Wednesday, 26 May 2021 16:00

Friends: 10 Great Quotes That Are Still Hilarious | Game Rant

Written by Tom Bowen
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Not everything about Friends has aged gracefully, but these quotes remain just as funny today as they were when they were first broadcast.

It's been almost two decades since its final episode first aired on NBC, yet Friends still remains one of the most heavily syndicated shows on television. Old episodes continue to broadcast in countries all over the world and all ten seasons are now available on multiple streaming platforms. As fans prepare for the show's special one-off return, The One Where They Get Back Together, it may therefore seem to some as though the show never really left their lives in the first place.

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While not everything about the series has aged gracefully, its portrayal of day-to-day life and the insight it provides into the complexities of both platonic and romantic relationships remain largely relevant to the modern age. Much of the humor that the show offers up is timeless too, meaning that most of its jokes and one-liners are still just as funny today as they were when they first aired around the turn of the century.

10 "That Actually Means Something Here." - Rachel

Ross is incredibly proud of his PhD and loves to remind people of his accomplishment whenever an opportunity presents itself. When he introduces himself as "Doctor Ross Geller" at the hospital, however, Rachel reaches the end of her tether and puts her on-again, off-again lover firmly in his place with this hilarious and perfectly crafted burn.

There are other times when the show pokes fun of Ross' pomposity on the matter, like when Phoebe reminds Ross of "the time [he] tried to convince [them] that [he was] a doctor," but none are quite as funny as Rachel's well-timed response. Both will likely resonate strongly with viewers who have friends that hold a PhD though, particularly the ones that never shut up about it.

9 "We Were On A Break!" - Ross

Ross and Rachel's relationship is complicated even at the best of times, but none more so than during season 3. Ross' jealousy and Rachel's busy work schedule lead to the latter suggesting that the pair take a break from each other, although neither party seems sure of what exactly this entails. Both tell their friends that the relationship is over and fate gets in the way of Ross' initial attempts at reconciliation.

Believing that Rachel has already moved on, Ross eventually heads to a bar and ends up hooking up with the woman from the local copy place. The morning after, however, he learns that Rachel was just venting and is racked with guilt over what he's done. Despite the guilt though, he's quick to remind Rachel that the pair were, as she herself had suggested, "on a break." and the line goes on to become a running gag for the remainder of the series.

8 "Joey Doesn't Share Food!" - Joey

There are two things that Joey loves more than anything else in life: food and women. While his active dating life and near-constant flirting might suggest that the latter takes priority though, the struggling actor sets the record straight in season ten when he breaks things off with Phoebe's friend Sarah for helping herself to some of the food on his plate during the couple's first date.

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Phoebe is shocked by Joey's actions, particularly as he had worked so hard to convince her to set him up with Sarah in the first place. Rachel then informs Phoebe that Joey just doesn't share food, revealing that he had even refused to give one of his grapes to her infant daughter Emma. This surprises Phoebe even more, but Joey simply responds by repeating Rachel's assertion word for word; referring to himself in the third-person in the process.

7 "I Wish I Could, But I Don't Want To." - Phoebe

When Ross tries to cajole his friends into helping him assemble his new furniture, they each react in different ways. Joey's completely on board, Chandler reluctantly agrees and Rachel makes up a halfhearted excuse. When asked directly if she'd like to help out, Phoebe responds with brutal honesty, explaining that she just doesn't want to.

While very much in keeping with Phoebe's no-nonsense approach to life, starting the sentence with "I wish I could..." makes the line infinitely more funny, as too does the false sincerity in her voice. It's incredibly relatable as well and reflects what many people would like to say to their friends in situations like this, but choose not to for the sake of avoiding confrontation.

6 "Pivot!" - Ross

The term "book smart" was created for people like Ross Geller. Learned though he may be, he lacks the kind of practical skills required for day to day living, but is far too proud to ever admit it. There are plenty of examples of this throughout the show, the best of which comes towards the end of season 5 when the young paleontologist buys himself a new couch.

Rather than simply paying the delivery costs, Ross instead convinces Rachel to help him carry the couch three blocks back to the apartment. Upon their arrival, the pair enlist the help of Chandler to help them get it up the stairs, but it soon becomes apparent that it's just far too big for the narrow stairwell, despite the trio's best attempts to "Pivot!" Chandler eventually blows his top and Ross is forced to saw his ne couch in half.

5 "This Is All A Moo Point." - Joey

When Rachel asks the gang for advice on how long she should wait before making a move on her newly single assistant, Joey suggests that it may well be a "moo point" if Tag doesn't feel the same. Upon further questioning from his confused friends, he elaborates by saying that, like a cow's opinion, the question "just doesn't matter" if Rachel's feelings are unrequited.

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For as lovable as Joey is, he isn't the brightest bulb in the box and it's quotes like this one that serve as a constant reminder of that fact to viewers. It isn't the only time that Joey demonstrates his poor grasp of the English language either. He regularly gets confused about what being a paleontologist actually entails and also says "supposably" instead of supposedly.

4 "And Now I Have To Live With A Boy!" - Monica

When Monica tells Rachel that her and Chandler plan to move in together, Rachel initially thinks that the three of them will be sharing the apartment. Once the confusion has been cleared up though, Rachel is surprisingly okay with the idea of her having to move out, although the same cannot be said of Monica. As the pair pack up Rachel's belongings, the former head chef begins to get very emotional.

So often the voice of reason and arguably the most mature of the group, it's a little surprising to see Monica fall apart over something that she herself had pushed for. What's more surprising though, not too mention, hilarious, is that the crux of her distress stems not from the departure of her friend, but instead that she'll now be sharing the apartment with a "boy."

3 "If You're Not Careful, You May Not Get Married At All This Year." - Chandler

Despite only happening three times, Ross' proclivity for marrying and then divorcing women is a running gag throughout much of Friends. The rest of the group crack wise about it all the time, but none more so than in season 6 when Ross is questioning the sustainability of his relationship with his student Elizabeth due to the 12-year age gap. Well, that and her childish immaturity.

Monica asks her brother whether he could ever see himself marrying Elizabeth, but stops herself mid-sentence and jokes that he probably already has. Chandler then follows this up with one of his signature zingers, warning Ross that if he isn't careful, he may not get married at all that year. As well as being hilarious, there's a certain level of irony to the remarks due to the pair getting engaged later on in that very same episode.

2 "Who is FICA and why is he taking all my money?" - Rachel

The excitement of receiving one's very first pay check is incredibly relatable, as too is the disappointment felt upon realizing just how much of the money is lost to taxes and other reductions. Most learn this painful lesson before the age of 18, but that Rachel is in her mid-twenties and still doesn't know about federal insurance tax is pretty hilarious, more so as she somehow mistakes it for a person.

While all of the friends go through a lot of changes over the course of the show's ten seasons, it's perhaps Rachel who grows up the most. When she's first introduced to viewers, she comes across as a spoiled brat who's completely ignorant to the ways of the world. Granted, there are other contributing factors, but getting "one of those job things" and learning about taxes plays a big role in her development as a character.

1 "You Only Like Knock-Knock Jokes." - Chandler

Chandler takes a lot of pride in being the funny one in the gang and so when Monica mentions that her co-worker Jeffery is "the funniest guy [she's] ever met," Chandler really takes it to heart. As he vents to himself on his way back up to the apartment, he somehow finds himself asking a door if he's funny. When it doesn't respond, he questions its capacity for humor in a way that only Chandler could.

While it's true that not all of Chandler's attempts at humor land quite as well as he might have hoped, he's definitely right to think of himself as the joker of the gang. He offers up some of the very best one-liners in the show and is incredibly quick-witted too. Granted, the rest of the gang also elicit their fair share of laughs, but Chandler is the only one that the audience is consistently laughing with, rather than at.

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