Assassin's Creed Valhalla players are very likely to get lost exploring England before they get too far into the story. For the most part, this is a good thing as it helps players get more powerful and attain new abilities, equipment, and skills, but sometimes it can come back to bite them. This is the case with Cordelia, one of the Daughters of Lerion, as she is far too powerful for players to defeat when they first encounter her int he relatively low level region of East Anglia. This is in large part due to how Valhalla handles Eivor's power level.
For those that aren't aware, Eivor's strength in Assassin's Creed Valhalla is measured in power level, a number that increases with each skill point the player spends. Aside from unlocking new techniques for Eivor, spending skill points to increase power also makes them able to combat higher level enemies with less risk. Cordelia is power level 340, so she will be difficult to take down at low levels.
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Despite this, it is possible to beat her early on, especially if players make use of a few important skills and abilities. For starters, the Brush With Death skill from Eivor's skill tree is a necessity, as it will slow time whenever the player dodges Cordelia's attacks leaving her open for retaliation. In terms of abilities, Rage of Helheim is capable of dealing heavy damage when it connects, and the Harpoon Impalement also has a particularly damaging effect on her. Players that manage to skewer Cordelia near a wall can throw her into it for a massive chunk of damage.
In terms of the actual fight, the biggest thing players need to watch out for is her lightning after image. Like the other Daughters of Lerion, after nearly every attack she makes, an electric image of herself will repeat the attack afterwards, so dodging twice may be required. With her high level, she will instakill most players, so it's vital to learn her attacks. Her two primary attacks are a spin attack that can be parried and an unblockable leap attack. Parry the former for free hits and dodge the latter at all costs. Finally, at half health, she will retreat and drop lightning on the sky, watch the ground to avoid these bolts.
For those players that manage to defeat Cordelia, the reward is Thor's Gauntlets. Additionally, she will drop Cordelia's Dagger, the third and final key needed to activate the statue with three slits in it also found in East Anglia. This will lead players to Thor's Helmet, the fourth piece of the set needed to get the Mythical hammer Mjolnir.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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