Elixer on hand is helpful if the player catches an orb or two.

11 Stormcaller

This foe is a bit one-note with the lightning, but honestly, it works. Lightning Strikes will flash down from the sky and lightning orbs will chase the player around the room.

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Players should moving and peppering the Stormcaller with bullets any chance they can. Stay put for too long, and they'll be a sizzling pile of ashes from all the lightning strikes. Players also want to give themselves a few extra seconds to shoot down the orbs when they appear, as they definitely don’t want to get hit by them.

10 The Warden

This can be a tough fight if the player doesn’t maintain crowd control or react quickly enough to what The Warden is doing. He’ll fight the player with a lance, which can be dodged easily enough. Things get tricky when he sets a lance with a bell on the floor.

This will summon a bunch of adds that can quickly add up to swarm the player. If players can destroy the bell just as he places them, it will crack his armor and allow players to deal a ton of damage. If this can't be pulled off, be prepared to fall back to a defensible spot and take out the adds.

9 Shatter And Shade

These twin constructs will fight the player at the same time and can pose a serious problem. Shade is a ranged fighter and will shoot projectiles with its staff or conjure a massive ball of radiation. Shatter is a melee fighter who can charge, lunge with its lance or cause an AOE explosion.

Prioritize Shade while keeping Shatter at bay. After one of them receives enough damage they’ll join forces to create a force field, shoot radioactive balls around the room and enemies start flooding out of the walls. Dispatch the new guys before turning your attention back to the twins. Once one is down your job becomes a lot easier.

8 Blink Thief

This boss is more annoying than it is dangerous, but that makes it all the more difficult to fight. When the player enters the Furgotten Undercroft he’ll appear, steal the powerful Ricochet Rifle, and run off. The player has less than a minute to take him down, and he’ll use teleportation to traverse the area while flinging javelins.

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He can only be damaged between blinks, and players only have a few seconds in each area to take him down before he vanishes with the weapon forever. There are adds that will harass the player, but unlike the other boss fights, players will want to completely ignore them and focus all their attention on the Boss.

7 Canker

The Canker can be the most difficult boss for some players — it all depends on playstyle. The Canker is a timed boss fight as the room is filling with water. He casts a sound wave that causes a wave of water to crash into the player and knock them over. Stay on the sides to avoid it.

His other attack is to run across the room dropping corrosive bombs. These are easy enough to avoid in the beginning, but as the water rises they become invisible, so players must keep this in mind as they dodge.

6 Onslaught

Onslaught is arguably one of the toughest boss for players. He is quick on his feet and deals a lot of damage with his melee strikes. What makes him tough is his Blink ability, which allows him to quickly teleport across the room to either flank the player or surprise them with a frontal assault.

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It can be hard to keep tabs on this beast, so the player needs to keep their head on swivel. Don’t panic when he blinks away or if he suddenly appears out of nowhere to lunge. Stay focused, keep firing, and he'll eventually succumb.

5 Barbed Terror

The Barbed Terror certainly earns his namesake. This boss fights in a small, cramped arena that keeps the player within close proximity to the spiny horror. To make things worse, he has the power to summon needles that sprout across the wall making the arena itself a hazard for the player to navigate.

Even for melee focused players, this boss fight can be challenging. It doesn’t make it better that the player’s view is often obscured, and aiming can be something of a nightmare.

4 Gorefist

Gorefist is surprisingly challenging for one of the earlier bosses in the game. Like the Barbed Terror, his arena is relatively small and he likes to fight with broad, sweeping attacks. It also doesn’t help that this compact area can be swamped with adds in a very short time.

As if all of that wasn’t bad enough this is one of the first bosses the player will face. This means thy won’t posses terribly strong weapons, have lots of traits, or decent gear. It’s a tough battle and an introduction to the unforgiving nature of this game.

3 Riphide

Riphide is a lot easier if the player has experience and good items, but being an Earth boss means that this isn’t often the case. And heaven help the player that doesn’t have a solid form of AOE attack against this beast.

Fighting Riphide is all about managing multiple things at once. He’s capable of multiplying into new threats, summoning adds, and healing itself while striking out with power AOE attacks of its own. If the player ignores any one aspect of the fight, they’ll find themselves buried in a swarm of Root.

2 Iskal Queen

Some players would argue this should be the one of the easiest bosses in the game, given she’s easy to cheese. But if players tackle her as intended, she’s by far one of the fiercest Dungeon Bosses in the game.

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Many of her attacks are near impossible to avoid, which means the player will take a lot of damage in this fight. To make matters worse, her beetles can very quickly end the fight thanks to their chain attacks and AOE. For anyone chasing down the Crystalline Plasma or the Footwork trait instead of the Iskal Husk, this is a brutal fight.

1 Dream Eater

The Dream Eater from the Swamps of Corsus DLC is by far the most challenging Dungeon Boss that Gunfire Games has introduced to the world. It’s a master of misdirection thanks to its Shifting Charge and Clones. Players have a hard time keeping track of where he is and which one is the real one.

That presents a problem when the most effective method of killing this boss is to stay close to prevent it from using ranged attacks. It’s a nightmarish dance with a teleporting/fading boss, false enemies, and brutal projectiles.

NEXT: Remnant: From The Ashes DLC Adds New Dungeon, Adventure Mode

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