Sunday, 31 January 2021 05:57

New Skullgirls Trailer Teases Annie and Mystery DLC Character

Written by Jonathan Ammerman
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The newest Skullgirls 2nd Encore teaser trailer shows off Annie of the Stars and some of her moveset, while also hinting at a new fighter.

Autumn Games and Hidden Variable have just revealed the newest trailer for Skullgirls 2nd Encore to tease the newest fighter for the game. Annie of the Stars will be coming to the game soon, and the trailer has some exciting details for Skullgirls' newest brawler.

The teaser trailer is of the short and sweet variety, but fans of Skullgirls will likely rip apart every detail. Annie of the Stars was first revealed to be joining the Skullgirls 2nd Encore roster back in August of 2020, so seeing her stars, dangerous bunny kicks, and sharp sword in action is likely exciting for fans.

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What fans may notice right away about Annie in her teaser trailer is that she uses her sword and kick combos to great effect. She has a bunny rabbit attached to her leg--which is an interesting design choice--but that is also the leg she uses when kicking, it seems. Her sword and kick flurries are powerful, and she also looks to have a Dragon Ball Z-like Kamehameha that looks devastating (spruced up with starry effects, of course). Annie of the Stars is set to join Skullgirls 2nd Encore later in 2021.

Right towards the end of the video, there is a second treat, albeit a very small one. As the message reads "A new star entered the spotlight," likely for Annie, a question mark appears next to Annie's face, indicating that another character will soon join the roster. The mystery hint almost seemed to point at something more, as if a silhouette would soon appear, or something of that nature. But alas, fans will have to wait for more concrete information down the road.

Annie of the Stars and the surprise secret mystery character may have taken a bit longer than fans have expected, but that is likely because of the unfortunate sexual misconduct allegations against Lab Zero Games. The investigations certainly took precedent, and developers of Skullgirls ended up resigning due to the controversy, therefore some time developing the fighters was perhaps put on the back burner.

The result was that Autumn Games and Hidden Variable Studios cut ties with Lab Zero Games and took over the development of Skullgirls, again a process that likely took time. Thankfully for fans, the game development looks to be back on track. But more importantly, hopefully, the victims of the misconduct were taken care of, justice was met, and the situation was handled.

Skullgirls is currently available on PC, iOS, Android, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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