Friday, 29 January 2021 20:15

Division 2: Everything You Need To Know About The Firewall Skill Tree

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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The Firewall from The Division 2 can seem like a pretty daunting specialization but this guide can help you better understand it.

Firewalls in The Division 2 choose to eliminate their targets with their trusty flamethrower, something that demonstrates their terrifying efficiency. Players who want to take up a unique DPS/Support role in Ubisoft's The Division sequel might take interest in the Firewall - a tactical equivalent of a mage with devastating fire-based skills. With this Specialization, Agents essentially have a squad member that dishes out constant damage-over-time (DOT) to decimate targets before they can fight back.

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Unfortunately, the flamethrower-toting Firewall might overwhelm first-time users with its rather flexible skillset. After all, should players optimize the Firewall as a DPS Specialization, or someone that should prioritize inflicting Burn damage? Thankfully, the right kind of familiarity with the Firewall's skill tree can help Operators maximize this Specialization's unique loadout. However, how exactly should players approach the Firewall?

Compared to other Specializations, the Firewall treads the fine line between tanking and DPS. Unlike the protective Gunner or the damage-oriented Demolitionist, the Firewall provides decent damage with its flamethrower while throwing off enemies with its Striker Shield. In turn, players might feel confused balancing its both offensive and defensive skill tree. Interestingly, fans should probably first remember that the Firewall skill tree has a focus in these areas of interest:

KB-JetStream Flamethrower: The Firewall primarily uses the KB-JetStream Flamethrower in combat. Essentially, this customized flamethrower can shoot a concentrated jet of fire up to 15 meters. In turn, the Firewall can provide the same frontline damage support as the Gunner, with the added Burn damage kick.

Offensive Tanking: Unlike the protective Gunner, the Firewall has a more offensive approach to tanking. Thanks to the KB-JetStream's panic-inducer, the Firewall can lead the team on aggressive approaches to enemy territory. Meanwhile, the buffing nature of the Striker Shield and other Firewall Talents encourage a more proactive approach in combat.

Fiery Softener: Interestingly, the Firewall's other weapon specializations allow it to finish off enemies depending on their approach with the KB-JetStream. They have a Cluster Grenade that further adds burst damage to enemy squads. Moreover, their special Firestarter shotgun can decimate the battlefield after a good softening, care of the Flamethrower.

Striker Shield: Unlike other Specializations that have Drones as assistants, the Firewall has the trusty Striker Shield instead. This modified Crusader Shield is exclusive to the Firewall, and works in tandem with the KB-JetStream. Essentially, the Shield can not only protect the Firewall but also buff allies behind it.  

Unlike other Specializations that rely on special firearms as Signature Weapons, the Firewall has the rather explosive KB-JetStream Flamethrower instead. This Signature Weapon essentially takes the form of a portable flamethrower that uses high-octane fuel to stream concentrated fire towards enemies.

Of all Signature Weapons, it's the KB-JetStream Flamethrower that is perhaps the most unique. For starters, its 15-meter effective range essentially inflicts Burn damage to enemies it hits. However, it also causes normal enemies to panic and flail around the battlefield. In turn, they become easy pickings for the Firewall and its allies.

Additionally, the KB-JetStream Flamethrower serves as the only Signature Weapon that players can use with shields. Interestingly, the Flamethrower does only work with the Striker Shield.

Damage: 477.6k

Rate of Fire: 500

Magazine: 50

Range: 15 Meters

Fire Mode: Ignition System

The destructive power of the KB-JetStream Flamethrower comes in the form of the High-Octane Gasoline Mixture. Essentially, this Talent explains the lore behind the Flamethrower's extremely volatile flames. As the name suggests, unlike conventional flamethrowers, the KB-JetStream uses a mixture of high-octane gasoline that's so potent that it only works within 15 meters. However, it does receive a damage penalty against Named opponents, as with other Signature Weapons.

Firewalls who want to maximize the KB-JetStream Flamethrower can actually invest in the Signature Weapon Damage Talent. Thanks to this Talent, Firewalls can enjoy up to (Tier 4) 40-percent increased Signature Weapon damage. Essentially, this Talent causes the Flamethrower to become an envoy of death. Players can soften up enemies with the Flamethrower and have allies finish them off with their own skills.

Firewalls still need a way of defending themselves from the volatile fires of their KB-JetStream Flamethrower. Thankfully, this comes in the form of the Striker Shield, a modified Crusader Shield that works in tandem with their Signature Weapon. Essentially, the Striker Shield provides both defensive and offensive opportunities for the Firewall and their teammates. Moreover, as a close-encounter skill, the shield becomes a great pair for skill combos that rely on close-quarters combat.

Interestingly, the Firewall gets a special shield instead of the usual drone of their other Specialization counterparts. The Striker Shield allows Firewalls to add a defensive component to their KB-JetStream Flamethrower, as it's the only shield that the Flamethrower can be paired with.

Perhaps more interesting is the Striker Shield's unique properties. The Striker Shield grants a damage boost to allies behind the Firewall based on the number of enemies in front of the Shield. 

Firewalls can improve the potency of their Striker Shield with the Shock Hardened Frame Talent. Essentially, this Talent adds a health boost to the Striker Shield, allowing Firewalls to use it longer in battle.

Interestingly, a Firewall's major set of characteristics encourage them to have a more offensive take on combat. Moreover, their stronger defenses allow them to tank much like their Gunner counterpart. However, the aggressive approach of the Firewall is thanks in part to its offensive-aligned buffs. For instance, Firewalls have the ability to regenerate health and armor on kills, or even generate armor much faster. On the offensive side, the Firewall also capitalizes on strengthening their fire affinity to deal more damage over time.

Unlike the more defensive Gunner, the more aggressive Firewall has a more proactive approach when it comes to engaging the enemy. Essentially, after softening them with the Flamethrower, the Firewall and their allies are expected to clear the battlefield with suppressing fire. Interestingly, the Firewall encourages this tactic further with the Firewall Tactical Link Talent. With this Talent, allies of the Firewall deal 10-percent more damage to all enemies within 10 meters of the Firewall. 

In turn, this actively encourages the squad to stick close to the Firewall - which also activates the buff of the Striker Shield. In turn, this skill combination becomes essential when taking control points or having a more aggressive approach to combat in general.

If other weapons can cause Burn damage, then what makes the Firewall so special? Interestingly, it all comes down to ingredients. Agents who unlock the Enriched Magnesium Formula Talent adds a whole world of pain to their Flamethrower damage. Essentially, this Talent adds 50-percent Burn duration to the Firewall's damage. In turn, enemies experience more damage-over-time that can leave them more vulnerable to finishing blows.

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Like the Gunner, Firewalls face grave danger by braving the frontlines. Thankfully, the game compensates the Firewall's effort with Frontline Recovery. This Talent essentially heals 30-percent of the Firewall's health whenever they score a kill. Interestingly, this straightforward Talent encourages the Firewall to become a more proactive combatant. After all, if kills guarantee a 30-percent heal, then aggressive tactics definitely become an ideal battle strategy.

Given the aggressive nature of the Firewall, perhaps the only reason for them to stop firing is whenever they need to recuperate. Unfortunately, some Firewalls tend to overstay their welcome in the frontlines - which leads to their death. Thankfully, the Extracellular Matrix Mesh Talent provides a reason for Firewalls to stay more careful in combat. Essentially, the Talent allows armor kits to heal 200-percent armor and 200-percent health over 10 seconds. 

A lot of players state that this armor kit augmentation is by far the best one in the game. In critical situations, a 200-percent heal for both armor and health can become a godsend.

The Firewall's namesake applies even to their approach in combat. In fact, much of the Firewall's specialized weapons and abilities focus on being as aggressive as possible to eliminate enemies the fastest. In turn, the Firewall has Talents that increase critical damage, boost damage-over-time, or even help the Firewall adapt to long-range and short-range incursions as soon as possible.

As with other Specializations, the Firewall gets their own unique grenade befitting their combat role. Thanks to the Cluster Grenade, the Firewall gets an additional burst damage weapon to exacerbate its Burn damage. Essentially, the Cluster Grenade releases smaller grenades that detonate at once. Unlike other grenades, the Cluster Grenade seems quite a straightforward weapon - which adds to the more aggressive approach of the Firewall.

What's better than fire? More fire! And interestingly, the Firewall has just the right tool to get the job done. The Firestarter grants Firewalls access to a special chambered shotgun that contains flammable fine powder. Essentially, the shotgun increases the volatility of targets to catch fire.

With the Firestarter, an optimal approach becomes to pepper targets with the shotgun first and then increase damage-over-time with the Flamethrower's Burn. However, this is inadvisable as a first counter-strategy. Rather, Firewalls should use this approach when flanked by enemies and their reinforcements.

It's a bad day to be a Firewall if enemies break through their defenses. After all, a flamethrower won't be as useful if it can't exactly damage opponents. Interestingly, a Firewall can turn the tables through a shotgun, as its close-range efficacy gives a mean punch in tight situations. Thanks to the Running the Gun Talent, Firewalls can enjoy as much as (Tier 3) 15-percent additional shotgun damage. Essentially, a shotgun enables Firewalls to have a backup weapon in close quarters engagement.

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An interesting addition to the Firewall's arsenal lies with the Tactical Short Grip Attachment, a shotgun attachment for underbarrel longer rails. While it seems like an ordinary attachment, this item does add 10-percent to critical hit damage. This addition might seem ordinary, but the 10-percent critical boost can be a lifesaver for more aggressive approaches against bosses and Elites. At the hands of an expert, such a critical boost can easily let an Agent tear through harder enemies.

While the Firewall specializes in aggressive engagements, sometimes a Flamethrower just isn't enough to reach all opponents in a room. Unfortunately, this can be quite an inconvenient scenario for the tanking Specialization. However, Firewalls may be able to turn the tide with a practical long-range solution. Thanks to the assault rifle, the Firewall has a decent damage-dealer for mid-range to slightly long-range incursions. Moreover, with the E.M.I. Talent, Firewalls can enjoy (Tier 3) 15-percent increased assault rifle damage. 

The Firewall's penchant for aggressive tanking reflects even in some of its miscellaneous Talents. Interestingly, unlike the defensive Gunner, the Firewall encourages allies to be just as aggressive as them in order to receive stronger benefits throughout combat. For instance, the Striker Shield's buff increases the squad's damage as long as they stay behind the Firewall.

This seems risky at first, as staying too close to the frontline can be a challenge - it would mean getting damaged easier, right? However, the Firewall's passive buffs has more benefits than setbacks. Moreover, the Firewall's kills can also help generate ammunition and defense for the squad, further encouraging them to stick closer to the Firewall for assistance.

As tanks, Firewalls are expected to lead the charge against enemy forces. Unfortunately, the Firewall's squad might lose their fire if they run out of ammunition quickly. Thankfully, the Firewall's Group Signature Ammo Acquisition Talent incentivizes a close-range aggressive approach against enemies. Essentially, this Talent enables the Firewall's teammates to get one (1) ammo for enemies the Firewall kills within 10 meters, provided they don't use the Flamethrower.

In turn, this highly encourages teammates to stick close to the Firewall to provide suppressive fire whenever the Firewall uses their other weapons. The tradeoff is worth the while, though, consider it may help them recover their Signature Weapon Ammo.

The fires of justice have no limits - or something along those lines. In the post-apocalyptic Washington DC setting of The Division 2, ammunition is obviously on short supply. Not for the Firewall, though. Thanks to the Firewall Ammo Acquisition Talent, Firewalls can get three (3) ammo bar by killing enemies within 10 meters with weapons except for the Flamethrower. This highly encourages Firewalls to use other weapons to diversify their offensive tactics.

Even the Firewall doesn't have a perfect defense. Sometimes, enemies can just break through the Firewall's offense and start flaking them and the rest of the squad. Thankfully, the Firewall still has some tricks up their sleeve in these dire situations. Thanks to the Fiery Response Talent, armor breaks to the Firewall will apply Burn to all enemies within five meters. This essentially gives the Firewall a short window to clap back and eliminate the threat after their armor becomes broken. Likewise, they can also switch to a more offensive weapon like an LMG in these emergencies.

While it's been proven that the Firewall can still have its defenses broken, the Firewall is also always in a position to protect themselves from heavy fire. Interestingly, the Bull Rush Passive gives 50-percent bonus armor to the Firewall whenever they go from cover-to-cover. Essentially, the cornered Firewall could simply just rush for cover to slowly regain armor and get back into the fight.

NEXT: The Division 2: Every Specialization Explained

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