Saturday, 30 January 2021 05:03

Destiny 2 Streamer Ekuegan Shows His ‘Golden Vault’

Written by Steven Marinelli
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Destiny 2 streamer Ekuegan has achieved an impressive feat of filling his 500 slots of vault space with only masterworked exotic armor.

Destiny 2 has always had an element of collecting that some players take more seriously than others. This collection mentality has often sparked the conversation of vault space, with many players calling for more space to collect the loot they earn. Many players keep their favorite ‘God Rolls’ while others optimize space by deleting old, sunset items, to make room for the new gear of the season, however scarce it may be.

One Destiny 2 player has taken things to another level by filling the 500 slots in his vault with only exotic armor pieces. If that was not impressive enough, he has also made sure that all 500 pieces are fully masterworked, giving off that "Golden Vault" vibe that many players will be jealous of. Twitch streamer Ekuegan showed off his impressive vault on his stream and shared the clip with Twitter, where many Destiny 2 community members asked questions regarding how long it took to achieve, as well as trying to gauge the value of Ekuegan’s vault.

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An in-game value can be figured to give players more insight into the value of Ekuegan’s vault. Each Destiny 2 masterworked exotic armor piece takes: 24 Thousand Glimmer, 30 Legendary Shards, 5 Enhancement Cores, 5 Enhancement Prisms, and 3 Ascendant Shards. That makes for a grand total of 12 Million Glimmer, 15 Thousand Legendary Shards, 2,500 Enhancement Cores, 2,500 Enhancement Prisms, and 1,500 Ascendant Shards. That is one expensive Golden Vault.

The most valuable resource here is the Ascendant Shard, an exotic resource mainly found in end-game activities such as Master/Grandmaster Nightfall: The Ordeal, or Trials of Osiris. Players may also visit the Gunsmith, Banshee, to trade in 50 Thousand Glimmer, 100 random planetary materials, and 10 Enhancement Prisms, for 1 Ascendant Shard. With the value of the Ascendant Shards being so high, its no wonder why Ekuegan’s fully masterworked vault is drawing attention.

Some players may be wondering why someone would stash all these Destiny 2 exotic armor pieces in their vault. Players who frequent end-game activities, specifically, the Master/Grandmaster Nightfall: The Ordeal, are often earning more Ascendant Shards than Destiny 2 currently allows them to hold. Using them to masterwork armor can be a way of saving more Ascendant Shards than Destiny 2 allows. The downside to this is that players must dismantle the masterworked gear to cash in on their savings. Players will only receive 1 Ascendant Shard when dismantling a masterworked exotic armor piece, meaning, this stack of 500 exotic armor pieces cost 1,500 Ascendant Shards to achieve, but will only return 500 Ascendant Shards when dismantled.

Ekuegan has certainly set the bar for the use of vault space inside of Destiny 2. With his Twitch stream showing 1,562 lifetime Grandmaster Nightfall: The Ordeal completions, it is no surprise that he has enough in-game materials to achieve this amazing feat of 500 masterworked exotic pieces in his vault.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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