Sunday, 31 January 2021 15:50

Marvel’s Avengers: Leaked DLC Characters With The Most Potential

Written by Richard Warren
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While many of the leaked Marvel’s Avengers heroes would be great to see in-game, there are a few additions that stand out as the most exciting.

Marvel’s Avengers developer Crystal Dynamics has been hard at work fixing the game, and with several bug-eliminating patches released to make the game more stable, DLC is on the horizon. With Kate Bishop’s DLC releasing at the end of last year and the original Hawkeye’s expansion dropping soon, there are more reasons for fans to be excited about the game’s future. However, some of the leaked DLC heroes for Marvel’s Avengers are even more exciting than the pair of archers.

While some of the Marvel’s Avengers DLC additions are similar to characters already available in-game, just as many can introduce some completely fresh gameplay to the mix. With many of Marvel’s most iconic heroes rumored to be coming to the game, fans will likely be thrilled to see their favorite character debut — even if they are reminiscent of another existing character. However, some of the possible DLC additions clearly have more upsides than others, as there are a few standout characters that will supposedly be joining the Marvel’s Avengers roster sometime soon.

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With WandaVision taking the world by storm, including its complex main character in Marvel’s Avengers seems like a guaranteed recipe for success. Wanda Maximoff has always been a popular character for fans of the comics, as her reality-warping in the House of M storyline creates one of Marvel’s best crossover events. While that story is being loosely adapted in WandaVision, it would be great to see it recreated more closely in Marvel’s Avengers, as it makes for a perfect DLC story focused on Scarlet Witch.

Beyond being the catalyst for an excellent storyline, though, Scarlet Witch would simply be a blast to play. Her telekinesis attacks could be very unique, similar to Isaac Clarke’s telekinesis abilities in the Dead Space series. Picking up smaller aim bots from a distance to throw them at a boss/larger enemy would be unlike any other hero, alongside dismantling components from larger machine-based enemies. Beyond that, Scarlet Witch’s flight could allow her to move quickly, and her Ultimate ability could make use of her reality warping in some way. Leaning into her immense power like in the comics and films, playing as Wanda Maximoff should be incredibly satisfying.

Not to be outdone, Wanda’s husband Vision would also be plenty of fun to use in-game. From phasing through enemies, to hardening as a way to go temporarily immune from damage, Vision’s most well-known powers would make for some terrific intrinsic abilities. Players could charge up both the phasing and hardening via successful melee attacks, and chain these abilities together to become unstoppable. Vision’s Mind Stone beam would be an excellent Ultimate ability, with specifications allowing him to make the beam wider, stronger, or having it last for a longer time.

Much like how the Clint Barton Hawkeye DLC is a continuation of the story started in Kate Bishop’s DLC, Vision’s storyline can also function as a two-parter. Either helping to save Wanda from herself or a greater threat, the Wanda and Vision expansions could serve as a great one-two punch for Marvel’s Avengers content. Apart from telling a meaningful, connected story, Vision’s inclusion could allow for some great elevator conversations with Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, and the rest of the game’s roster.

The addition of Marvel’s iconic bite-sized heroes is one that Crystal Dynamics seems to have already prepared for, as Ant-Man and The Wasp’s abilities already exist in-game. With Pym Particles already available as a status effect that can be applied to enemies, there's a solid foundation to build from when designing the dynamic duo. With Ant-Man’s Ultimate likely being a transformation into Giant Man, dodging via shrinking seeming like an obvious ability, and The Wasp’s energy blasts offering a solid ranged option, the characters seem perfect for the game.

Further, a possible narrative has already been teased in the main story for Marvel’s Avengers, as Hank Pym’s creation of Roy seems like the beginnings of Ultron. With the villain bringing some new enemy types to the game, a two-part DLC starring Ant-Man and The Wasp could bring some much-needed gameplay variety to Avengers. However, it may be hard to avoid Marvel’s Avengers’ fundamental problem with expansions, as whichever hero releases second will likely struggle to have a unique playstyle. Despite this, these founding members of The Avengers are more than worthy of an in-game appearance, so long as they play differently from one another.

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Carol Danvers joining the Marvel’s Avengers roster seems like a given, both due to the story’s introduction of the Kree and the limitless possibilities that come with her gameplay. As one of the strongest characters in Marvel comics and the MCU, Captain Marvel would likely join Thor at the top of every character power ranking. While balancing Captain Marvel’s abilities may be difficult, it will absolutely be worthwhile. The addition of the hero’s “Seventh Sense” ability could prove to be a unique gameplay feature: letting Captain Marvel slow down time to see enemy attacks before they happen, that power would make for a highly unique Ultimate ability.

As for Captain Marvel’s story, playing off of her bond with Ms. Marvel would be terrific to see. With Kamala Khan idolizing Carol, having the duo meet up and work together could create some excellent moments — allowing the veteran hero to mentor the youngster and make her an even better force for good. While the MCU’s Captain Marvel 2 will see Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel teaming up, Crystal Dynamics should do the same with its own DLC. With the expansion potentially releasing around the time of the film’s first trailer or official release, Captain Marvel could serve as a major boost to the game due to her unique set of powers.

Rounding out the list is none other than Doctor Stephen Strange. By far the most unique hero on the list of rumored DLC characters, seeing him clash with the villain Nightmare would make for a perfect expansion. Letting the two battle it out across multiple universes could make for some excellent locales unlike anything in the game thus far, while Strange’s interactions with the rest of the cast in Warzone missions would be interesting to hear. With teleportation also available to the Master of the Mystic Arts, Strange could take The Avengers to any unique location from the Marvel universe that Crystal Dynamics would like to use.

As for Doctor Strange’s in-game powers, giving the character access to a wide array of spells is a must, as his moveset is more unique than every other Avenger rumored to be coming in DLC. Using the Cloak of Levitation for movement could be fun, and the Eye of Agamotto would make for a very unique Ultimate ability. Allowing Strange to reverse time, the Eye could revive all downed teammates and refill previously used abilities — while having the damage dealt to enemies carry over. While the MCU’s Doctor Strange will be busy repairing the Multiverse, the Sorcerer Supreme joining the Avengers roster would be a perfect addition.

Marvel's Avengers is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions currently in development.

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