There are hundreds of buildings in Verdansk, and players will have to win at least a few close-quarters gunfights to win a match in Warzone. Players that are trying to get high kill games must be prepared to fight multiple enemies up close. Good players utilize a few tactics that give them an advantage over the rest of the lobby.
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Close quarters engagements involve more complex elements than players might think, especially for players in higher-skilled lobbies. Players should be unpredictable and try using the below tips to conquer opposing teams at short range.

Players will have more success if they use the best SMGs in the game with the proper attachments and equipment. The meta weapons up close are the MP5s and the MAC-10. Teams with a high combined kill death ratio need to use the best weapons to wipe enemy teams. The Diamatti is still viable and can be used in extremely tight encounters as well. Players need to make sure they are using the largest magazine and the best attachments on each weapon.
The best way to win a close-quarters fight is to take the enemy out of the equation. Stun and flash grenades can be used to impair the opposing players' aim and movement. Similarly, players can opt for a heartbeat sensor and identify an enemy's exact location. Players should use semtex grenades or c4 to weaken enemies or catch them off guard if possible. Even if the lethal only removes one armor plate, the opposing player will be at a disadvantage in a one-on-one fight.

Close range fights are won and lost with movement. Experienced players will always challenge an opponent and relocate. By relocating, players can get a different angle on the enemy to catch them off guard. Players that are not getting shots off first need to seek cover and re-plate if possible. Any movement that the enemy does not expect equates to a slight advantage. Players should get creative and look for objects to mount and head glitches to get an edge over an opposing player. Slide canceling is essential, and players should keep tactical sprint activated when fighting enemies at shorter ranges.
Movement is even more important when taking on multiple foes in a small area. After downing an enemy player, Warzone players should relocate, reload, and re-plate. There are an endless number of players that lose fights because they do not remember to reload or re-plate. Players can heal up and reload while on the move and be ready to take on more enemies.

Professional Warzone players use several different strategies to win close engagements. One of the most common methods is jump challenging. A jump challenge is when a player engages tactical sprint, jumps, and then turns to lock on an enemy. The tactic is best used when jumping from behind cover, or recovering when an enemy is shooting a player in the back. The split-second, while a player is jumping, will challenge the enemy's aim, and opposing players will often miss a frame or two before reacting. Players can also use the jump challenge when a player is running toward them. If the player jump challenges at the same time an opposing player is sprinting forward, the player can jump around them and shoot them from behind. All of the best players use these tactics to take down enemies at close range.
Players should mix in crouch shooting and drop shots to make it harder for opponents to focus their aim. There is an opportunity cost with drop shots, as they may throw off the player's aim in the process. These strategies are not mastered overnight, and players must put the time in before they can be confident using them in Verdansk.
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Audio recognition is an extremely important skill in Warzone and players need to make as many observations as possible to predict the movement of enemy players. By listening closely, players can identify the number of enemies and their location in the building.

Players need to use field upgrades correctly to get in and out of point-blank gunfights. Dead silence can be used to push an enemy, as well as relocate or run from a gunfight. Because the enemies will be close, dead silence will be particularly effective against enemies because they will have little to no movement audio. Stopping power is equally useful up close, and players should prioritize getting these field upgrades and saving them for when they are needed. By using stopping power, players can down more enemies with a single clip. Teams only need to have one player with a trophy system, and players should prioritize dead silence and stopping power when playing at a fast pace.
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